New AP/GfK Poll Reflect The American People's Thoughts on Healthcare Reform


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Opinion Of Health Care Law

  • 40% - Support
  • 41% - Oppose

When asked "What Should Congress Do With Health Care Law?" the American People respond:

  • 43% - Change So It Does More
  • 26% - Repeal Completely
  • 19% - Leave As Is
  • 10% - Chage So It Does Less

Good luck Republicans, seems all your efforts to lie about, malign and attack Healthcare Reform has failed. Yet, they continue to use "Obamacare" as a curse word. Anyway...good luck.

Source: Newsvine - AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases
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So on 19% are happy with it. the other 81 per cent want it changed or repealed outright. That's very different than what was posted yesterday. It actually supports my Rasmussen poll. Thanks for posting.
Only 26% want it repealed completely, and the Republican nitwits in Congress are making repeal their first order of business.


Yep. And you can check the history of posts from during the Summer of The Tea Party, when all they were screaming was that BS about "The American People all DON'T want this kind of change."

I believe they were spouting off some number in the high 70% its max.

Meanwhile, for those that said they didn't like least HALF of them didn't like it because they wanted MORE change, not less. However, The Corporate Media, and certainly the Tea Party folk never sold it that way.

I think this month is the beginning of the revival of Barack Obama the man, the brand and the plan.

The Republicans are going to lead this man right back in to an easy win.

All because of their radical
Count me as one of those who don't like the HCR bill

I want it to do more
I just heard on tv that more Democrats are wavering on the repeal...Senators, also. I still think they should repeal the HCR bill and appoint an 18 bipartisan Congressional commission to hammer out the details on a new Health Care Bill. No group would be exempt..No elected officials or unions!

This bill should be passed by 2/3 of each house. It is that important.
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I just heard on tv that more Democrats are wavering on the repeal...Senators, also. I still think they should repeal the HCR bill and appoint an 18 bipartisan Congressional commission to hammer out the details on a new Health Care Bill. No group would be exempt..No elected officials or unions!

This bill should be passed by 2/3 of each house. It is that important.

Are you for or against a public option?
Opinion Of Health Care Law

  • 40% - Support
  • 41% - Oppose

When asked "What Should Congress Do With Health Care Law?" the American People respond:

  • 43% - Change So It Does More
  • 26% - Repeal Completely
  • 19% - Leave As Is
  • 10% - Chage So It Does Less

Good luck Republicans, seems all your efforts to lie about, malign and attack Healthcare Reform has failed. Yet, they continue to use "Obamacare" as a curse word. Anyway...good luck.

Source: Newsvine - AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases

Strongly support 21%
Strongly oppose 30%
I dunno...looks like were still going to have to see what's in it....I do assure you that few really do know that.
In California, it has already been noted that one reason the health plans now have to raise the premiums 70% is that there is a shrinking pool of healthy people: Paying into the plans.

My age group only starts getting Medicare during this year. In the meantime, tests and procedures, colonoscopies, screenings, and outright illnesses have to be paid from private sources. The 30-40 percent of uninsurred actually are costing the health plans a fortune(?)! They pay nothing in, and there is no federal subsidy available to help them pay.

The fact that the federal government is making the larger risk pool a national priority, however, is what has the TeaBersekers all enraged and shooting about all the supermarkets, everywhere(?). Even attorneys are noting that the federal government: Seems on its face to be forcing people to buy a product. A judge has ruled that the requirement is not a tax. There is no specific Constitutional language which compels any person to buy any thing or service.

Less clear is whether or not the federal government can apply arithmetic to national agenda. It already does, so many might think that the approach like that is already settled law. Peole are not necessarily being compeled to buy a specific product or policy. In fact all that is new in the plan is that funds now become available for the creation of a larger risk pool.

People can choose, and choose not to choose if so compelled, according to scruples, under the law. Governments routinely force people to make choices. That part is clearly not at issue.

The TeaBerserkers, as many now seem to be able to guess, have mainly not approached the choice for what it is. Instead of Welfare funding, if you now want the choice: Then you pay into the pool.

That's all that it is. If you can't afford it, then the federal government provides a subsidy. The subsidy goes to the pool, however: The individual is only a beneficiary, and of the pool of insured!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And then on the other hand, if choose not to regardless MLK, Jr. the head theologian of the only religion in the federal birthday calendary, then you can be regarded a racist, or something: Since not to regard MLK, Jr., in fact a theologian, is to be racist! Anyone knows that the Holy Father, also has a birthday: And even visited the gulag at Buckingham to make sure that the boys were in capable hands. . . .as it were!)
Opinion Of Health Care Law

  • 40% - Support
  • 41% - Oppose

When asked "What Should Congress Do With Health Care Law?" the American People respond:

  • 43% - Change So It Does More
  • 26% - Repeal Completely
  • 19% - Leave As Is
  • 10% - Chage So It Does Less

Good luck Republicans, seems all your efforts to lie about, malign and attack Healthcare Reform has failed. Yet, they continue to use "Obamacare" as a curse word. Anyway...good luck.

Source: Newsvine - AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases

I Love it when the AP goes out of their way to Defy the Results of the only Poll that Matters...

The Election.


  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
Opinion Of Health Care Law

  • 40% - Support
  • 41% - Oppose

When asked "What Should Congress Do With Health Care Law?" the American People respond:

  • 43% - Change So It Does More
  • 26% - Repeal Completely
  • 19% - Leave As Is
  • 10% - Chage So It Does Less

Good luck Republicans, seems all your efforts to lie about, malign and attack Healthcare Reform has failed. Yet, they continue to use "Obamacare" as a curse word. Anyway...good luck.

Source: Newsvine - AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases

:lol: good luck to who? did you actually READ the poll?

did you read the poll? that is the sample questions? The responses by % and demographic/vocational breakdown?

and of course this choice- 'Change So It Does More'

is a loaded done.

Q- HC14a is the bracket you should be really looking at.

HC 30 is telling as well. The mandate? big thumbs down.

READ the Poll.
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Opinion Of Health Care Law

  • 40% - Support
  • 41% - Oppose

When asked "What Should Congress Do With Health Care Law?" the American People respond:

  • 43% - Change So It Does More
  • 26% - Repeal Completely
  • 19% - Leave As Is
  • 10% - Chage So It Does Less

Good luck Republicans, seems all your efforts to lie about, malign and attack Healthcare Reform has failed. Yet, they continue to use "Obamacare" as a curse word. Anyway...good luck.

Source: Newsvine - AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases
A dem leaning poll. Anybody with half a brain sees this for what it is, bullshit. The majority of registered or likely voters are still for repealing the bullshit bill.
Only 26% want it repealed completely, and the Republican nitwits in Congress are making repeal their first order of business.

So you believe the bullshit poll. The majority of Americans hate the bill. It was pushed throught without being read behind closed doors without republican participation. The socialists paid for it this last election, idiots.
Only 26% want it repealed completely, and the Republican nitwits in Congress are making repeal their first order of business.


Yep. And you can check the history of posts from during the Summer of The Tea Party, when all they were screaming was that BS about "The American People all DON'T want this kind of change."

I believe they were spouting off some number in the high 70% its max.

Meanwhile, for those that said they didn't like least HALF of them didn't like it because they wanted MORE change, not less. However, The Corporate Media, and certainly the Tea Party folk never sold it that way.

I think this month is the beginning of the revival of Barack Obama the man, the brand and the plan.

The Republicans are going to lead this man right back in to an easy win.

All because of their radical
When you talk radical extremeism you mean the dimwits and obamaturd with his socialist backers like Bill Ayers and that idiot sorros. They are all idiots.

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