New Anne Coulter Book On Racism By The Left Sets The Record Straight. Read It.


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama supporters thought that electing a black president would end race as a major issue in politics once and for all.....but instead Obama and friends had other ideas.

Instead they used and continue to use race as a weapon more than ever before.

Now this country is more racially divided then just about any point in our history.

Chapter 1: Race Wars of Convenience, Not Necessity

The Democrats’ slogan during the Bush years was: “Dissent is patriotic.”
Under Obama, it’s: “Dissent is racist.”

Liberals luxuriate in calling other people “racists” out of pure moral
preening. They seem to imagine that in African American households
throughout the land you’ll find mantel portraits of Martin Luther King Jr.,
Robert Kennedy and Keith Olbermann. (More likely, those mantels would
have portraits of Bernie Goetz.)

Beginning in the seventies, there was constant racial turmoil in this
country, stirred up by the media, academia and Hollywood to promote
their fantasy of America as “Mississippi Burning.”

This was madness. There had been a real fight over civil rights for a century,
especially in the previous two decades, but by the end of the sixties, it
was over. Segregationist violence was gone, and all public places integrated.
But in their minds, liberals lived in a heroic past, where they were the ones
manning the barricades and marching against segregation. Liberals were
hallucinating—about the present and the past.

Contrary to the myth Democrats told about themselves—that they
were hairy-chested warriors for equal rights—the entire history of civil
rights consists of Republicans battling Democrats to guarantee the constitutional rights of black people.

Web Extra: Read an Exclusive Excerpt of Ann Coulter’s New Book - ABC News
the party that can not get even one percet of the black vote has no right to discuss race as if they know anything about it.

BTW Mann Cultwhore lies in her first few words.

Go get ONE person who said electing Obama would end racisim?
Does anyone know that the military was the earliest totally integrated organization in the United States? Who made sure blacks could attend school?

Who was responsible for that?

It sure wasn't Democrats.

It took a lifelong soldier who had smashed the Nazi war machine to
compel total racial integration in the military. Eisenhower may have felt as
his fellow Republican and soldier Senator Charles Potter did when he stood
on crutches in the well of the Senate—he lost both legs in World War II —
and denounced the Democrats for refusing to pass a civil rights bill. “I
fought beside Negroes in the war,” Potter said. “I saw them die for us. For
the Senate of the United States to repay these valiant men . . . by a watereddown version of this legislation would make a mockery of the democratic concept we hold so dear.”

When Eisenhower ran for reelection in 1956, the Republican Party
platform endorsed the recent Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of
Education desegregating public schools. The Democratic platform did not.
Indeed, a number of Democratic governors proceeded to ignore the landmark decision. Ike responded by sending in the 101st Airborne to walk black children to school.

In his second term, Eisenhower pushed through two major civil rights
laws and created the Civil Rights Commission—over the stubborn objections
of Democrats. Senator Lyndon Johnson warned his fellow segregationist
Democrats, “Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again.”
Liberal hero, Senator Sam Ervin told his fellow segregationists, “I’m on
your side, not theirs,” adding ruefully, “we’ve got to give the goddamned
******* something.”
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Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew were painted by the media as crooks.....but they both did a lot for race relations in this country when it wasn't popular.

An old Nixon speech almost sounds like an Obama speech:

Nixon had said, “people in the ghetto have to
have more than an equal chance. They should be given a dividend.”

One of the main reasons Nixon chose a rookie like Spiro Agnew as his
vice presidential nominee was Agnew’s sterling civil rights record. Agnew
had passed some of the first bans on racial discrimination in public housing
in the nation—before the federal laws—and then beaten segregationist
George Mahoney for governor of Maryland in 1966. That was the Mahoney
in “Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace.”

With the segregationist vote split between Democrat Hubert Humphrey
and George Wallace in the 1968 presidential election, Nixon won.
In his inaugural address, he said, “No man can be fully free while his
neighbor is not. To go forward at all is to go forward together. This means
black and white together, as one nation, not two. The laws have caught up
with our conscience. What remains is to give life to what is in the law: to
ensure at last that as all are born equal in dignity before God, all are born
equal in dignity before man.”

President Nixon proceeded to desegregate the public schools with lightning
speed. Just within Nixon’s first two years, black students attending
segregated schools in the South declined from nearly 70 percent to 18.4
percent. There was more desegregation of American schools in Nixon’s
first term than in any historical period before or since.

During the campaign, Nixon had said, “people in the ghetto have to
have more than an equal chance. They should be given a dividend.” As
president, he followed through by imposing formal racial quotas and timelines on the building trades. The construction industry got a lot of business from the federal government and yet had doggedly refused to hire blacks. They had been given long enough do so voluntarily. Nixon was fed up with the union’s foot dragging and demanded results.

Web Extra: Read an Exclusive Excerpt of Ann Coulter’s New Book - ABC News
Can any of you on the right give us an example of racism towards black people in the last 30 years?

Has there been any or is the black community just lying about racism?
So every time a black person mentions a case of racism in this country they are lying?
the party that can not get even one percet of the black vote has no right to discuss race as if they know anything about it.

BTW Mann Cultwhore lies in her first few words.

Go get ONE person who said electing Obama would end racisim?

To clarify...are you a supporter of the Democrats, the party of

'slavery, segregation, sedition, and secularization'?
Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spiro Theodore Agnew (pronunciation: /ˈspɪroʊ ˈæɡnjuː/; November 9, 1918 – September 17, 1996) was the 39th Vice President of the United States (1969–1973), serving under President Richard Nixon, and the 55th Governor of Maryland (1967–1969). He was the first Greek American to hold these offices.

During his fifth year as Vice President, in the late summer of 1973, Agnew was under investigation by the United States Attorney's office in Baltimore, Maryland, on charges of extortion, tax fraud, bribery and conspiracy. In October, he was formally charged with having accepted bribes totaling more than $100,000 while holding office as Baltimore County Executive, Governor of Maryland, and Vice President of the United States. On October 10, 1973, Agnew was allowed to plead no contest to a single charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, with the condition that he resign the office of Vice President. Nixon replaced him by appointing by then House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford to the office of Vice President.

Agnew is the only Vice President in United States history to resign because of criminal charges. Ten years after leaving office, in January 1983, Agnew paid the state of Maryland nearly $270,000 as a result of a civil suit that stemmed from the bribery allegations.
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Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included "dirty tricks" such as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides ordered harassment of activist groups and political figures, using the FBI, CIA, and the Internal Revenue Service. The activities became known after five men were caught breaking into Democratic party headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972. The Washington Post picked up on the story; reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward relied on an informant known as "Deep Throat"—later revealed to be Mark Felt, associate director at the FBI—to link the men to the Nixon administration. Nixon downplayed the scandal as mere politics, calling news articles biased and misleading. As a series of revelations made it clear that Nixon aides had committed crimes in attempts to sabotage the Democrats and others, senior aides such as White House Counsel John Dean and Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman faced prosecution.[105][187][188]

In July 1973, White House aide Alexander Butterfield testified that Nixon had a secret taping system that recorded his conversations and phone calls in the Oval Office. These tapes were subpoenaed by Watergate Special Counsel Archibald Cox. Nixon refused to release them, citing executive privilege. With the White House and Cox at loggerheads, Nixon had Cox fired in October in the "Saturday Night Massacre"; he was replaced by Leon Jaworski. In November, Nixon's lawyers revealed that an audio tape of conversations, held in the White House on June 20, 1972, featured an 18½ minute gap.[188] Rose Mary Woods, the President's personal secretary, claimed responsibility for the gap, alleging that she had accidentally wiped the section while transcribing the tape, though her tale was widely mocked. The gap, while not conclusive proof of wrongdoing by the President, cast doubt on Nixon's statement that he had been unaware of the cover-up.[
Can any of you on the right give us an example of racism towards black people in the last 30 years?

Has there been any or is the black community just lying about racism?

Is there a reason that you pick that particular time frame?

Is this the reason?

1. The Republican Party was formed and an explicitly antislavery party, as opposed to the Democrats, who vied for the immigrant vote by championing slavery. John C. Fremont, first Republican candidate for President, opposed the expansion of slavery under the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The Republican slogan was “Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, and Fremont.”

a. Fremont lost to Democrat Buchanan, whose party invented the Kansas-Nebraska Act. “…Buchanan, a Democrat, warned that the Republicans were extremists…” United States presidential election, 1856 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. “Some critics of the Dred Scott decision charged that ][Democrat] President James Buchanan had conspired with Chief Justice Roger B. Taney to allow further expansion of slavery. Such critics included Abraham Lincoln and other Republicans….The historical record seems to indicate that Taney, at the very least, did provide advance notification to the president about the court’s decision. Further, it appears that [Democrat] Buchanan, in a clear abuse of his authority, persuaded a Northern Justice to join the Southerners, allowing the decision to appear less regionally partisan.”
Buchanan-Taney Conspiracy

2. General George McClellan ran against Lincoln’s second term. Running as a Democrat, McClellan’s platform was written by the antiwar, borderline seditious Copperheads. “The Copperheads, so-called by Republicans who compared them to poisonous snakes, and by themselves after the Goddess of Liberty appearing on copper pennies, The Copperheads were shot through with racism, and increasingly opposed a war that moved from a goal of restoring the Union to one committed to abolition.” Good ol’ Democrats, at it again.

a. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, “…an angry Copperhead, a.k.a., ‘peace democrat,’ (when that meant pro-slavery, of course.) John Wilkes Booth - Liberapedia

Don't you love history lessons, Ms. Truthie?
when was he ever convicted of rape?

Are all rapists convicted?

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

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