Never let a tragedy go to waste.

Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

Obama is not going to take your guns you fucking fear monger. Aren't you the idiot who wants to arm children? how do I endanger the little kiddies with my dad's old shotgun sitting in my closet????

Are the police endangering the little kiddies because they have a big armory of guns....

^ Would rather feel like a big man with a gun than worry about the lives of children. how do I endanger the little kiddies with my dad's old shotgun sitting in my closet????

Are the police endangering the little kiddies because they have a big armory of guns....

^ Would rather feel like a big man with a gun than worry about the lives of children.

You personally, don't, or at least have yet to be the cause of one of these scenarios.

Unfortunately, your actions don't count for everyone. how do I endanger the little kiddies with my dad's old shotgun sitting in my closet????

Are the police endangering the little kiddies because they have a big armory of guns....

^ Would rather feel like a big man with a gun than worry about the lives of children.

You personally, don't, or at least have yet to be the cause of one of these scenarios.

Unfortunately, your actions don't count for everyone.

They don't get it. I learned about all kinds of weapons in the Army in the mid and late 50's and when I returned I purchased a few guns. I have a S&W Chief's Special revolver which holds five, a Remington long barrel 12 gauge and a .30 .30 Marlin saddle rifle. If I went off the deep end and loaded all three of them I couldn't kill over two or three people before somebody downed me. They want a military assault weapon with a 100 clip so somebody can mow down 20 or 30 innocent people.

I wonder how long it will be before one of them gets a bright idea and buys some 105mm field artillery pieces or some cruise missles so they can wipe out hundreds or thousands. I mean where the hell is the line drawn?
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Sensible oversight of who purchases weapons needs to be discussed. Pros and cons weighed and then a decision can be made.

On a side note I've noticed that many of these mass shooting are done by VERY young adult males with possible mental issues. That should also be a part of the discussion.

Adam Lanza didn't purchase a gun. He acquired them from a school teacher.
Most terrorist acts are committed by males between the ages of 17 and 27, regulate that. :confused:
20 families have lost their babies today, it's natural for people to ask "what could we have done?!". However I dont think any new gun restrictions will happen.

If every gun law already in existence was adhered to, no children at Sandy Hook elementary school would be dead. Making more law won't change that, it will just mean more laws that sick people like Adam Lanza will break.
Sensible oversight of who purchases weapons needs to be discussed. Pros and cons weighed and then a decision can be made.

On a side note I've noticed that many of these mass shooting are done by VERY young adult males with possible mental issues. That should also be a part of the discussion.

Adam Lanza didn't purchase a gun. He acquired them from a school teacher.
Most terrorist acts are committed by males between the ages of 17 and 27, regulate that. :confused:

The teacher that owned the guns was his mother.

She was the "responsible gun-owner" that left easily accessible guns around the house with a mentally disturbed son.
Sensible oversight of who purchases weapons needs to be discussed. Pros and cons weighed and then a decision can be made.

On a side note I've noticed that many of these mass shooting are done by VERY young adult males with possible mental issues. That should also be a part of the discussion.

Adam Lanza didn't purchase a gun. He acquired them from a school teacher.
Most terrorist acts are committed by males between the ages of 17 and 27, regulate that. :confused:

The teacher that owned the guns was his mother.

She was the "responsible gun-owner" that left easily accessible guns around the house with a mentally disturbed son.

The thing is that they interviewed several of his school mates and they said he just seemed a little shy. I have yet to hear that he had recognized mental issues. I'm certainly not saying that he didn't just wondering if anyone knew it if he did.
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Here's the wingnut brigade right on cue....not letting a tragedy go to waste. Get bent, asshole :up_yours:

Exactly. This thread was started what, two hours after the event and immediately after it hit the news, and what's his priority?
Apprehending the gunman?
Getting kids to safety?
Treating the victims?
Consoling the witnesses and parents now scarred for life?

Nooooo - his priority is protecting Lord Gun Almighty. That is what's important.

This sums up the whole problem. We're not just a gun culture, we're a culture of death. Protecting Almighty Gun is more important than protecting Life.

IMHO people who could even think this way should have an immediate mandatory psychiatric evaluation.
Here's the wingnut brigade right on cue....not letting a tragedy go to waste. Get bent, asshole :up_yours:

Exactly. This thread was started what, two hours after the event and immediately after it hit the news, and what's his priority?
Apprehending the gunman?
Getting kids to safety?
Treating the victims?
Consoling the witnesses and parents now scarred for life?

Nooooo - his priority is protecting Lord Gun Almighty. That is what's important.

This sums up the whole problem. We're not just a gun culture, we're a culture of death. Protecting Almighty Gun is more important than protecting Life.

IMHO people who could even think this way should have an immediate mandatory psychiatric evaluation.
Yet you say nothing of the gun grabbers, whose knee-jerk response is more more completely ineffective rules, regulations and restrictions upon the law abiding.

Maybe the one needing the psych evaluation you.
You know, the only real positive of this tragedy is it got the brain dead on this site off their Fox talking points on Unions and now they're on their age old talking points about guns. What's nice about this is no one is trying to take their guns and no one cares. But that won't prevent these cocksucking losers from going off about it for the next week or two until this story becomes irrelevant and they get their next batch of talking points.
Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

You enjoyed this massacre, didn't you? Now you think you can score political points.

How about enough is enough?

Is 20 kindergartners executed by a madman finally enough for this country? Columbine wasn't, Tucson wasn't, Virginia Tech wasn't, the Batman slay ins wasn't

How much longer should we just sit back, sigh, and hear.......nothing we can do about it?

Liar, you could pass a new amendment and be honest about what you want, see if 37 States agree.
In another thread you made the claim the countries with stricter gun laws than ours had more mass shootings. I asked you to link it but you ran away and started this thread instead.

How about proving your claim?

I did no such thing, I said more violent crime. I guess reading is not your strong suit.

Where's your link?

Here is a US specific response.

As for the rest it is easily available on the internet.
I see the libturd media is hard at work. Watching the medical examiner on tv explainiung they all died of lead poisoning. For what reason I have no idea. But the reporters all keep asking things like 'So the bullets that killed them were from the long rifle right?' 'The big evil black assault rifle right?' Fortunately he didn't let those Leftytoon tools lead him on.

If every gun law already in existence was adhered to, no children at Sandy Hook elementary school would be dead.

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Here's the wingnut brigade right on cue....not letting a tragedy go to waste. Get bent, asshole :up_yours:

Exactly. This thread was started what, two hours after the event and immediately after it hit the news, and what's his priority?
Apprehending the gunman?
Getting kids to safety?
Treating the victims?
Consoling the witnesses and parents now scarred for life?

Nooooo - his priority is protecting Lord Gun Almighty. That is what's important.

This sums up the whole problem. We're not just a gun culture, we're a culture of death. Protecting Almighty Gun is more important than protecting Life.

IMHO people who could even think this way should have an immediate mandatory psychiatric evaluation.

Late this morning Fox had a past policeman as a guest and he was adamant that what we need is to arm principals and teachers with semi automatic weapons just like the assailant was armed with. He was not in favor of hiring any extra personnel but he declared that if the first two who left that 9:30 meeting had possessed the same kind of weapon they would have saved a dozen children. God what a genius.

I wonder if the NRA is prepared to buy those weapons at a cost of about $800 each and pay for ammunition and training millions to use the guns........DUH

The ideas we hear from gun lovers fall into one category.....ludicrous.
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No died in that China tax of bringing that up. It's a strawman argument. There were no survivors in this and many children are dead. It's time to end this shit. We as a nation need stricter gun control. Mental evaluation for every gun purchase. Check into family history of mental illness. It is time to stop putting guns in the hands of the mentally ill.
No died in that China tax of bringing that up. It's a strawman argument. There were no survivors in this and many children are dead. It's time to end this shit. We as a nation need stricter gun control. Mental evaluation for every gun purchase. Check into family history of mental illness. It is time to stop putting guns in the hands of the mentally ill.
How do you propose preventing crackpots from stealing weapons or obtaining them via the black market?
No died in that China tax of bringing that up. It's a strawman argument. There were no survivors in this and many children are dead. It's time to end this shit. We as a nation need stricter gun control. Mental evaluation for every gun purchase. Check into family history of mental illness. It is time to stop putting guns in the hands of the mentally ill.
How do you propose preventing crackpots from stealing weapons or obtaining them via the black market?

Less guns being made? No gun shows would help alot. If you make it harder to obtain, it's less likely to happen.

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