Never Fit For Command! Hillary Slips In Bathtub-----Fractures Wrist

OMG. She's a blimp.
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

So let me understand this. A 72 year old woman is traveling around the world, sightseeing or maybe doing some work, she goes to INDIA, climbs up into what looks like an old building or ruin and stumbles?

And YOU are lazily sitting on your ass somewhere behind a computer screen, tapping out how FEEBLE and INCAPACITED she is?

I know which person I want to be like at 72. I just hope I can afford to STUMBLE down some steps, while I'm seeing the world.

(I'm new here, but Jesus there are some real idiots on this board)
Decided not to hit this slow pitched ball.
We dodged a bullet. Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage.


Hillary Clinton fractures her wrist after slipping in a bathtub | Daily Mail Online

You can't be president with a fractured wrist?

Tell that to FDR, he's the only president to have served three full terms and he was in a wheel chair.

It's all about the brain, you know, which is why Trump isn't fit to serve.
She keeps falling down because of her drinking problem, jackass.

Anyone who voted for her is an idiot.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact: America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.

Nice, just explained the superority mind set of Trump lovers!

News Flash, them women’s, negroes and young people are coming after the bigoted, ignorant, old Evangelicals and their crowd!

And I say this as one who have watched your kind for years!

You are so scared of a brilliant woman, you would rather have a narcisstic,ignorant lump of human flesh to destroy the country.

I have watched the over stuffed baby boomers do a job on the middle class,thanks to your insecurity that you do not match the guts and glory of your parents,who won a war, took us out of a depression and built the middle class. You have come full circle.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact, America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.

BS, we are living in a different world now.

By cheating you won, but this too, shall pass!
Well I hope she recovers sufficiently to run again. We need her in good health.

My God! I spelled all those words without one typo! wth?
To bad Ted Kennedy isn't alive or he could run with her.
I hear Ted's a pretty good swimmer.

Not to worry, Trump has to pay his Porn Stars. I never knew of a Kennedy who had to pay. They had the looks and charisma to bring them in.
It's fascinating watching all the "christians" cheering H. Clinton getting injured.

True christians are few and far between. Most are like the OP, vicious members of a huge hate group. Fundies have embraced everything they say they are against. Incredible hypocrisy.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact: America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.

You are hopeless in your ignorance. Your versions of being "white" and being "Christian" are both hopeless garbage. Should I thank you for your foolish efforts to denigrate the dignity and value of my ethnic and religious heritage among my fellow human beings?
It's fascinating watching all the "christians" cheering H. Clinton getting injured.

True christians are few and far between. Most are like the OP, vicious members of a huge hate group. Fundies have embraced everything they say they are against. Incredible hypocrisy.
Like myself, true Christians expose evil, or Satan's disciples. That's what I've been doing exposing Hillary, Obama, and basically all liberals. We only do it out of love for God.
It's telling that you said:

Thank God for Alpha-Male Donald Trump of White European heritage
Why does this description qualify anyone for a leadership position, when it is based only on being of a certain sex and certain ethnic descent? Now we have a morally deranged male whore in the Oval Office who does not appear to be fit for anything. What kind of values do you have that you support such superficiality? Neither biological sex nor ethnic background establishes the superiority of one human being over another.
I see you lack racial awareness and need to be awakened. I suggest you read this masterpiece from this great American Patriot.

My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding
David Duke? A a "great American Patriot"? Are you kidding me??? He's no American, much less a patriot. He's sewer scum obviously raised by pigs.
I have a "racial awareness." It consists of knowing that I am a member of the human race and I am an American. I don't need this slut.
No, you lack racial awareness by a long shot. I see you've been indoctrinated well by Jewish run Hollywood, media, and liberal educational system.

"Jewish." "Hollywood." "Media." "Liberal educational system." Same old BS. What role would religion have to play in this stupid and infantile discussion of "racial awareness," anyway? I see that you are anti-semitic, as well. I think that you have been well indoctrinated by the phony Christians and their "churches" and media. Try thinking for yourself for a change. You seem to have been indoctrinated by baboons like Duke and the morons who somehow equate the Christian faith with "whiteness," which does nothing but denigrate the Christian faith. Incidentally, the vast majority of Jews in the U.S., as well as Europe, are "white."
Your Anti-White/Anti-Christian shines. Fact: America was specifically created for White people of European heritage. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Our white founders were wise. Minorities have always served at the pleasure of Whites.

I'll bet you're one of the idiots who say 'make America white again' even though, even the most ignorant and most stupid racist, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist, trailer trash cracker knows America has never been white.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 has been changed several times. Educate yourself.

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