Netanyahu's unwelcome visit to the U.S.

The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.

The only thing any of those groups are interested in is killing people.
Dodging the question is not an answer that supports your credibility...

It's been clearly shown to you that the leaders of Palestine are terrorists. Lol. :D You can keep burying your head in the sand though. Some of you are just ignorant. That's okay.
Well clearly list those deemed terrorist with a LINK, who knows I may agree.

I provided you with links.
They're not terrorists, they're fishermen. Fishermen being shot at while they're fishing. And it doesn't even raise a blip on your radar. The fact that you cannot see how inherently evil and mean it is to shoot at someone fishing, say's a lot about you. It say's you've lost your moral compass and any sense of humanity. It doesn't matter how barbaric and inhuman Israeli actions towards the Palestinian's are, you'll just keep making excuses for such behavior.

The Palestinian's aren't the problem, you're the problem.

Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.
Dear fascist Phalanges, so is your organization a terrorist group. Add the Phalanges to the group of the terrorists you quote and we are in full agreement!

Which world authority deemed them to be terrorists then ?
I said add to the list the one's who massacred women and children in Sabra and Shatila massacre which Sharon was deemed responsible and censored...
Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.

The only thing any of those groups are interested in is killing people.
Dodging the question is not an answer that supports your credibility...

It's been clearly shown to you that the leaders of Palestine are terrorists. Lol. :D You can keep burying your head in the sand though. Some of you are just ignorant. That's okay.
Well clearly list those deemed terrorist with a LINK, who knows I may agree.

I provided you with links.
The State of Palestine was not on it, opinions have no authority.
If that is the case, it's because they have been putting up with this treatment from their "neighbors" for years. The palestinians have cleared stated that they are not interested in a resolution. They use propaganda and victim status to make people like you feel sorry for you, when most of those people hate you and would just as soon cut off your head than shake your hand. You are gullible.
You remind me of a line in a Bob Dylan song...

"How many times can a man turn his head,
pretending he just doesn't see?"

And that sums you up perfectly, because you just don't see the reality and truth.
I see the reality and the truth........ Most Jewish Israelis are RACIST...................and Anti------Everyone who you deem..........ANTI_ZIONIST,.....You remind Me of a two bit TERRORIST.......You forget,you are the big tree,but I am the small-axe......READY TO CUT YOU DOWN..........but spew on,whilst you can...H.I.M.TheLIQ

And everyone can see the News biased and unbiased everyday that shows muslims rampaging, murdering, raping, stealing and inciting terrorism and violence.

Nice threat such a pity that your little axe is blunt and very soon will be taken away from you, then what will you do when you are stuck in the desert with no food or water because you were arrogant just once too often.
Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.
Dear fascist Phalanges, so is your organization a terrorist group. Add the Phalanges to the group of the terrorists you quote and we are in full agreement!

Which world authority deemed them to be terrorists then ?
I said add to the list the one's who massacred women and children in Sabra and Shatila massacre which Sharon was deemed responsible and censored...

Which shocked the terrorists because they did not expect to see retaliation on that scale from the Christians. A pity that more revenge and retaliation attacks have not taken place, then the Palestinians would not be so quick to attack anyone else.
The only thing any of those groups are interested in is killing people.
Dodging the question is not an answer that supports your credibility...

It's been clearly shown to you that the leaders of Palestine are terrorists. Lol. :D You can keep burying your head in the sand though. Some of you are just ignorant. That's okay.
Well clearly list those deemed terrorist with a LINK, who knows I may agree.

I provided you with links.
The State of Palestine was not on it, opinions have no authority.

The state of palestines leaders are making the state of Palestine also a terrorist nation. But the US supreme court has stated that Palestine is a terrorist nation in a recent case that awarded $218.5M in damages against the state of Palestine for terrorist acts.
Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.
Dear fascist Phalanges, so is your organization a terrorist group. Add the Phalanges to the group of the terrorists you quote and we are in full agreement!

Which world authority deemed them to be terrorists then ?
I said add to the list the one's who massacred women and children in Sabra and Shatila massacre which Sharon was deemed responsible and censored...
Nope. The Chrisitan Phalangists were responsible.
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.
Dear fascist Phalanges, so is your organization a terrorist group. Add the Phalanges to the group of the terrorists you quote and we are in full agreement!

Which world authority deemed them to be terrorists then ?
I said add to the list the one's who massacred women and children in Sabra and Shatila massacre which Sharon was deemed responsible and censored...
Nope. The Chrisitan Phalangists were responsible.

In retaliation for Palestinian massacres, murders, rapes and other atrocities. Any one else would say the Palestinians deserved all they got, so why don't you ?
The only thing any of those groups are interested in is killing people.
Dodging the question is not an answer that supports your credibility...

It's been clearly shown to you that the leaders of Palestine are terrorists. Lol. :D You can keep burying your head in the sand though. Some of you are just ignorant. That's okay.
Well clearly list those deemed terrorist with a LINK, who knows I may agree.

I provided you with links.
The State of Palestine was not on it, opinions have no authority.

:lol: Yeah right.


Orient House, the former PLO headquarters in Jerusalem
The PLO has a nominal legislative body, the Palestinian National Council (PNC), but most actual political power and decisions are controlled by the PLO Executive Committee, made up of 18 people elected by the PNC. The PLO incorporates a range of generally secular ideologies of different Palestinian movements committed to the struggle for Palestinian independence and liberation, hence the name of the organization. The Palestine Liberation Organization is considered by the Arab League[4][14] and by the United Nations[15] to be the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and holds a permanent observer seat in the United Nations General Assembly.

Yasser Arafat was the Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee from 1969 until his death in 2004. He was succeeded by Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen).

Initially, as an armed guerrilla organization, the PLO was responsible for violent actions performed against Israel in the 1970s and early 1980s, regarded as terroristic activities by Israel and regarded as a war of liberation by the PLO. In 1988, however, the PLO officially endorsed a two-state solution, contingent on terms such as making East Jerusalem capital of the Palestinian state and giving Palestinians the right of return to land occupied by Palestinians prior to 1948, as well as the right to continue armed struggle until the end of "The Zionist Entity."[16] In 1996, the PLO nullified the articles of the PLO's Charter, or parts of it, which called for the destruction of Israel and for armed resistance.[17]

Other institutions are the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Central Council (PCC) which consists of 124 members from the PLO Executive Committee, PNC, PLC and other Palestinian organizations.[18] The PCC makes policy decisions when PNC is not in session, acting as a link between the PNC and the PLO-EC. The PCC is elected by the PNC and chaired by the PNC speaker.[19]

The PLO has no central decision-making or mechanism that enables it to directly control its factions, but they are supposed to follow the PLO charter and Executive Committee decisions. Membership has fluctuated, and some organizations have left the PLO or suspended membership during times of political turbulence, but most often these groups eventually rejoined the organization. Not all PLO activists are members of one of the factions – for example, many PNC delegates are elected as independents.[citation needed]

Present members include:

Former member groups of the PLO include:

Part 2 . . .

The Arab League in Cairo Summit 1964 initiated the creation of an organization representing the Palestinian people.[21]

The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. Concluding this meeting the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964. Its Statement of Proclamation of the Organization[22] declared "... the right of the Palestinian Arab people to its sacred homeland Palestine and affirming the inevitability of the battle to liberate the usurped part from it, and its determination to bring out its effective revolutionary entity and the mobilization of the capabilities and potentialities and its material, military and spiritual forces".

Due to the influence of the Egyptian President Nasser, the PLO supported 'Pan-Arabism', as advocated by him – this was the ideology that the Arabs should live in one state. The first executive committee was formed on 9 August, with Ahmad Shuqeiri as its leader.[citation needed]

In spite of the 1949 Armistice Agreements, the Arab states remained unreconciled to Israel's creation as they had been to the proposed partition of Palestine in 1948. Therefore, the Palestinian National Charter of 1964[23] stated: "The claims of historic and spiritual ties between Jews and Palestine are not in agreement with the facts of history or with the true basis of sound statehood... [T]he Jews are not one people with an independent personality because they are citizens to their states." (Article 18).

Although Egypt and Jordan supported the creation of a Palestinian state on land that they recognised as being occupied by Israel, they would not grant sovereignty to the Palestinian people in lands under Jordanian and Egyptian military occupation, amounting to 53% of the territory allocated to Arabs under the UN Partition Plan. Hence, Article 24: "This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank, the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area."
Part 2 . . .

The Arab League in Cairo Summit 1964 initiated the creation of an organization representing the Palestinian people.[21]

The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. Concluding this meeting the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964. Its Statement of Proclamation of the Organization[22] declared "... the right of the Palestinian Arab people to its sacred homeland Palestine and affirming the inevitability of the battle to liberate the usurped part from it, and its determination to bring out its effective revolutionary entity and the mobilization of the capabilities and potentialities and its material, military and spiritual forces".

Due to the influence of the Egyptian President Nasser, the PLO supported 'Pan-Arabism', as advocated by him – this was the ideology that the Arabs should live in one state. The first executive committee was formed on 9 August, with Ahmad Shuqeiri as its leader.[citation needed]

In spite of the 1949 Armistice Agreements, the Arab states remained unreconciled to Israel's creation as they had been to the proposed partition of Palestine in 1948. Therefore, the Palestinian National Charter of 1964[23] stated: "The claims of historic and spiritual ties between Jews and Palestine are not in agreement with the facts of history or with the true basis of sound statehood... [T]he Jews are not one people with an independent personality because they are citizens to their states." (Article 18).

Although Egypt and Jordan supported the creation of a Palestinian state on land that they recognised as being occupied by Israel, they would not grant sovereignty to the Palestinian people in lands under Jordanian and Egyptian military occupation, amounting to 53% of the territory allocated to Arabs under the UN Partition Plan. Hence, Article 24: "This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank, the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area."
The UN and most of the known world does not consider the Palestinian State terrorist...Do you have any recent links to prove your assertion? I don't even think Israel considers the present West Bank leaders terrorists, while I agree Hamas is in my view.
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Maybe they think they're terrorists. It's definitely plausible. Face facts. Those people are never going to be taken seriously until they make some serious changes. They are a terrorist state run by terrorists. They even kill their own people. There is nothing to defend there.
They're not terrorists, they're fishermen. Fishermen being shot at while they're fishing. And it doesn't even raise a blip on your radar. The fact that you cannot see how inherently evil and mean it is to shoot at someone fishing, say's a lot about you. It say's you've lost your moral compass and any sense of humanity. It doesn't matter how barbaric and inhuman Israeli actions towards the Palestinian's are, you'll just keep making excuses for such behavior.

The Palestinian's aren't the problem, you're the problem.

Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.
Dear fascist Phalanges, so is your organization a terrorist group. Add the Phalanges to the group of the terrorists you quote and we are in full agreement!

You are confused. MB Kata'ib Muhammad is on the terror list

If I had I known bin laden when he was young, before he became radicalized, would you call me al-qaida? If I had been friends with jordan king hussein, would I be jordanian? If I knew the family of khashoggi, would I be an arms dealer? If I knew pope john paul II, would that make me polish, italian or a priest? If I knew arafat and many in the fatah, would that make me palestinian? If I knew assad, would that make me syrian, baath or alawite? If I knew hariri, would that make me sunni or saudi? If I knew nasrallah, would that make me shiite or hezbullah? If I knew frangieh, would that mean I had invited the syrians to occupy the country? If I knew lebanese generals, would that make mean I had been an officer in the military there? If I knew a judge, would that make me a lawyer? If I knew the equivalent of the surgeon general, would that make me a doctor?
Why are you hung up with the fact that I knew bashir and his family? I knew hobeika as well but that does not make me responsible for what he did at syrian orders. I still get christmas phone calls from lahoud but I was always loudly critical of him while he was a puppet president.
What is your fixation with the phalanges?
I was never a member of any political party, that's is part of the reason I was asked to do what I did.
Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.
Dear fascist Phalanges, so is your organization a terrorist group. Add the Phalanges to the group of the terrorists you quote and we are in full agreement!

Which world authority deemed them to be terrorists then ?
I said add to the list the one's who massacred women and children in Sabra and Shatila massacre which Sharon was deemed responsible and censored...

He was chastised for not being clairvoyant. He had not way of knowing Hobeika was taking his orders from Hardan, or why those particular sababa had been picked or which commanders were leading them. Many of the armed palestinians were rounded up and processed to be shipped out of Lebanon. There were fierce gun battles around the gaza hospital with artillery on the roof. Many of the residents were rigged by their own family and died during the search for remaining fatah.

Where is your condemnation of the thousands massacred in the camps by the syrians and amal? Why only the four hundred+ that dies in '82? Do you have any understanding of why or what lead up to Hobeika's boys going in?
Part 2 . . .

The Arab League in Cairo Summit 1964 initiated the creation of an organization representing the Palestinian people.[21]

The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. Concluding this meeting the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964. Its Statement of Proclamation of the Organization[22] declared "... the right of the Palestinian Arab people to its sacred homeland Palestine and affirming the inevitability of the battle to liberate the usurped part from it, and its determination to bring out its effective revolutionary entity and the mobilization of the capabilities and potentialities and its material, military and spiritual forces".

Due to the influence of the Egyptian President Nasser, the PLO supported 'Pan-Arabism', as advocated by him – this was the ideology that the Arabs should live in one state. The first executive committee was formed on 9 August, with Ahmad Shuqeiri as its leader.[citation needed]

In spite of the 1949 Armistice Agreements, the Arab states remained unreconciled to Israel's creation as they had been to the proposed partition of Palestine in 1948. Therefore, the Palestinian National Charter of 1964[23] stated: "The claims of historic and spiritual ties between Jews and Palestine are not in agreement with the facts of history or with the true basis of sound statehood... [T]he Jews are not one people with an independent personality because they are citizens to their states." (Article 18).

Although Egypt and Jordan supported the creation of a Palestinian state on land that they recognised as being occupied by Israel, they would not grant sovereignty to the Palestinian people in lands under Jordanian and Egyptian military occupation, amounting to 53% of the territory allocated to Arabs under the UN Partition Plan. Hence, Article 24: "This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank, the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area."
The UN and most of the known world does not consider the Palestinian State terrorist...Do you have any recent links to prove your assertion? I don't even think Israel considers the present West Bank leaders terrorists, while I agree Hamas is in my view.

Look at my link that shows they are on the terrorist list
Part 2 . . .

The Arab League in Cairo Summit 1964 initiated the creation of an organization representing the Palestinian people.[21]

The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. Concluding this meeting the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964. Its Statement of Proclamation of the Organization[22] declared "... the right of the Palestinian Arab people to its sacred homeland Palestine and affirming the inevitability of the battle to liberate the usurped part from it, and its determination to bring out its effective revolutionary entity and the mobilization of the capabilities and potentialities and its material, military and spiritual forces".

Due to the influence of the Egyptian President Nasser, the PLO supported 'Pan-Arabism', as advocated by him – this was the ideology that the Arabs should live in one state. The first executive committee was formed on 9 August, with Ahmad Shuqeiri as its leader.[citation needed]

In spite of the 1949 Armistice Agreements, the Arab states remained unreconciled to Israel's creation as they had been to the proposed partition of Palestine in 1948. Therefore, the Palestinian National Charter of 1964[23] stated: "The claims of historic and spiritual ties between Jews and Palestine are not in agreement with the facts of history or with the true basis of sound statehood... [T]he Jews are not one people with an independent personality because they are citizens to their states." (Article 18).

Although Egypt and Jordan supported the creation of a Palestinian state on land that they recognised as being occupied by Israel, they would not grant sovereignty to the Palestinian people in lands under Jordanian and Egyptian military occupation, amounting to 53% of the territory allocated to Arabs under the UN Partition Plan. Hence, Article 24: "This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank, the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area."
The UN and most of the known world does not consider the Palestinian State terrorist...Do you have any recent links to prove your assertion? I don't even think Israel considers the present West Bank leaders terrorists, while I agree Hamas is in my view.

Look at my link that shows they are on the terrorist list
Where is your Link, It vanished?
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?

Hamas, IJ, PRC, DFLP, PFLP, al-Aqsa are all terrorist groups and until '91 so was the PLO.
Dear fascist Phalanges, so is your organization a terrorist group. Add the Phalanges to the group of the terrorists you quote and we are in full agreement!

Which world authority deemed them to be terrorists then ?
I said add to the list the one's who massacred women and children in Sabra and Shatila massacre which Sharon was deemed responsible and censored...

He was chastised for not being clairvoyant. He had not way of knowing Hobeika was taking his orders from Hardan, or why those particular sababa had been picked or which commanders were leading them. Many of the armed palestinians were rounded up and processed to be shipped out of Lebanon. There were fierce gun battles around the gaza hospital with artillery on the roof. Many of the residents were rigged by their own family and died during the search for remaining fatah.

Where is your condemnation of the thousands massacred in the camps by the syrians and amal? Why only the four hundred+ that dies in '82? Do you have any understanding of why or what lead up to Hobeika's boys going in?

I condemn the killing of all unarmed civilians! By the way this is not the Syria board...
Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
You're so full of shit and blinded by your own racist hatred, that you can't think for one moment you're wrong. I'll say this again, resisting an illegal and immoral occupation, is not terrorism.
Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
You're so full of shit and blinded by your own racist hatred, that you can't think for one moment you're wrong. I'll say this again, resisting an illegal and immoral occupation, is not terrorism.

They were terrorists long before that. Lol.

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