Netanyahu wins a record 5th term as prime minister


Meanwhile, on the ground, Syria's S-300's seem to not be working around Iranian bases.


The mullahs are mulling this over while Hamas's leadership is being taken out by the House of Saud.
Yes exactly, I agree with what Netanyahu said regarding Rabin, he was much more extreme,
yet idolized by the left as a peace dove.

There's nothing Rabbi Kahana HY"D said that Rabin didn't say or do actually himself,
and there's nothing the rabbi ever said that the Left did say or do.

I may disagree with what he said, or think it's no longer relevant, but to use a rabbi from 3 decades ago to demonize a whole elected government with a strong religious representation is indeed a shallow smear campaign.

But none of it actually matters, You will keep demonizing Netanyahu and anyone around him,
but not dare touch any actual policy suggested, that's much easier, and deflects to that in each conversation when facts don't fit.
I think you miss the point. In fact you are ignoring a number of points in your haste to insist I am "demonizing" a politician.

It does not matter whether the rabbi was 30 years ago or 3 days ago. That is totally irrelevent. What matters is that the party Netanyahu seeks to form a coalition with follows that Rabbi and his ideas and calls for many of the same measures from expulsions to segregation.

What has Rabin said or done that is as extreme as Kahane?

That's already a different thing from what You were saying, and still false.
I don't ignore anything, I'm just not falling into Your traps and loaded questions.

All I'm saying that everything You falsely call extreme on the one side, was done and said by those who received a Nobel Peace prize.

The least You could do was to bring any actual policy at hand, but as usual You choose the easy path of broad demonization, and when actual policies are discussed in detail, when found not to meet Your prejudice reserve to making all sorts of one sided abstract demands from Israel, expecting to be fulfilled but never knowing actually what it should look like when that happens.

"Dance me a dance I've never seen before, and I'll tell You if I'm impressed".

Therefore it doesn't matter what someone says about Israel, it matters what we do.
And if all You expect is for people to accept Your prejudice because You just can't compute another frame of discussion, then what purpose is there in engaging in such shallow exchange?

You want policies let's discuss policies, You want to discuss the current parties and their policies - even better, but don't make judgments regarding things You have little knowledge, or moral ground to make.
Oh brother. It is exactly what I was saying before but as usual you distort it . Not worth discussion. As usual, you will defend anything.

Initially You vaguely referred that Netanyahu's govt had extreme and racist parties,
proceeding with a false analogy between all religious parties and one that doesn't exist,
then You went to one, that actually never made any propositions in the Knesset like Rabbi Kahane HY"D.

But when I suggest discussing actual policies of the current govt, You refuse.
Therefore I'm merely pointing to the false assumption behind the whole accusation.

I said he was planning on forming a coalition with parties known for extreme and racist views. Those parties have been mostly marginalized. That is not only my opinion but that of many other Israelis apparently. You are a rightest. I doubt it would bother you.

There're as well a million people believing earth is flat, that is about the level of logic.
At least those people don't run with the tail between the legs each time challenged with facts.

And as Begin said, and I paraphrase, if You insist on pushing Your nose into someone else's business You lack the basic understanding , when facing people with facts that contradict the parroted lies, don't complain for being left with a crooked nose

So please, next time You want to troll a thread,
look for one where the level of discussion tolerates Your lack of intellectual integrity,
try the Rubber Room.
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There is nothing louder than a social justice warrior screaming in the pain of the marginalized.


Who are often dead.
Heard it on the radio. Sucks to be a liberal these days
And good if you’re a corrupt swamp creature.

He and his wife are corrupt. You’re happy he won?

We better distance ourselves from corrupt Israelis.

Is the election rigged?

I would have respected Israel if he lost. He won? Fuck Israel then.

But we still want you as an Allie corrupt Israel
There is nothing louder than a social justice warrior screaming in the pain of the marginalized.

View attachment 256086

Who are often dead.
Are jews anti gay?

Israel doesn't do what the majority Mulsim countries do, which is to support the death of their gays. That's for sure.

I know the left don't want to look at that just like you don't.


These are all transsexual rabbis. Two are born Israeli born.

Are Muslims anti-gay?

There is nothing louder than a social justice warrior screaming in the pain of the marginalized.

View attachment 256086

Who are often dead.
Are jews anti gay?

Israel doesn't do what the majority Mulsim countries do, which is to support the death of their gays. That's for sure.

I know the left don't want to look at that just like you don't.


These are all transsexual rabbis. Two are born Israeli born.

Are Muslims anti-gay?

Are Muslims the bar?
No answer I see.

/moving on
Heard it on the radio. Sucks to be a liberal these days
And good if you’re a corrupt swamp creature.

He and his wife are corrupt. You’re happy he won?

We better distance ourselves from corrupt Israelis.

Is the election rigged?

I would have respected Israel if he lost. He won? Fuck Israel then.

But we still want you as an Allie corrupt Israel

Are You one of those who want to impeach the US president?

I'm just making my own survey :26:
Heard it on the radio. Sucks to be a liberal these days
And good if you’re a corrupt swamp creature.

He and his wife are corrupt. You’re happy he won?

We better distance ourselves from corrupt Israelis.

Is the election rigged?

I would have respected Israel if he lost. He won? Fuck Israel then.

But we still want you as an Allie corrupt Israel

Are You one of those who want to impeach the US president?

I'm just making my own survey :26:
No just vote him out in 2020

Any republican is going to be pro bibi netinyahoo but remember most American Jews vote democratic
Heard it on the radio. Sucks to be a liberal these days
And good if you’re a corrupt swamp creature.

He and his wife are corrupt. You’re happy he won?

We better distance ourselves from corrupt Israelis.

Is the election rigged?

I would have respected Israel if he lost. He won? Fuck Israel then.

But we still want you as an Allie corrupt Israel

Are You one of those who want to impeach the US president?

I'm just making my own survey :26:
No just vote him out in 2020

Any republican is going to be pro bibi netinyahoo but remember most American Jews vote democratic

If You respect the voters choice then what should be the problem?
American Jews can vote for whomever they see fit..

Don't forget that political trends change, Jews in Israel who voted left move to center- right,
Jews in America too seem to start leaving the Democratic party, especially as the demographics change.
There is nothing louder than a social justice warrior screaming in the pain of the marginalized.

View attachment 256086

Who are often dead.
Are jews anti gay?
No, Israel is the only country where Muslims can be openly queer.
Big deal. That would be like if we didn’t let blacks leave Detroit but allowed them to be openly gay.
That would be You using a racist bait to argue against borders.
Is this another of Your excuses for public execution of gays under Arab rule?
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