Netanyahu: Freedom Flotilla 2 a provocation

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
OCCUPIED JURUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu has described the Freedom Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip as a "provocation".

He told the ambassadors of the European Union in a meeting on Monday that that the provocative voyage slated for mid May might ignite tension in the entire region.

He asked the European envoys to convey a message to their governments not to allow the sail of this fleet from their ports, adding, "This flotilla must be stopped."

Netanyahu: Freedom Flotilla 2 a provocation
ATHENS (AFP) – A flotilla of ships is preparing to sail to Gaza to mark the first anniversary on May 31 of a deadly Israeli raid against a similar convoy, organisers said Monday.

Dubbed "Freedom Flotilla II", the mission will bring together participants from 50 countries in a bid to break Israel's blockade of Gaza.

Israeli troops raided a previous flotilla last May 31 in a controversial operation that left nine Turkish activists dead and drew international condemnation.

For security reasons, organisers said they would not disclose the number of ships taking part this year or their point of departure, although they have previously said 15 ships could participate, compared with six last year.

Speaking to European representatives earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called plans for a new flotilla a "provocation" and said it was in the common interest of Israel and Europe for the flotilla to be stopped. Netanyahu has also called on UN chief Ban Ki-moon to help stop the flotilla.

Preparations for new Gaza flotilla 'on track': organisers - Yahoo! News
OCCUPIED JURUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu has described the Freedom Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip as a "provocation".

He told the ambassadors of the European Union in a meeting on Monday that that the provocative voyage slated for mid May might ignite tension in the entire region.

He asked the European envoys to convey a message to their governments not to allow the sail of this fleet from their ports, adding, "This flotilla must be stopped."

Netanyahu: Freedom Flotilla 2 a provocation

It was Natalie Portman....right?

[ame=]YouTube - Natalie Portman for Miss Dior Cherie![/ame]
NAZARETH, (PIC)-- Israeli ambassador to Turkey Gaby Levy has officially asked Turkish diplomats for help in thwarting an international Gaza-bound flotilla due to set sail this May, saying the convoy is tantamount to a provocation to Israel, Hebrew press reported.

The convoy will include the Mavi Marmara, which was attacked by Israeli military last May, killing nine on board and injuring many more, and about 15 other ships.

Levy assured that the ships would be allowed to enter the Gaza Strip through ”legal channels”, but he did not clarify whether or not Israel intends to use force or violence to thwart the convoy, daily Haaretz said.

The move came after media reports indicated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was mulling the possibility of allowing the ships to enter if they agreed to be searched by an international force before arrival. But he has so far not made an official decision.

Israel asks Turkey to help thwart Gaza flotilla
These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?
These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?

they are being sent for political reasons

That is true. Israel wanted to lock up Gaza and keep it out of sight.

The flotillas put Gaza on the front page. Good plan.
These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?

These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?

Once upon a time, the Free World focused on Apartheid In south Africa, once beaten , that movement focused on Apartheid in Israel and the occupied territory's, if you'd like to start a movement for Somalia and Ethiopia, go right ahead
These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?

Once upon a time, the Free World focused on Apartheid In south Africa, once beaten , that movement focused on Apartheid in Israel and the occupied territory's, if you'd like to start a movement for Somalia and Ethiopia, go right ahead

Maybe I will.:eusa_shhh:
These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?

An occupying power is not blockading Somalia or Ethiopia. They receive aid at their own ports of entry that they themselves operate. In other words, goods and aid to these places is sent through the appropriate channels. Israel does not allow this in Gaza. That is why there are flotillas.
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These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?

An occupying power is not blockading Somalia or Ethiopia. They receive aid at their own ports of entry that they themselves operate. In other words, goods and aid to these places is sent through the appropriate channels. Israel does not allow this in Gaza. That is why there is flotillas.

The quality of life in Ethiopia and Somalia is much worse than Gaza, even the Palestinians themselves admitted they have no problems with food or starvation in Gaza. This flotilla is just about trying to stick it to the Jews, nothing more.
These "peace" flotillas are all bullshit, they are being sent for political reasons only and not to help people. There are people in African countries like Somalia and Ethiopia starving with no food, how come there are no flotillas going there? not enough Jews?

An occupying power is not blockading Somalia or Ethiopia. They receive aid at their own ports of entry that they themselves operate. In other words, goods and aid to these places is sent through the appropriate channels. Israel does not allow this in Gaza. That is why there is flotillas.

The quality of life in Ethiopia and Somalia is much worse than Gaza, even the Palestinians themselves admitted they have no problems with food or starvation in Gaza. This flotilla is just about trying to stick it to the Jews, nothing more.

Not entirely sure what your point is. The Congo is 3 times poorer than Ethiopia, so I guess by your logic, aid to Ethiopia is entirely a political ploy too, right? Because if you can find one poorer country, the other country deserves no aid?

The fact of the matter is that Ethiopia and Somalia receive foreign aid, food aid, and what-have-you. They receive it in their ports of entry, which THEY control. Gaza does not control it's points of entry, and therefore cannot receive aid normally because it's under a military BLOCKADE. This is why there is a Flotilla. To claim that it's some sort of ploy "because there are poorer countries" is retarded. Other poor countries don't need a flotilla because they can and do receive aid through their borders normally.
An occupying power is not blockading Somalia or Ethiopia. They receive aid at their own ports of entry that they themselves operate. In other words, goods and aid to these places is sent through the appropriate channels. Israel does not allow this in Gaza. That is why there is flotillas.

The quality of life in Ethiopia and Somalia is much worse than Gaza, even the Palestinians themselves admitted they have no problems with food or starvation in Gaza. This flotilla is just about trying to stick it to the Jews, nothing more.

Not entirely sure what your point is. The Congo is 3 times poorer than Ethiopia, so I guess by your logic, aid to Ethiopia is entirely a political ploy too, right? Because if you can find one poorer country, the other country deserves no aid?

The fact of the matter is that Ethiopia and Somalia receive foreign aid, food aid, and what-have-you. They receive it in their ports of entry, which THEY control. Gaza does not control it's points of entry, and therefore cannot receive aid normally because it's under a military BLOCKADE. This is why there is a Flotilla. To claim that it's some sort of ploy "because there are poorer countries" is retarded. Other poor countries don't need a flotilla because they can and do receive aid through their borders normally.

The whole point in this Flotilla is just being sent to make Israels life miserable and to stick it to the Jews, nothing more. They can care less how poor Gaza is, even Tinmore admitted it is for political reasons, this isn't that hard to figure out. I'm just using countries like Somalia as an example that there are much poorer countries out there than Gaza but nobody gives a fuck about them because there is nothing political there and no Jews to bother. And no Somalia does not control their ports, pirates and Al Shabab Islamic militants do though, Gaza has 10 times better government and support than Somalia, don't even try and compare the 2.
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Yes lets get the aid to the starving and thirsty Palestinians, they are living in mud huts in Gaza.


Mall in Gaza


Shopping market in Gaza


Waterpark in Gaza

Yeah these people have nothing and are starving and dying in the streets. :cuckoo:This flotilla bullshit is just a bullshit political stunt and you know it.
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The quality of life in Ethiopia and Somalia is much worse than Gaza, even the Palestinians themselves admitted they have no problems with food or starvation in Gaza. This flotilla is just about trying to stick it to the Jews, nothing more.

Not entirely sure what your point is. The Congo is 3 times poorer than Ethiopia, so I guess by your logic, aid to Ethiopia is entirely a political ploy too, right? Because if you can find one poorer country, the other country deserves no aid?

The fact of the matter is that Ethiopia and Somalia receive foreign aid, food aid, and what-have-you. They receive it in their ports of entry, which THEY control. Gaza does not control it's points of entry, and therefore cannot receive aid normally because it's under a military BLOCKADE. This is why there is a Flotilla. To claim that it's some sort of ploy "because there are poorer countries" is retarded. Other poor countries don't need a flotilla because they can and do receive aid through their borders normally.

The whole point in this Flotilla is just being sent to make Israels life miserable and to stick it to the Jews, nothing more. They can care less how poor Gaza is, even Tinmore admitted it is for political reasons, this isn't that hard to figure out. I'm just using countries like Somalia as an example that there are much poorer countries out there than Gaza but nobody gives a fuck about them because there is nothing political there and no Jews to bother. And no Somalia does not control their ports, pirates and Al Shabab Islamic militants do though, Gaza has 10 times better government and support than Somalia, don't even try and compare the 2.

All Israel has to do is lift the blockade. Problem solved.

Why do they have to make problems for themselves?
The whole point in this Flotilla is just being sent to make Israels life miserable and to stick it to the Jews, nothing more. They can care less how poor Gaza is, even Tinmore admitted it is for political reasons, this isn't that hard to figure out. I'm just using countries like Somalia as an example that there are much poorer countries out there than Gaza but nobody gives a fuck about them because there is nothing political there and no Jews to bother. And no Somalia does not control their ports, pirates and Al Shabab Islamic militants do though, Gaza has 10 times better government and support than Somalia, don't even try and compare the 2.

Make ISRAEL'S life MISERABLE?! Is that some sort of joke? How does a boat full of deadbeats make Israel's life miserable? Because then they're 'forced' to go pounce them?

No, what's actually miserable are the consequences of Israel's blockade on Gaza. But hey, don't take it from me.

the World Bank said:
In Gaza, the continued blockade has had a devastating humanitarian impact and severely damaged the territory’s private sector, driving much of what remains into the informal economy. This situation will worsen so long as the near total prevention of external trade continues, making economic reintegration more costly and difficult.

West Bank & Gaza - World Bank: Concerted action needed by all parties for the PA to meet state-building goals

the World Bank said:
Modest recent economic progress achieved in the West Bank has excluded the 40% of the Palestinian population who live in Gaza. Following the Hamas takeover of Gaza in June 2007, the crossings into the Strip remain sealed to all but a limited amount of basic humanitarian goods. With very few humanitarian exceptions, most of the 1.5 million Gazans cannot exit to Israel, or to Egypt. [...] Donors met in Sharm el-Sheikh in March 2009 in support of Gaza reconstruction. They are still waiting for the embargo on Gaza to be lifted so that they can translate their pledges into financial and/or project support.

West Bank & Gaza - Country Brief

NOBODY could come in and out of Gaza for years! They couldn't even export anything. No foreign aid, either. THAT is miserable. No wonder they're going fucking nuts. But of course, it is Israel that can't be inconvenienced to remove these noisy boat-dwelling un-wanteds from "their" property. But hey, don't take it from the World Bank, they probably just wanna "stick it to the Jews," the only possible reason anyone would disagree with anything Israel does. How about, say, Oxfam?

Oxfam International said:
Many in the international community, including Quartet Representative Tony Blair, expressed hopes that this would lead to a major change and alleviate the plight of the palestinian civilian population in Gaza. However, five months later, there are few signs of real improvement on the ground as the ‘ease’ has left foundations of the illegal blockade policy intact. In order to have a positive impact on the daily lives of the 1.5 million palestinians in Gaza, half of whom are children, Israel must fully lift its blockade of the Gaza strip.

While the Government of Israel committed to expand and accelerate the inflow of construction materials for international projects, it has so far only approved 7 per cent of the building plan for UNRWa’s projects in Gaza, and of that 7 per cent only a small fraction of the necessary construction material has been allowed to enter for projects including schools and health centres. In fact, the UN reports that Gaza requires 670,000 truckloads of construction material, while only an average of 715 of these truckloads have been received per month since the ‘easing’ was announced.

Obviously Jew-haters. It just can't possibly be that anybody would give a shit about poor Palestinians - these Flotilla people must be going, taking a flight to get on a boat ride to potentially get killed... because they wanna stick it to the Jew! Because who would want to help any country when you can find a single worse one. That's why I think anyone who donates any money or volunteers to help in Ethiopia is obviously doing it for political reasons, just LOOK AT HOW RICH ETHIOPIA IS:




No, no, no - I'm certainly not bothering with THESE people! I'm gonna assume that all of Ethiopia is like this and therefore needs absolutely NO help from me.

Anyway, as far as Somalia goes, you are entirely correct: One cannot even compare the two. Somalia has virtually been in a state of perpetual civil war for 20 years, it's not being occupied by a developed nuclear power that simultaneously blockades its borders and controls its coasts. They're in the middle of a friggin' civil war killing EACH OTHER. There's no question that it's worse, but so what? You think every person who goes and lends their time and effort to any humanitarian cause is motivated by dark political objectives if they're NOT at the worst possible place they can find?
The whole point in this Flotilla is just being sent to make Israels life miserable and to stick it to the Jews, nothing more. They can care less how poor Gaza is, even Tinmore admitted it is for political reasons, this isn't that hard to figure out. I'm just using countries like Somalia as an example that there are much poorer countries out there than Gaza but nobody gives a fuck about them because there is nothing political there and no Jews to bother. And no Somalia does not control their ports, pirates and Al Shabab Islamic militants do though, Gaza has 10 times better government and support than Somalia, don't even try and compare the 2.

Make ISRAEL'S life MISERABLE?! Is that some sort of joke? How does a boat full of deadbeats make Israel's life miserable? Because then they're 'forced' to go pounce them?

No, what's actually miserable are the consequences of Israel's blockade on Gaza. But hey, don't take it from me.

the World Bank said:
In Gaza, the continued blockade has had a devastating humanitarian impact and severely damaged the territory’s private sector, driving much of what remains into the informal economy. This situation will worsen so long as the near total prevention of external trade continues, making economic reintegration more costly and difficult.

West Bank & Gaza - World Bank: Concerted action needed by all parties for the PA to meet state-building goals

the World Bank said:
Modest recent economic progress achieved in the West Bank has excluded the 40% of the Palestinian population who live in Gaza. Following the Hamas takeover of Gaza in June 2007, the crossings into the Strip remain sealed to all but a limited amount of basic humanitarian goods. With very few humanitarian exceptions, most of the 1.5 million Gazans cannot exit to Israel, or to Egypt. [...] Donors met in Sharm el-Sheikh in March 2009 in support of Gaza reconstruction. They are still waiting for the embargo on Gaza to be lifted so that they can translate their pledges into financial and/or project support.

West Bank & Gaza - Country Brief

NOBODY could come in and out of Gaza for years! They couldn't even export anything. No foreign aid, either. THAT is miserable. No wonder they're going fucking nuts. But of course, it is Israel that can't be inconvenienced to remove these noisy boat-dwelling un-wanteds from "their" property. But hey, don't take it from the World Bank, they probably just wanna "stick it to the Jews," the only possible reason anyone would disagree with anything Israel does. How about, say, Oxfam?

Oxfam International said:
Many in the international community, including Quartet Representative Tony Blair, expressed hopes that this would lead to a major change and alleviate the plight of the palestinian civilian population in Gaza. However, five months later, there are few signs of real improvement on the ground as the ‘ease’ has left foundations of the illegal blockade policy intact. In order to have a positive impact on the daily lives of the 1.5 million palestinians in Gaza, half of whom are children, Israel must fully lift its blockade of the Gaza strip.

While the Government of Israel committed to expand and accelerate the inflow of construction materials for international projects, it has so far only approved 7 per cent of the building plan for UNRWa’s projects in Gaza, and of that 7 per cent only a small fraction of the necessary construction material has been allowed to enter for projects including schools and health centres. In fact, the UN reports that Gaza requires 670,000 truckloads of construction material, while only an average of 715 of these truckloads have been received per month since the ‘easing’ was announced.

Obviously Jew-haters. It just can't possibly be that anybody would give a shit about poor Palestinians - these Flotilla people must be going, taking a flight to get on a boat ride to potentially get killed... because they wanna stick it to the Jew! Because who would want to help any country when you can find a single worse one. That's why I think anyone who donates any money or volunteers to help in Ethiopia is obviously doing it for political reasons, just LOOK AT HOW RICH ETHIOPIA IS:




No, no, no - I'm certainly not bothering with THESE people! I'm gonna assume that all of Ethiopia is like this and therefore needs absolutely NO help from me.

Anyway, as far as Somalia goes, you are entirely correct: One cannot even compare the two. Somalia has virtually been in a state of perpetual civil war for 20 years, it's not being occupied by a developed nuclear power that simultaneously blockades its borders and controls its coasts. They're in the middle of a friggin' civil war killing EACH OTHER. There's no question that it's worse, but so what? You think every person who goes and lends their time and effort to any humanitarian cause is motivated by dark political objectives if they're NOT at the worst possible place they can find?

LOL nobody is doing these flotillas because the life of the people in Gaza is "miserable", they are doing to try to the make the Israelis look bad and cause an incident like the one in where people were killed and caused an international outrage, point blank period.

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