Neocon Fossil Bob Bennett (Squish-UT) Ditched


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
SALT LAKE CITY – Republican Sen. Bob Bennett was thrown out of office Saturday by delegates at the Utah GOP convention in what represents a stunning defeat for a once-popular three-term incumbent who fell victim to a growing conservative movement nationwide.

Bennett's failure to make it into Utah's GOP primary — let alone win his party's nomination — makes him the first congressional incumbent to be ousted this year and demonstrates the difficult challenges candidates are facing from the right in 2010.


Bennett has been under fire for the past year for voting for a Wall Street bailout, co-sponsoring a bipartisan bill mandating health insurance coverage and for aggressively pursuing earmarks for his state.

Lee and Bridgewater pledged to be more fiscally conservative than Bennett, who was targeted for defeat by the Washington-based anti-tax group Club for Growth.

US Sen. Bob Bennett ousted at Utah GOP convention - Yahoo! News
Its supposed to be a bad year for incumbents. Its about time we got rid of the whores and put in someone who can run the country like its supposed to be run.
Its supposed to be a bad year for incumbents. Its about time we got rid of the whores and put in someone who can run the country like its supposed to be run.

Yep--even the dinasore Republicans are quite nervous. We saw Crist in Florida--that was a supposedly "shoe-in" for senate (who has now turned to independent) because he was getting rear kicked in the primary. John McCain looks to be in trouble in Arizona--so I suspect he's out in the primary. It's going on all over the country.

We want "conseratives"--not a bunch of whimpy so-called "moderate" "Republicans" who might as well be called "Democrats."
Just coming in a little while ago, Bob Bennett is out in Utah. Despite last ditch campaigning, Bennett was shocked that the toxic mood of his state's electorate towards the establishment. It could be his vote FOR the bailout is what ultimately spelled his doom.

Newsmax - Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

This backlash took out a rather conservative senator for supporting such an unpopular chunk of legislation like the bailout. No incumbent should consider themselves safe anymore.
Just coming in a little while ago, Bob Bennett is out in Utah. Despite last ditch campaigning, Bennett was shocked that the toxic mood of his state's electorate towards the establishment. It could be his vote FOR the bailout is what ultimately spelled his doom.

Newsmax - Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

This backlash took out a rather conservative senator for supporting such an unpopular chunk of legislation like the bailout. No incumbent should consider themselves safe anymore.

DITTO--The tea party movement in this country has encumbant Republicans shaking in their boots too. John McCain in trouble in Arizona--Crist a certain shoe-in for senate in Florida--out of personal political ambition had to go Independent--because he was so far behind his republican opponent.

This is going on all over the country.
Just coming in a little while ago, Bob Bennett is out in Utah. Despite last ditch campaigning, Bennett was shocked that the toxic mood of his state's electorate towards the establishment. It could be his vote FOR the bailout is what ultimately spelled his doom.

Newsmax - Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

This backlash took out a rather conservative senator for supporting such an unpopular chunk of legislation like the bailout. No incumbent should consider themselves safe anymore.

DITTO--The tea party movement in this country has encumbant Republicans shaking in their boots too. John McCain in trouble in Arizona--Crist a certain shoe-in for senate in Florida--out of personal political ambition had to go Independent--because he was so far behind his republican opponent.

This is going on all over the country.

You gotta love it. Can you imagine the extreme white wing having debates with moderate Democrats?

Teabagger: Boyking, Obama, a “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?

The Sane: No, he's the president.

Teabagger: Keep government away from my Healthcare.

The Sane: How much do you pay for Healthcare.

Teabagger: I get Medicare and Medicaid. Keep government away from my Medicare and Medicaid.

The Sane: Medicare and Medicaid are government programs.

Teabagger: Obama is trying to take away my gun rights.

The Sane: Obama signed a bill into law that expanded your gun rights.

Teabagger: I want government to give me a job.

The Sane: I thought you didn't want government's help.

Teabagger: You socialist. You hate this country.
Just coming in a little while ago, Bob Bennett is out in Utah. Despite last ditch campaigning, Bennett was shocked that the toxic mood of his state's electorate towards the establishment. It could be his vote FOR the bailout is what ultimately spelled his doom.

Newsmax - Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

This backlash took out a rather conservative senator for supporting such an unpopular chunk of legislation like the bailout. No incumbent should consider themselves safe anymore.

DITTO--The tea party movement in this country has encumbant Republicans shaking in their boots too. John McCain in trouble in Arizona--Crist a certain shoe-in for senate in Florida--out of personal political ambition had to go Independent--because he was so far behind his republican opponent.

This is going on all over the country.

You gotta love it. Can you imagine the extreme white wing having debates with moderate Democrats?

Teabagger: Boyking, Obama, a &#8220;boy&#8221; who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?

The Sane: No, he's the president.

Teabagger: Keep government away from my Healthcare.

The Sane: How much do you pay for Healthcare.

Teabagger: I get Medicare and Medicaid. Keep government away from my Medicare and Medicaid.

The Sane: Medicare and Medicaid are government programs.

Teabagger: Obama is trying to take away my gun rights.

The Sane: Obama signed a bill into law that expanded your gun rights.

Teabagger: I want government to give me a job.

The Sane: I thought you didn't want government's help.

Teabagger: You socialist. You hate this country.

Again--we witness the supposed superior intelligence of a LIBERAL--who does not seem to understand that if we keep up this massive government spending--we are going to look like GREECE in the very near future.

Right now every single household in this country OWES the federal government 100K. By 2020 it is expected to be 170K. If you're a student just entering the work force you owe 120K in INTEREST alone on the national debt--if you're 38 you will be pay $140K in INTEREST alone on the national debt.

Upps forgot. FACTS don't matter to liberals.

No one can BORROW and SPEND their way to PROSPERITY.
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DITTO--The tea party movement in this country has encumbant Republicans shaking in their boots too. John McCain in trouble in Arizona--Crist a certain shoe-in for senate in Florida--out of personal political ambition had to go Independent--because he was so far behind his republican opponent.

This is going on all over the country.

You gotta love it. Can you imagine the extreme white wing having debates with moderate Democrats?

Teabagger: Boyking, Obama, a “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?

The Sane: No, he's the president.

Teabagger: Keep government away from my Healthcare.

The Sane: How much do you pay for Healthcare.

Teabagger: I get Medicare and Medicaid. Keep government away from my Medicare and Medicaid.

The Sane: Medicare and Medicaid are government programs.

Teabagger: Obama is trying to take away my gun rights.

The Sane: Obama signed a bill into law that expanded your gun rights.

Teabagger: I want government to give me a job.

The Sane: I thought you didn't want government's help.

Teabagger: You socialist. You hate this country.

Again--we witness the supposed superior intelligence of a LIBERAL--who does not seem to understand that if we keep up this massive government spending--we are going to look like GREECE in the very near future.

Right now every single household in this country OWES the federal government 100K. By 2020 it is expected to be 170K. If you're a student just entering the work force you owe 120K in INTEREST alone on the national debt--if you're 38 you will be pay $140K in INTEREST alone on the national debt.

Upps forgot. FACTS don't matter to liberals.

No one can BORROW and SPEND their way to PROSPERITY.

No one is denying that. But talk to the Teabaggers. They don't want their Medicare cut. They don't want their Medicaid cut. They don't want war spending cut.

They want all their benefits, without paying taxes, without cutting services. Haven't you listened to what they have to say? These people are "less than sane".
Just coming in a little while ago, Bob Bennett is out in Utah. Despite last ditch campaigning, Bennett was shocked that the toxic mood of his state's electorate towards the establishment. It could be his vote FOR the bailout is what ultimately spelled his doom.

Newsmax - Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

This backlash took out a rather conservative senator for supporting such an unpopular chunk of legislation like the bailout. No incumbent should consider themselves safe anymore.

DITTO--The tea party movement in this country has encumbant Republicans shaking in their boots too. John McCain in trouble in Arizona--Crist a certain shoe-in for senate in Florida--out of personal political ambition had to go Independent--because he was so far behind his republican opponent.

This is going on all over the country.

You gotta love it. Can you imagine the extreme white wing having debates with moderate Democrats?

Teabagger: Boyking, Obama, a “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?

The Sane: No, he's the president.

Teabagger: Keep government away from my Healthcare.

The Sane: How much do you pay for Healthcare.

Teabagger: I get Medicare and Medicaid. Keep government away from my Medicare and Medicaid.

The Sane: Medicare and Medicaid are government programs.

Teabagger: Obama is trying to take away my gun rights.

The Sane: Obama signed a bill into law that expanded your gun rights.

Teabagger: I want government to give me a job.

The Sane: I thought you didn't want government's help.

Teabagger: You socialist. You hate this country.
you gonna run away from this conversation like the last one we had SFB?

You consider yourself a 'moderate'? Let alone sane?

But to your stupid irrelevant statements that have nothing to do with the topic, and maybe losing another argument will shut you up for a few minutes.

Teabagger: Keep government away from my Healthcare.

The Sane: How much do you pay for Healthcare.

Less than I will in tax payments once you do an honest assessment. Of course, most of that will be stolen from someone else till they get wise, move their assets out of gubmint reach and then it will fall on me. That's an economic reality you just can't get through that thick chunk of basalt on your neck.

Teabagger: I get Medicare and Medicaid. Keep government away from my Medicare and Medicaid.

The Sane: Medicare and Medicaid are government programs.

Most American's don't get either because they have insurance through work, or on their own, or don't have anything at all. They must be cared for, just like illegals, when they come bombing through the emergency room door. Strawman.

Teabagger: Obama is trying to take away my gun rights.

The Sane: Obama signed a bill into law that expanded your gun rights.

Wait, are you trying to credit Obama for getting behind the Supreme Court's decision to shoot down the DC gun ban? Oh that's rich. He does diddlyshit and you try to credit him.

Teabagger: I want government to give me a job.

The Sane: I thought you didn't want government's help.

No, we want government to stop fucking up the economy at large by overspending by TRILLIONS, and acting like teenage girls on speed with Daddy's credit card at the mall. We don't want government bailing out failing companies. Let them fail, be bought up and put the assets back to work. We don't want government jobs, we want private sector jobs... and another thing, we want the public sector paid LESS than private sector work. They don't deserve that much dough when we have no say over public sector union contracts when they are done through corrupt budgetary process riddled with conflicts of interest.

Teabagger: You socialist. You hate this country.

And you prove it, day in and out every time you open your keyboard up to your insane yapyap.

Do the world a favor. Pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
You gotta love it. Can you imagine the extreme white wing having debates with moderate Democrats?

Teabagger: Boyking, Obama, a &#8220;boy&#8221; who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ"?

The Sane: No, he's the president.

Teabagger: Keep government away from my Healthcare.

The Sane: How much do you pay for Healthcare.

Teabagger: I get Medicare and Medicaid. Keep government away from my Medicare and Medicaid.

The Sane: Medicare and Medicaid are government programs.

Teabagger: Obama is trying to take away my gun rights.

The Sane: Obama signed a bill into law that expanded your gun rights.

Teabagger: I want government to give me a job.

The Sane: I thought you didn't want government's help.

Teabagger: You socialist. You hate this country.

Again--we witness the supposed superior intelligence of a LIBERAL--who does not seem to understand that if we keep up this massive government spending--we are going to look like GREECE in the very near future.

Right now every single household in this country OWES the federal government 100K. By 2020 it is expected to be 170K. If you're a student just entering the work force you owe 120K in INTEREST alone on the national debt--if you're 38 you will be pay $140K in INTEREST alone on the national debt.

Upps forgot. FACTS don't matter to liberals.

No one can BORROW and SPEND their way to PROSPERITY.

No one is denying that. But talk to the Teabaggers. They don't want their Medicare cut. They don't want their Medicaid cut. They don't want war spending cut.

They want all their benefits, without paying taxes, without cutting services. Haven't you listened to what they have to say? These people are "less than sane".
Funny. All the tea partiers I hear calling to talk radio say nothing about medicare/medicaid. you must be thinking members of the AARP rallies... who are primarily libs who think that the world owes them a cushy retirement. I hear tea partiers saying "Get the fuck out of health insurance you dipshits!"

BTW, did you forget to answer my question about if someone offered you a job for millions of dollars, do you deserve it? Or are you gonna keep running like a whiny bitch?
Its supposed to be a bad year for incumbents. Its about time we got rid of the whores and put in someone who can run the country like its supposed to be run.

Yep--even the dinasore Republicans are quite nervous. We saw Crist in Florida--that was a supposedly "shoe-in" for senate (who has now turned to independent) because he was getting rear kicked in the primary. John McCain looks to be in trouble in Arizona--so I suspect he's out in the primary. It's going on all over the country.

We want "conseratives"--not a bunch of whimpy so-called "moderate" "Republicans" who might as well be called "Democrats."

And when Bennet decides to run as an Independent, like Crist, this too will turn into a three way race, and we shall then see how it works out....
Just coming in a little while ago, Bob Bennett is out in Utah. Despite last ditch campaigning, Bennett was shocked that the toxic mood of his state's electorate towards the establishment. It could be his vote FOR the bailout is what ultimately spelled his doom.

Newsmax - Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

This backlash took out a rather conservative senator for supporting such an unpopular chunk of legislation like the bailout. No incumbent should consider themselves safe anymore.

So, when Bennett runs as an Independent, like Crist, and this turns into a three way race, how do you expect the chips to fall?
Just coming in a little while ago, Bob Bennett is out in Utah. Despite last ditch campaigning, Bennett was shocked that the toxic mood of his state's electorate towards the establishment. It could be his vote FOR the bailout is what ultimately spelled his doom.

Newsmax - Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

This backlash took out a rather conservative senator for supporting such an unpopular chunk of legislation like the bailout. No incumbent should consider themselves safe anymore.

So, when Bennett runs as an Independent, like Crist, and this turns into a three way race, how do you expect the chips to fall?
If he runs. Utah is notoriously GOP, and possibly will stick with the party.
Its supposed to be a bad year for incumbents. Its about time we got rid of the whores and put in someone who can run the country like its supposed to be run.
If you look at it who's involved in scandals and other hinky behavior, it always seems to be those with 12 years in office or more. A good indication we need congressional term limits right there.

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