Neil Young to perform in Israel this summer

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Neil Young is scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv July 17th - this summer. Israeli people are really looking forward to this performance. I was trying to find out if tickets were sold out yet. The concert should be amazing. singer Neil Young, of the former Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young rock group of the late 60s, will perform with his Crazy Horse band in Tel Aviv this July, his first performance in Israel since 1995.

The announcement by an Israeli producer comes a week after a report, quoting Israeli producers, that the Rolling Stones are planning a gig in Israel this year.

Young is an environmental activist but has not used his stardom to promote political platforms, which is bad news for the Boycott Israel movement that lately has failed to stop entertainers from performing in Israel.

Young's principle not to promote political platforms was virtually ignored when he and his band were they were later pressured to cancel their tour. This is the response from that latest news:


Don’t let them stop Neil Young from “Rockin’ In The Free World”
Please sign petition.
Even though Neil Young's July 16 performance in Israel is months away, the Canadians For Justice and Peace in the Middle East (“CJPME”) has launched a boycott petition to pressure the artist into canceling his performance.

They are planning to present it to Neil's management by March 15!

Unless we counter their effort, the publicity will further erode the perception of Israel across the globe. It will also give organizations behind the cultural boycott greater leverage to influence other performers, like Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga, who are also scheduled to perform in Israel this summer.

Boycott proponents often exploit causes close to an artist’s heart, thus politicizing art for their own purposes. In Neil’s case, the CJPME are using his admirable advocacy for Native Canadians and misleading him with false comparisons to the Palestinians.

Promoting peace through art, Creative Community For Peace (“CCFP) arms musicians with the truth about Israel. Contrary to CJPME’s claim, and unlike Native Canadians, Palestinians were not the victims of genocide. In fact, they have grown and thrived alongside Israelis, who are descended from the original inhabitants of the ancient land of Israel. Read more: Facts Before Slogans from CCFP.

Let Neil Young and all artists know that the boycott campaign does not represent the majority view. Please sign our petition and join our growing movement.
Many of you have already signed our Anti-Boycott Petition, which has over 20,000 signatories from across the globe, so we are asking for your help in circulating the petition among your family, friends and anyone you know who believes in promoting the ideals of liberal democracy.


Which brings me to the point of my thread. Music should not be politicized. Musicians should not be put in this position by any group. It's wrong.
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All the southerners I know love Neil Young. So do Israelis. Which is why he will do the tour! He's loved and appreciated and he knows it!
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Remember this one?

[ame=]Neil Young - Old Man - Live at Massey Hall - YouTube[/ame]
I think he is pretty non - political, Mr. H. I just like his music. Actually now that I think of it I do not know the politics of many musicians these days. The times they are a changin'. I know Madonna is a democrat and loves Israel. that is about it. p.s. I love Israel too.
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This will bring back some memories for you...

[ame=]Neil Young - Ohio - Live at Massey Hall - YouTube[/ame]
I think he is pretty non - political, Mr. H. I just like his music. Actually now that I think of it I do not know the politics of many musicians these days. The times they are a changin'. I know Madonna is a democrat and loves Israel. that is about it. p.s. I love Israel too.

Which brings us to Neil Young, who sat Sunday in a very familiar place, on the Massey Hall stage, and delivered a savage attack on Stephen Harper’s Conservatives.

Should we care what Neil Young says about our politics? Tim Harper | Toronto Star

Harvest inspired me to pick up the harmonica in high school. Never learned it, but I was cool nonetheless. :thup:
Alright I won't wait any longer I'll just dive in here for all of us. Here is the question. Should fans expect their musicians to agree with their politics? If they don't agree with their politics should they have the right to force their show to be canceled? Therein ruining it for millions of people who have been waiting months to see Neil Young? Is it right to impose boycotts against Musicians? Costing the musician, his band and many other people alot of money, time and wasted energy dealing with something they should never have been confronted with in the first place? I say no. What say you?

You've got the floor. Take it away!
Alright I won't wait any longer I'll just dive in here for all of us. Here is the question. Should fans expect their musicians to agree with their politics? If they don't agree with their politics should they have the right to force their show to be canceled? Therein ruining it for millions of people who have been waiting months to see Neil Young? Is it right to impose boycotts against Musicians? Costing the musician, his band and many other people alot of money, time and wasted energy dealing with something they should never have been confronted with in the first place? I say no. What say you?

You've got the floor. Take it away!

Of course not. But don't be surprised if Mr. Young uses a few moments of his paid stage time to issue a lecture or two regarding his political views. He may not, but he just might.

We've seen plenty of it in the news. The Chixy Dicks come to mind.

I've seen it first hand, after paying out the ass for a John Mellencamp ticket. He paused his concert mid-way through the set in order to project a pro-environment film onto a large screen behind the stage. I took the opportunity to stand up and shout obscenities at the top of my lungs. I've got a voice too, and I expressed it.

I paid good money to hear music, not propaganda.
I think he is pretty non - political, Mr. H. I just like his music. Actually now that I think of it I do not know the politics of many musicians these days. The times they are a changin'. I know Madonna is a democrat and loves Israel. that is about it. p.s. I love Israel too.

Which brings us to Neil Young, who sat Sunday in a very familiar place, on the Massey Hall stage, and delivered a savage attack on Stephen Harper’s Conservatives.

Should we care what Neil Young says about our politics? Tim Harper | Toronto Star

Harvest inspired me to pick up the harmonica in high school. Never learned it, but I was cool nonetheless. :thup:

I don't mind that they have their political viewpoints and may differ from mine. I get along with people every day whose political views I do not agree with.

This is not exactly the situation however in Israel. Israel citizens are being deprived of musicians who had plans to come due to pressure from certain groups that have political agendas. My belief is that it is not right to make music a political issue.

I do support any musician making a political song - that is their free choice. What is happening right now is not. I'm against boycotting Israel in any form. I'm against musicians such as Neil Young being pressured to cancel his tour by people whose agendas are purely political.

On the subject of the harmonica? I can picture you playing a harmonica! Quite clearly! Buy one and start practicing! Who knows? You might get invited to join Neil on his next tour to Israel!
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Israel's economy is booming with foreign investers. Tourism is booming in Israel. World famous entertainers are flocking into Israel. Long live the BDS Movement.
Neil Young, Rolling Stones, etc. Looks like the BDS (Bowel Discharge Movement) is really working! Ha ha ha.
After this I think we'll see more musicians book Israel because people don't like being told what to do, where they can go, who they can see. That is how you repel people and drive them away, close them off from listening to you.
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Now that the BDS is showing the obvious flaws in the 'Palestinian' cause, Israel is gaining more support. Excellent news and well done to all the artistes not caving in the filthy threats not to perform in Israel.

Harvest Moon is a great one.

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