Neighborhood Curfews: A Dystopia Debate?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a hypothetical dialogue/debate about the practicality of neighborhood curfews between a hypothetical psychopath/criminal and a hypothetical patriot/vigilante.

Curfews have become as symbolic an issue as school uniform policy, since they represent 'governance sanity' in our modern age of 'confluence troubles' (e.g., illegal immigration).


PSYCHO: Neighborhood curfews prove that pedestrians can not do without police.
VIGILANTE: Curfew-enforcement is a group effort and suggests concern about community.
PSYCHO: Why is it that people do not respect female police officers?
VIGILANTE: Law enforcement can get brutish and hairy, and women should not feel obligated to work.
PSYCHO: Americans have the time to hype Starbucks but not the time to contemplate vagrancy.
VIGILANTE: Vagrancy can be psychological as well as sociological, but commerce is always friendly.
PSYCHO: Kids hate curfews.
VIGILANTE: Yes, but kids like comic book superheroes who tackle anti-social behaviors.
PSYCHO: Aren't curfews a sign that civilization inevitably creates anarchy?
VIGILANTE: No, curfews illuminate a human interest in governance maturity.
PSYCHO: Policemen are susceptible to sin as much as criminals.
VIGILANTE: Policemen are paid to serve others, but criminals serve themselves.
PSYCHO: Curfews remind me of concentration camps and inspire me to rebelliousness.
VIGILANTE: Well, curfews should also remind you of human virtue.
PSYCHO: What's so 'virtuous' about servitude?
VIGILANTE: Service is honorable, since we use free will to exercise sanity.
PSYCHO: Let's hope our capitalism-subjective U.S. President (Donald Trump) cares about 'smalltown virtue.'
VIGILANTE: Capitalism is always ennobled by democracy.



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