Need DNC noms for who runs for Pres in 2016

Chris Christie - I'm hoping he strikes out on his own. He's too free-thinking to be bullied by a party platform, especially the two farce parties that currently exist.

I like Christie, but the OP was talking about Democratic candidates. While the reactionary Republicans will make comments about him switching parties, I just don't see it happening. Maybe as an Independent. I don't see him winning the GOP nomination with all the nut jobs still occupying the base.

Christ, it might piss off Sarah and Rush and all the other intellectuals in that party.

Hah! Intellectuals! I get it. But seriously though.... :tongue:
You dummycrats all know you love hitlery, so why not compliment her with another frothing at mouth, bat shit crazy wind bag of a skank, Debbie-diarrhea of the mouth-Wasserman-extreme bubble headed leftist hack-Shultz... yeah... there's your dream ticket... :clap2:
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Needn't bother. Its Comrade Barack Obama, the man who knows no Constutional bounds, all the way.

President for life, yes, indeedy. All of the American citizenry's guns safely under lock and key, the surviving Conservatives all deeply immersed in their re education camps training regimen "Arbeit Macht Frei", the old American Constitution safely consigned to the scrap pile, the newly rewritten Constitution rightfully granting supremacy rights to all the country's previously oppressed minorities, all citizens now equally sharing the remaining wealth, the only exception being the country's former caucasian majority, who get nothing ......



Hillary and Biden will be the ones slugging it out for the top spot. You'll see a few also ran candidates like Evan Bayh out of Indiana, but the big contest will be Clinton Vs. Biden unless someone comes out of nowhere with a lot of momentum in the next 2 years.

Hillary and Joe are too old. By the time the next election comes around, Hillary will be 69 and Biden will be 74. The oldest President we've ever elected was Ronald Reagan, who was 69 at the time.
Needn't bother. Its Comrade Barack Obama, the man who knows no Constutional bounds, all the way.

President for life, yes, indeedy. All of the American citizenry's guns safely under lock and key, the surviving Conservatives all deeply immersed in their re education camps training regimen "Arbeit Macht Frei", the old American Constitution safely consigned to the scrap pile, the newly rewritten Constitution rightfully granting supremacy rights to all the country's previously oppressed minorities, all citizens now equally sharing the remaining wealth, the only exception being the country's former caucasian majority, who get nothing ......

If Obama really wanted a third term you are only helping him. All he would have to do is point at people like you and say "It's either me or them."

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