Need a Bill to Make Obama Defend Our Borders?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
H.R. 399: To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to gain and maintain ...

... operational control of the international borders of the United States, and for other purposes.

Sadly, says it gas a 9% chance of being enacted
Republicans have fought Obama on everything he has done to "secure the borders". In spite of them, we now have 18500 Border Patrol agents on our southern border. While Rs continue to fight for total amnesty President Obama has deported more illegals than another prez in history.

We do have more than one border. What have the Rs done to keep us safe from terrorists coming in through any border? Nothing. Not one damn thing.

Turn off fox, limbaugh, brietbart. You just might learn something.
Congress can`t do nothing with a loser Muslim enabler in the White House, and "Harry (the trader) Reid" in the Senate, who has blocked everything since the Republicans took control of the House!!!
H.R. 399: To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to gain and maintain ...

... operational control of the international borders of the United States, and for other purposes.

Sadly, says it gas a 9% chance of being enacted

Makes you kind of wonder why Republicans didn't submit this bill after 9/11?

When we had a more immediate threat to our security, and more illegal crossings of our southern border.
The House has 6 hours to fund Homeland Security or it will expire. Boehner's willing to take that responsibility in order to stand up for the Tea Party.
The RWs whine when Obama defends our borders and then blame Obama when the Republicans refuse to defend our borders.

We need to find a way to force the Republicans to protect our borders.

Its criminal that the Republicans would actually defund Homeland Security rather than just defend this country against terrorists.
The GOP booked their whole leadership on the Sunday talk shows, thinking they'd brag about their win. What an embarrassment.
It only got funded for ONE WEEK!

And a whole lot of Republicans voted against Long John Speaker.

I'm surprised there weren't a whole lot of amendments introduced in the House.
What we need to do is to allow a temporary military junta to do the following:
1. Use our army along the borders. If posse comitatus interferes with this, repeal the posse comitatus law.
2. End ALL immigration (that way no one can claim racism).
3. Cease allowing in so-called refugees.
4. Amend the US Constitution to restrict religious teachings that are incompatible with western secular society and make the it criminal to advocate for a theocratic style government.
5. Amend the US Constitution to reflect that any candidate for president, must have served at some point in his/her life a full tour of duty in the military, honorably, regardless of rank.
6. Redraft the second Amendment to make it clear that non-criminals may possess and carry handguns for self defense and keep within their homes, rifles for sport or hunting purposes.
7. Enlarge our military and upgrade the aging nuclear arsenal.
Contrary to the invented reality many Republicans now live in, Obama's stance has always been to secure the borders first before doing anything on immigration, and the President has lived up to that promise. There aren't 18,000 border security people as previously stated in this thread. The number is actually just over 21,000.

Deportations have gone up 10% a year under Obama over Bush, and illegals entering America has now been a net negative number in recent years.

Contrary to the GOP fairytale, the border has been secured. Billions of dollars in additional resources were added in the POTUS' stimulus.

Why has the GOP done nothing on the matter? Because they've never wanted secure borders under Obama so they can cynically blame him, yet the opposite has ended up working out as the borders are more secure now than they've ever been in my lifetime.

It's simply a Republican strawman from the Lou Dobbs days at CNN in the 90's they keep repeating.
To interpol:

What good are 21,000 border agents when Obama has directed they cannot turn back or arrest illegals crossing the border?
To interpol:

What good are 21,000 border agents when Obama has directed they cannot turn back or arrest illegals crossing the border?
For a while Obama was using his turn back numbers to pad his total on deports. But he had to quit that because turn backs have no court records to back up the FAKE numbers.
Refusing to enforce laws is grounds for impeachment. So is amending them by executive order. Both violate his oath of office.
Impeachment would have been possible near the beginning of his second term but is useless now. All it needs is for Congress to get some juevos and put a stop to his executive orders and department regulations. Keep him on the gold course where he can do less harm.

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