Nearly 25 percent of the Democratic party believes that men can get pregnant. Twenty. Five. Percent.

Do you believe men can become pregnant? As an American who grew up in the southeast in the 60s and 70s, if a person made that claim back then, their neighbors and friends would assume they were joking. If they persisted and argued about the point, their neighbors would have assumed they had mental issues.

I believe that even the most hardcore "anti-Republicans" don't really believe that a male human being can become pregnant. What they are responding to is the Left's war on our language. They have used media and entertainment to change words to suit their agenda. A "man" can have a baby only if that "man" is in a female body but thinks of themselves as male and wants to use hormones and or surgery to accomplish that goal. It's seen by average people as a mental illness. I just ignored people who become so strident about such points.
They are the people who would claim that a dog has 5 legs if you call its tail a leg. Abraham Lincoln would have laughed at them.
It is more of a legal issue than a biological one.
It applies to how benefits are received
Which simply means that science supporters will continue to identify men and women as what they actually are, not what they are pretending to be. Mutilating your body does not change your gender.

If you want me to call you a man or woman, we can negotiate that privately, but if you want the government to force me to call you one or the other, we have a problem.

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