NBC: Full 1st Press Conference for President Biden (3/25/21)

Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.
I agree, Biden is doing a great job at getting Trump back in the Whitehouse.

You really think your blob is going to run again after losing by 8M votes? You're dumber than I tell people.
Lol, not as dumb as a biden voter.

Your blob lost by 8M votes. That is significantly more people than populate a lot of red states. Give that some thought dumbfuck.
He won in a landslide, you cheated. Ole illegitimate pedo Joe. Anyway after yesterday pedo Joe made us a laughing stock of the world.
Command of the policies, compassionate, on track, on point...you would almost swear there was a real politician up there, not some douchebag former reality TV game show host riffing and lying his fat ass off. :)

You saw something different than we did, apparently. Because NONE of that applies to Pablum Joe.

You're lying or stupid.

And "real politician" is about as complimentary as "child molester"
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.
I agree, Biden is doing a great job at getting Trump back in the Whitehouse.

You really think your blob is going to run again after losing by 8M votes? You're dumber than I tell people.
Lol, not as dumb as a biden voter.

Your blob lost by 8M votes. That is significantly more people than populate a lot of red states. Give that some thought dumbfuck.


You cheated in the tens of million column!
hey JackOfNoTrades , how cool is it when our beloved, sane president, has to use cards to call on reporters? Its very professional to be stupid enough not to call on who you want to, right? :lol:

Is it rewarding to pick at nits? It must be. Because that's really all you have here. I mean, I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. Would you rather he riff? Then lie? Then start picking fights with reporters?
You can disagree with this policy positions. I expect that. But after watching the last guy riff for four years and say some the dumbest shit I've ever heard come out of a leader's mouth, Biden is a refreshing, albeit
boring at times change. I'll take boring right now. By the numbers. At least I know Biden is interested in being up there. ^Shrug^.
This is jacks idea of political refreshment
“COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year — look, here, the lives — it’s just — it’s a, I mean, you think about it.
More lives this year than any other year for the past hundred years."
“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”

Again, if you want to pick nits have it. Somehow, I don't see Biden up on the podium turning to doctors and asking if light can be brought into the body "in some other way". :auiqs.jpg:
Why do you keep deflecting? You are pathetic.
Expected i guess. You cultists are all the same.

And you're just another Trump supporting, alt-right true believer.
There's no deflection here. You've decided you're going to find fault with everything Biden does...just as your masters in alt-right media do everyday.
I'm under no obligation to enable your nit picking. Take it back to the dungeon message boards. :)
Thanks, Ill take that as a compliment!
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.
I agree, Biden is doing a great job at getting Trump back in the Whitehouse.

You really think your blob is going to run again after losing by 8M votes? You're dumber than I tell people.
Lol, not as dumb as a biden voter.

Your blob lost by 8M votes. That is significantly more people than populate a lot of red states. Give that some thought dumbfuck.


You cheated in the tens of million column!

And where are the arrests for these millions of alleged felonies?
Note the cricket chorus from the Lib Lefties. They can't even spin that disaster. The bulb is growing dimmer by the day. I can't stand the guy, but it's actually sad to watch.
So does this mean the Covid crisis is over, or does it mean the press won't cover it now that Chairman Xiden is in office?
It means he’s doing a good job. Unlike orange sociopath
Said by a liar who was caught calling herself a NYS attorney when, in fact, asked about her credentials she had the wrong answer.
She lies to lend credibility to her posts and I find that pathetic.
Trump is out, media doesnt want to hurt Xiden with COVID questions.

99% of the media are simply Dem activists.
the media could have asked a simple question:

President Biden. You said you will follow the science. Well, the science says kids can go back to school. But many arent. Why is that?
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster

The Lapdog Media Didn’t Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium

It Was a Catastrophe
Biden Press Conference Was a Disaster - The Lapdog Media Didn't Care Biden Was Reading Notes from the Podium - It Was a Catastrophe (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft
The verdict is in and Joe Biden’s first press conference was a colossal catastrophe.
To be honest, after stealing the 2020 election, there wasn’t much that Biden could have done or said to appease the 80 million Americans who he stole the election from. But then again he didn’t want to.
As we noted already, Biden lied throughout the presser and laughed and mocked President Trump. This didn’t work for Obama who won the 2008 election, it sure wasn’t going to work for Biden who stole the 2020 election from the man he mocked:
The Daily Caller noted:
President Joe Biden appeared to read off a pre-written list as he called on various reporters during his first formal press conference in office.
FOX News’s reporter Peter Doocy was silenced by Biden:
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy called out President Joe Biden for not taking questions from him in his first White House news conference.
After Biden’s wrapped up his question-and-answer time on Thursday, Doocy beamed into Fox News midday show America Reports, as a panel critiqued the president over several elements of his performance. Much of the discussion centered around whether Biden received sufficient scrutiny, and when Doocy appeared, John Roberts noted the fact that Biden didn’t call on him to ask a question.

Everyone knows a few things:
1. Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump. President Trump set a record and Biden’s gang had to steal a record to claim the White House. Biden knows it and the world knows it.​
2. Joe Biden is unable to function on his own. He has the physical and mental abilities of a person late in life lacking the strength and wits to live on their own.​
3. The media, social media, the Democrats, and the DOJ know Joe Biden stole the election are fine with it. It’s all about power.​
4. The media is a joke. They asked no unapproved questions. They had no follow-up questions and they were happy to lap praise upon Biden.​
5. The media was happy to put lipstick on horribly unfair and corrupt pieces of legislation like HR1.​
6. Watching the event was like watching the Iraqi media fawn over Saddam Hussein.​

What a mess our media and government have turned into. This wasn’t a production. It was a disaster.

It's quite obvious why the citizens of America and the Houses of Congress were not treated to a newly elected President's State Of The Union Message.
this is the best his handlers could train him to do. Let that sink in.
Chyna Joey Xi is not capabale of doing so no matter how well his writers could pen a message.
His handlers thought they could mainatin him in a semi lucid for most of this year.
They know now he has weeks, not months, and they will do as much damage as they can as quickly as they can.
It's not going to end well.
I see a very, very dark ending for the Biden-Harris Regime and the Democrat Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party. That was probably his first and last press conference because they’ll never let him out in public like that again.
I doubt if Joey will leave the presidency willingly. His handlers may have to do him in. Stalin did it to Lenin, why not Joey Xi? They'll call it a cereberal hemorrhage and make a martyr of him....

You sound like you're in a panic. Nobody stole anything from Trump...even his attorney admitted the election fraud stuff was just a bunch of nonsense.

Biden is doing a great job.
I agree, Biden is doing a great job at getting Trump back in the Whitehouse.

You really think your blob is going to run again after losing by 8M votes? You're dumber than I tell people.
The real question is that does Biden's brain issues qualify him as a potential anti christ? A miracle will heal him and then things will really get bad.
So does this mean the Covid crisis is over, or does it mean the press won't cover it now that Chairman Xiden is in office?
Other questions not asked...

Has your physician examined you for dementia and will you release proof that you are not stricken with dementia?

Why did you and Kamala put babies back in the cages?

When will you transition power to Kamala Harris?

After killing thousands of American jobs working on the Keystone XL pipeline and the border wall, who is your next target for destruction?

Do you regret lying to the American people on countless occasions?

Who is Hunter profiting from now?

What's up with the Hunter Biden gun story, and does he currently own a gun with a high-capacity magazine?

When will you debate Vladimir Putin?

How many people have died in your border detention facilities? Are there any reports of abuse of women or children?

Why is it that American citizens returning from other countries have to show a negative COVID test, but you are letting illegal aliens come in with all kinds of diseases?

It's being reported that the cost of housing each illegal immigrant is $400 per day. Wouldn't that money be better spent on helping homeless Americans living in Democrat cities?

Being born with a Y chromosome gifts one with larger muscles, lungs, heart and volume of blood. These benefits continue after hormone therapy or gender reassignment. Why would you let them compete against females in competitive sports, preventing real women from achieving their goals in life and receiving college sports scholarships? Isn't that misogynistic?

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal over 55 years ago to discriminate based upon one's race or ethnicity (they way they were born, which they have no control over). Why did you cave to Senator Hirono and commit to using a racial litmus test for top Cabinet positions? Isn't that racist?
Last edited:
Command of the policies, compassionate, on track, on point...you would almost swear there was a real politician up there, not some douchebag former reality TV game show host riffing and lying his fat ass off. :)
unaware of the policies, , completely off track, has no point.......you would swear there is a real dementia patient up there lying its ass off.....what a traitor beijing xiden is
hey JackOfNoTrades , how cool is it when our beloved, sane president, has to use cards to call on reporters? Its very professional to be stupid enough not to call on who you want to, right? :lol:

Is it rewarding to pick at nits? It must be. Because that's really all you have here. I mean, I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. Would you rather he riff? Then lie? Then start picking fights with reporters?
You can disagree with this policy positions. I expect that. But after watching the last guy riff for four years and say some the dumbest shit I've ever heard come out of a leader's mouth, Biden is a refreshing, albeit
boring at times change. I'll take boring right now. By the numbers. At least I know Biden is interested in being up there. ^Shrug^.
This is jacks idea of political refreshment
“COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year — look, here, the lives — it’s just — it’s a, I mean, you think about it.
More lives this year than any other year for the past hundred years."
“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”

Again, if you want to pick nits have it. Somehow, I don't see Biden up on the podium turning to doctors and asking if light can be brought into the body "in some other way". :auiqs.jpg:
Why do you keep deflecting? You are pathetic.
Expected i guess. You cultists are all the same.

And you're just another Trump supporting, alt-right true believer.
There's no deflection here. You've decided you're going to find fault with everything Biden does...just as your masters in alt-right media do everyday.
I'm under no obligation to enable your nit picking. Take it back to the dungeon message boards. :)
you mean just like you assholes did for 4 years, right? go ahead, shit stain, deny it....
retards like you cant handle the TRUTH....and yes, that was deflection, but being as your idol says it isnt, you must listen...noted

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