Nazi...err...Democrat(NH), wants 2 restrict freedoms for Conservatives & Libertarians


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Nazi...errrrr...Democrat, Cynthia Chase while yelling "Seig Heil" to the multiple Hitler posters on the walls of her houses came up with legislation to restrict freedoms for anyone who is conservative - libertarian. You know, the more I listen to Rush, the more he is correct. I remember over a year ago, he stated that mentally ill people who worship Hitler like Chase does, they consider Americans with any opposing views to be the biggest threat to the nation. I truly believe Chase would support rounding up anyone who disagrees with it...I mean her...into concentration camps and having them gassed or put into ovens...afterall, her idol, Hitler did the same thing.

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives
Nazi...errrrr...Democrat, Cynthia Chase while yelling "Seig Heil" to the multiple Hitler posters on the walls of her houses came up with legislation to restrict freedoms for anyone who is conservative - libertarian. You know, the more I listen to Rush, the more he is correct. I remember over a year ago, he stated that mentally ill people who worship Hitler like Chase does, they consider Americans with any opposing views to be the biggest threat to the nation. I truly believe Chase would support rounding up anyone who disagrees with it...I mean her...into concentration camps and having them gassed or put into ovens...afterall, her idol, Hitler did the same thing.

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives

Funny, I've pretty much thought the same about you and many of the other nutjobs in this forum.
So its perfectly permissable for Ann Coulter to demand lists of women who have had abortions and make them public BUT when anyone proposes to restrict the freedoms of conservatives/libertarians, they're labelled as mentally ill and or a Nazi!

If infringing on the rights of the individual is the OP's complaint, that makes Coulture the Queen of Fascism!
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So its perfectly permissable for Ann Coulter to demand that lists of women who have abortions that can be made public BUT when anyone who proposes to restrict the freedoms of conservatives/libertarians, they're labelled as metally ill and or a Nazi!

Seems as if you've forgotten the Journal, that liberal newspaper in NY posting names and addresses of gun owners which is what Ann Coulter was responding to... Who incidentally hired armed guards to protect their hypocrite asses after their Bullshit list blew up in their faces. And btw... It's spelled mentally.
Nazi...errrrr...Democrat, Cynthia Chase while yelling "Seig Heil" to the multiple Hitler posters on the walls of her houses came up with legislation to restrict freedoms for anyone who is conservative - libertarian. You know, the more I listen to Rush, the more he is correct. I remember over a year ago, he stated that mentally ill people who worship Hitler like Chase does, they consider Americans with any opposing views to be the biggest threat to the nation. I truly believe Chase would support rounding up anyone who disagrees with it...I mean her...into concentration camps and having them gassed or put into ovens...afterall, her idol, Hitler did the same thing.

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives

Oh, dear GOD, that's a WOMAN?!

Now I'm depressed. :(
So its perfectly permissable for Ann Coulter to demand lists of women who have had abortions and make them public BUT when anyone proposes to restrict the freedoms of conservatives/libertarians, they're labelled as mentally ill and or a Nazi!

If infringing on the rights of the individual is the OP's complaint, that makes Coulture the Queen of Fascism!

She didn't "demand" anything, shitforbrains. She made an analogy: if someone thinks it's okay to publish lists of gun owners, would it be okay to publish lists of abortion patients?

Fuck, if you're not going to bother understanding basic English usage, stop trying to communicate in it!
So its perfectly permissable for Ann Coulter to demand lists of women who have had abortions and make them public BUT when anyone proposes to restrict the freedoms of conservatives/libertarians, they're labelled as mentally ill and or a Nazi!

If infringing on the rights of the individual is the OP's complaint, that makes Coulture the Queen of Fascism!

She didn't "demand" anything, shitforbrains. She made an analogy: if someone thinks it's okay to publish lists of gun owners, would it be okay to publish lists of abortion patients?

Fuck, if you're not going to bother understanding basic English usage, stop trying to communicate in it!

There ya go, trying to confuse a zombie with facts. You would be better served talking to your toaster, at least it will give you something warm and constructive in return.
Nazi...errrrr...Democrat, Cynthia Chase while yelling "Seig Heil" to the multiple Hitler posters on the walls of her houses came up with legislation to restrict freedoms for anyone who is conservative - libertarian. You know, the more I listen to Rush, the more he is correct. I remember over a year ago, he stated that mentally ill people who worship Hitler like Chase does, they consider Americans with any opposing views to be the biggest threat to the nation. I truly believe Chase would support rounding up anyone who disagrees with it...I mean her...into concentration camps and having them gassed or put into ovens...afterall, her idol, Hitler did the same thing.

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives

Yeah.........................sure..............................we've got someone calling Democrats "Nazis" while quoting Breitbart TV.

Partisan hackery much?
Nazi...errrrr...Democrat, Cynthia Chase while yelling "Seig Heil" to the multiple Hitler posters on the walls of her houses came up with legislation to restrict freedoms for anyone who is conservative - libertarian. You know, the more I listen to Rush, the more he is correct. I remember over a year ago, he stated that mentally ill people who worship Hitler like Chase does, they consider Americans with any opposing views to be the biggest threat to the nation. I truly believe Chase would support rounding up anyone who disagrees with it...I mean her...into concentration camps and having them gassed or put into ovens...afterall, her idol, Hitler did the same thing.

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives

Oh, dear GOD, that's a WOMAN?!

Now I'm depressed. :(

You should're uglier than she is.
Nazi...errrrr...Democrat, Cynthia Chase while yelling "Seig Heil" to the multiple Hitler posters on the walls of her houses came up with legislation to restrict freedoms for anyone who is conservative - libertarian. You know, the more I listen to Rush, the more he is correct. I remember over a year ago, he stated that mentally ill people who worship Hitler like Chase does, they consider Americans with any opposing views to be the biggest threat to the nation. I truly believe Chase would support rounding up anyone who disagrees with it...I mean her...into concentration camps and having them gassed or put into ovens...afterall, her idol, Hitler did the same thing.

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives

Oh, dear GOD, that's a WOMAN?!

Now I'm depressed. :(

You should're uglier than she is.

God, your an ignorant ass.
So its perfectly permissable for Ann Coulter to demand lists of women who have had abortions and make them public BUT when anyone proposes to restrict the freedoms of conservatives/libertarians, they're labelled as mentally ill and or a Nazi!

If infringing on the rights of the individual is the OP's complaint, that makes Coulture the Queen of Fascism!

She didn't "demand" anything, shitforbrains. She made an analogy: if someone thinks it's okay to publish lists of gun owners, would it be okay to publish lists of abortion patients?

Fuck, if you're not going to bother understanding basic English usage, stop trying to communicate in it!

Um no it would not be okay to do one and not the other. See we have laws protecting the medical privacy of people.There are no laws protecting the privacy of gun ownership.

Argue among yourselves if the law has it right or not, doesn't change the fact that Coulter advocated doing something ILLEGAL in response to something that was LEGAL.
So its perfectly permissable for Ann Coulter to demand lists of women who have had abortions and make them public BUT when anyone proposes to restrict the freedoms of conservatives/libertarians, they're labelled as mentally ill and or a Nazi!

If infringing on the rights of the individual is the OP's complaint, that makes Coulture the Queen of Fascism!

She didn't "demand" anything, shitforbrains. She made an analogy: if someone thinks it's okay to publish lists of gun owners, would it be okay to publish lists of abortion patients?

Fuck, if you're not going to bother understanding basic English usage, stop trying to communicate in it!

Um no it would not be okay to do one and not the other. See we have laws protecting the medical privacy of people.There are no laws protecting the privacy of gun ownership.

Argue among yourselves if the law has it right or not, doesn't change the fact that Coulter advocated doing something ILLEGAL in response to something that was LEGAL.

Actually, wouldn't having an armed militia capable of responding when needed be helped by having a list of all gun owners?

I'm pretty sure the Founding Fathers knew who had weapons.
She didn't "demand" anything, shitforbrains. She made an analogy: if someone thinks it's okay to publish lists of gun owners, would it be okay to publish lists of abortion patients?

Fuck, if you're not going to bother understanding basic English usage, stop trying to communicate in it!

Um no it would not be okay to do one and not the other. See we have laws protecting the medical privacy of people.There are no laws protecting the privacy of gun ownership.

Argue among yourselves if the law has it right or not, doesn't change the fact that Coulter advocated doing something ILLEGAL in response to something that was LEGAL.

Actually, wouldn't having an armed militia capable of responding when needed be helped by having a list of all gun owners?

I'm pretty sure the Founding Fathers knew who had weapons.

Or we can just admit that the idea of needing a militia is laughable.

Doesn't mean I don't have a right to own guns, but the fear mongering makes me laugh.
We haven't needed a militia since the end of the Civil War.

If we still need one, what the fuck is the National Guard, the Coast Guard, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines and the Army are for?
You, my little fascist, just like your hero, Rush, projects your anti-Americanism on to everyone outside of your little narrow world.

Concentration camps? Gassed? Ovens"

You are certifiably insane.

Nazi...errrrr...Democrat, Cynthia Chase while yelling "Seig Heil" to the multiple Hitler posters on the walls of her houses came up with legislation to restrict freedoms for anyone who is conservative - libertarian. You know, the more I listen to Rush, the more he is correct. I remember over a year ago, he stated that mentally ill people who worship Hitler like Chase does, they consider Americans with any opposing views to be the biggest threat to the nation. I truly believe Chase would support rounding up anyone who disagrees with it...I mean her...into concentration camps and having them gassed or put into ovens...afterall, her idol, Hitler did the same thing.

New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives
Basis comparison fails because gun owners' information is public record, abortion patients' record is not. End of this nonsense.

So its perfectly permissable for Ann Coulter to demand lists of women who have had abortions and make them public BUT when anyone proposes to restrict the freedoms of conservatives/libertarians, they're labelled as mentally ill and or a Nazi!

If infringing on the rights of the individual is the OP's complaint, that makes Coulture the Queen of Fascism!

She didn't "demand" anything, shitforbrains. She made an analogy: if someone thinks it's okay to publish lists of gun owners, would it be okay to publish lists of abortion patients?

Fuck, if you're not going to bother understanding basic English usage, stop trying to communicate in it!
We haven't needed a militia since the end of the Civil War.

If we still need one, what the fuck is the National Guard, the Coast Guard, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines and the Army are for?

national guard someone to clean the latrine

coast guard to save the stupid swimmers

air force - no real use

navy to give the army a ride to where they need to go

marines someone has to be cannon fodder

army - the real military

We haven't needed a militia since the end of the Civil War.

If we still need one, what the fuck is the National Guard, the Coast Guard, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines and the Army are for?

national guard someone to clean the latrine

coast guard to save the stupid swimmers

air force - no real use

navy to give the army a ride to where they need to go

marines someone has to be cannon fodder

army - the real military


You're a civilian, aren't you?

The Navy doesn't give the Army a ride, we only carry Marines.

After the Air Force bombs the shit out of the landing zone, the Navy shells it a bit more to make it accessible for the Marines.

After the Marines clear out all the bad guys, the Army comes in and puts up tents and calls it a base.
We haven't needed a militia since the end of the Civil War.

If we still need one, what the fuck is the National Guard, the Coast Guard, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines and the Army are for?

national guard someone to clean the latrine

coast guard to save the stupid swimmers

air force - no real use

navy to give the army a ride to where they need to go

marines someone has to be cannon fodder

army - the real military


You're a civilian, aren't you?

The Navy doesn't give the Army a ride, we only carry Marines.

After the Air Force bombs the shit out of the landing zone, the Navy shells it a bit more to make it accessible for the Marines.

After the Marines clear out all the bad guys, the Army comes in and puts up tents and calls it a base.

I was just kidding.

Four years in the Army back in the day

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