Naturally, Conservatives Will Tell This Doctor He’s WRONG!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Naturally, Conservatives Will Tell This Doctor He’s WRONG!

Doctor and medical research scientist Eugene Gu exposes some harsh truth about Republican politicizing of medical research and healthcare. Republicans have successfully combined right wing religious and political fanaticism to protect corporate profits and quarterly earnings of the 0.1%.

Explaining how Big Pharma avoids investing its own money for research and development of many drugs, and instead relies on taxpayer dollars, Doctor Gu exposes how Reagan’s shortsighted “profit over people” policies, crammed down our collective throat by the GOP for the past four decades, are about to bite the American public in its nationwide a$$.

While speaking at a Congressional hearing this week, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar stood by the Republicans’ unbreakable rule that “profit must always come before people”. Azar’s comments reaffirmed the Republicans’ promise to Big Pharma that there will be no government pressure to keep prices for any medication developed, affordable for average citizens. This includes vaccines to cure or prevent coronavirus.

Conservative political policies to provide government sanctioned price-fixing has proven the GOP has no interest in serving the needs of the public. Sadly, right wing and centrist voters have long supported and defended these actions by their elected lawmakers, and their decisions to provide taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars for the research and development of vast numbers of drugs and vaccines. As if these government handouts to drug companies aren’t enough, finding any benefits and side-effects of these drugs falls to volunteers, who then risk damaging their bodies to help add to Big Pharma’s bottom line.

After all this, Big Pharma charges outlandish prices for these medications, knowing their greed is federally protected from angry consumers

As expected, this is the only form of socialism conservatives and centrists find acceptable. Constant sacrifices by Average citizens to enrich the 0.1% and Big Business is why the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics wear their maga hats proudly.

The impeached president trump handed Azar the job as Secretary of Health and Human Services, confident he would keep the profits of Big Pharma safe, after all, while Azar was Vice President of Eli Lilly, he more than tripled the price of insulin. No wonder he’s so popular with the corporate conscious Republicans.

Critics of his remarks made Azar realize he had exposed some important and unpleasant “secrets” about the GOP and Big Pharma, forcing him to reword his statements. This is especially true, given the looming deaths from the coronavirus.

The United States’ conservative politics and its predatory capitalists’ greed would never permit a researcher like Jonas Salk. It’s highly likely only a handful of conservatives and centrists even know his name. But, in the first half of the twentieth century polio was the most feared disease, but far from the deadliest. However, its effects were usually devastating.

Working at the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Salk developed his polio vaccine, which after testing was declared safe, effective and potent on April 12, 1955. During a CBS interview Salk was asked about the ownership of the patent. Acknowledging the fact that millions of charitable donations raised by the March of Dimes had funded the vaccine’s research and field testing, Salk said, “Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?” It was Salk’s reluctance that ended any plans to patent the vaccine.

This would never be permitted to happen today. The U.S. model for corporate policy found out long ago human life should never be a consideration where massive profit is involved. The Unites States’ endless wars are an excellent example.

Like so many other looming threats, the impeached president trump easily convinced his devoted fanatics the coronavirus is a hoax. A survey just found a full third of them believe the virus comes from Corona Beer made in Mexico.

The conservatives’ denial of factual evidence and their eagerness to believe the comfortable lies they are told by their clergy, their politicians, and FOX Noise have always been painfully obvious in the threads on these message boards. The nonsense and convoluted logic they spew have proven to people of reason that it’s a complete waste of time to respond to the right-wingers’ willful ignorance.

Dr. Gu’s article can be found at the link below:

Opinion: As a doctor, I've watched Republicans make the US more vulnerable to coronavirus than it ever should have been


Why is this guy hating on Trump? I thought he was the one taking pharmaceutical companies to task for high drug costs, at least he says he is. I also don't think that has anything to do with how prepared we are for corona virus. Also, that hoax crap and the made up study that obviously isn't true takes away much of this guys credibility. Although this guys has some legitimate points, there is too much hyperbole and obvious political bias that makes the article useless.

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