Natural Remedies for Headaches?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Have a sugar-induced one htis morning after a diet yesterday or Starburst (Halloween) and cupcakes (Cupcake Day.) Predictably, I'm suffering for it today. So what's the opposite of sugar? Starchy foods? Need something to nullify the sugar.
Staying hydrated works to stave off headaches but if I get one I use Aleve or this stuff you can only get in Japan called Shin Jikinin. That stuff will cure migranes! All natural too.
Have a sugar-induced one htis morning after a diet yesterday or Starburst (Halloween) and cupcakes (Cupcake Day.) Predictably, I'm suffering for it today. So what's the opposite of sugar? Starchy foods? Need something to nullify the sugar.
Starch turns to sugar.

Has public education declined so badly that teachers don't do the starch to sugar tongue test as a demonstration anymore?

Anyway, it is all in your head, sugar does not cause headaches.

BTW, you whacky posts are a hoot.
Can't believe I forgot about hydration. Know that for hangover headaches so wasn't thinking of it in those terms. :)
Been blaming the candy, cupcakes, and starting to blame a disturbance in the force for the Republican win thing. :)

Nothing worse than a discussion board filled with happy conservatives. ;)
Been blaming the candy, cupcakes, and starting to blame a disturbance in the force for the Republican win thing. :)

Nothing worse than a discussion board filled with happy conservatives. ;)
The only thing that brings me more joy than a whining lib is a freezing Yankee AGW cultist.
Did you know 'marijuana' is a disparaging term for cannabis? That Sanja Gupta special on CNN mentioned it. :)

marijuana (n.) Look up marijuana at
1918, altered by influence of Spanish proper name Maria Juana "Mary Jane" from mariguan (1894), from Mexican Spanish marihuana, of uncertain origin.

When the US was trying to first ban cannabis, they portrayed it as a Mexican thing to help demonize it utilizing white prejudices against Mexicans. But there's no plant by that name.

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants that includes three different species, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.
Have a sugar-induced one htis morning after a diet yesterday or Starburst (Halloween) and cupcakes (Cupcake Day.) Predictably, I'm suffering for it today. So what's the opposite of sugar? Starchy foods? Need something to nullify the sugar.
Black coffee Or ginger/ginger pills.
As an aside, is 'all natural' natural in a time of GMOs? Those come out of the ground too, but aren't natural. :)
The aforementioned Shin Jikinin comes from Japan which has some pretty serious restrictions on GMO. Austrailia too.
Did you know 'marijuana' is a disparaging term for cannabis? That Sanja Gupta special on CNN mentioned it. :)

marijuana (n.) Look up marijuana at
1918, altered by influence of Spanish proper name Maria Juana "Mary Jane" from mariguan (1894), from Mexican Spanish marihuana, of uncertain origin.

When the US was trying to first ban cannabis, they portrayed it as a Mexican thing to help demonize it utilizing white prejudices against Mexicans. But there's no plant by that name.

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants that includes three different species, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.
Until I met my GF, Mary was the only lady that never let me down!!!!!!
The aforementioned Shin Jikinin comes from Japan which has some pretty serious restrictions on GMO. Austrailia too.

Monsanto Drops Additional $1 Million into Anti-GMO Labeling Campaign
GoLocalPDX Monsanto Drops Additional 1 Million into Anti-GMO Labeling Campaign

"The Food and Drug Administration doesn't regulate genetically altered foods, which include vegetables that have been combined with the genetic material of an animal or with the genes of a virus, according to the Organic Consumers Assocation."

More interestingly, in the US, labelled food saying 'all natural' doesn't have to conform to any sort of 'truth in advertising' standard of just what the term means.

"FDA declines to define "Natural" | Insights | DLA Piper Global Law Firm"
FDA declines to define Natural Insights DLA Piper Global Law Firm
Did you know 'marijuana' is a disparaging term for cannabis? That Sanja Gupta special on CNN mentioned it. :)

marijuana (n.) Look up marijuana at
1918, altered by influence of Spanish proper name Maria Juana "Mary Jane" from mariguan (1894), from Mexican Spanish marihuana, of uncertain origin.

When the US was trying to first ban cannabis, they portrayed it as a Mexican thing to help demonize it utilizing white prejudices against Mexicans. But there's no plant by that name.

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants that includes three different species, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.
Until I met my GF, Mary was the only lady that never let me down!!!!!!

I'm not allowed to 'chemically recreate' any more :)

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