NATO’s Patriots fail to stop Syrian missile hitting Turkey


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Scud launched from Tartus’
Sources told Hürriyet that what hit the Turkish territory was a missile launched from the Syrian city of Tartus, which hosts a Russian naval base, some 200 kilometers from the Turkish border.

“The missile fell in an area that was outside the radar range of Patriot batteries in Turkey,” a source added.

...“The latest crisis shows that a Patriot missile battery should have been placed in Hatay. Of course Patriots can’t catch everything in the air, but the current positions of the batteries in Turkey can only defend certain interests,” he said.

Claiming NATO’s main purpose was to protect the U.S. airbase in Adana (İncirlik) and the NATO radar in Malatya (Kürecik), Karakuş said Hatay was actually the “riskiest area,” and thus the most important spot for a Patriot battery to be placed in order to protect Turkish citizens.
NATO s Patriots fail to stop Syrian missile hitting Turkey - LOCAL
Patriots have an abyssmal intercept rate. Figures given to US press during the Gulf War(s) were fabricated and inflated all to hell.

"Throughout the Gulf War there were continuing military and news reports of the Patriot's success in intercepting and destroying Iraqi Scuds. The Army initially said the Patriot achieved an 80 percent success rate in Saudi Arabia and 50 percent in Israel. Those claims later were scaled back to 70 percent and 40 percent.

However, not long after the war's end, analysts began to question the Patriot's performance. The Army and Patriot's manufacturer, Raytheon Company, vigorously defended the system and said it was a Gulf War success story.

After a 10-month investigation in 1992 by the House Government Operations Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security, the subcommittee concluded there was little evidence to prove the Patriot hit more than a few Scud missiles launched by Iraq.

Another 1992 investigation done by the General Accounting Office found that only 9 percent of the Patriot-Scud engagements "are supported by the strongest evidence that an engagement resulted in a warhead kill." (The GAO defined "the strongest evidence" as instances in which Scud debris or radar data indicated that a Scud was destroyed or disabled after a Patriot detonated near it.) Except in 9 percent of the cases, the GAO report said the Army could prove only that "the Patriots came close to the Scuds, not that they destroyed them.""
Weapons - Mim-104 Patriot The Gulf War FRONTLINE PBS

9% hit rate. Better off not even trying to intercept them since what goes up, will come down on some one some where.

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