Erdogan: Turkey to produce S-500s with Russia after S-400 deal


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
NATO is a totally obsolete and unnecessary organization. Probably Erdogan as one of the great European Leader ( Turkey belongs to Europe too) understand it and want better to establish tough ties with Russia and to became a true independent regional superpower.

Turkish leader says purchase of S-400 defence system is complete, adding Ankara will jointly produce S-500s with Moscow
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkey and Russia would jointly produce S-500 defence systems after Ankara's controversial purchase of the S-400 missile defence system from Moscow.

Turkey's push to buy the S-400s has further strained the already tense relations with the United States, which has repeatedly warned Ankara of the risks, including sanctions, if it goes ahead with the purchase.

"There is absolutely no question of [Turkey] taking a step back from the S-400 purchase. That is a done deal," Erdogan said on Saturday in Istanbul.
"There will be joint production of the S-500 after the S-400," Erdogan told an audience of young people in reply to a question.

Ties between Turkey and the US, both NATO allies, have frayed over multiple issues, including American support for Syrian Kurdish fighters viewed as "terrorists" by Ankara and the US failure to extradite a Muslim preacher blamed for the 2016 coup attempt against Erdogan.

Washington says the deal with Moscow is a threat to Western defence. In April, the US suspended the delivery of F-35 stealth fighter jets to Turkey in a bid to halt the purchase.

Turkish pilots are in the US receiving training on the F-35s, manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Ankara is expected to buy a total of 100 jets.

Erdogan said Turkey conducted technical studies amid US concerns over the compatibility of the S-400s and the F-35s but found there were no issues. He also insisted "sooner or later" Turkey would receive the F-35 jets.

Despite the threat of sanctions, Erdogan repeated that the S-400s were expected to be delivered in July.

"The [US] are passing the ball around in the midfield now, showing some reluctance. But sooner or later, we will receive the F-35s. [The US] not delivering them is not an option." he said.

Erdogan: Turkey to produce S-500s with Russia after S-400 deal

Russia pitches Turkey the Su-57 fighter jet if F-35 deal with US collapses

ANKARA, Turkey — Russia is “ready to cooperate” with Turkey to sell its new-generation Su-57 fighter jet in case the Ankara government and Turkish companies are expelled from the U.S.-led F-35 program, according to a senior Russian defense official.
“These fifth-generation Russian fighter jets [Su-57] have outstanding qualities, and show promise for export,” said Sergei Chemezov, head of Russia’s state-owned Rostec Corporation, in an interview with Ankara-based international news agency Anadolu.
Chemezv’s statement came in confirmation of an Apr. 19 Defense News story that said if U.S. officials were to expel Turkey from the multinational group that builds the F-35, Turkish defense officials likely would pursue Russian fighter jet technology.

Russia pitches Turkey the Su-57 fighter jet if F-35 deal with US collapses

As I’ve said many times, Erdofag and Turkey need to be kicked out of NATO. No way we should be aligned with Muslims or be obligated to go to war for them.

ANKARA, May 27. Russian technical specialists will pay a visit to Turkey to help putting Russian-made S-400 missile systems into operation, Turkish Minister of National Defence Hulusi Akar said.

"The matter of the S-400 purchase is closed. It should be understood that it’s a done deal. Our president has repeatedly said that. Technical personnel will arrive from Russia to install the system," Akar said without giving the exact timeframe of the visit.

Russian experts to visit Turkey to help putting S-400 systems into operation

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