NATO ‘Regrets’ Killing Children in Southern Afghan Attack


Feb 6, 2010
NATO has issued a statement today expressing “deep regret” for the killing of three children in the Helmand Province over the weekend, saying that the deaths were “accidental” and promising further investigation. They also claimed two actual Taliban were killed

The comments were a stark contrast to initial NATO comments about the killings, in which they insisted that even though the three slain were between 8 and 12 years old, all of them were “Taliban.”

Family members say the children were sent out to gather dung, which is dried and used as fuel during the harsh winters in mountainous Afghanistan. Local tribal leaders confirmed bags of the dung were found at the attack site.

What wasn’t found at the site were the two “Taliban” supposedly killed in the attack
NATO ‘Regrets’ Killing Children in Southern Afghan Attack -- News from
What about other attacks?!

Does NATO "regret" murdering children in Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria?

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