National Security Agency gives data on Americans to the Israeli government


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Jun 11, 2012
National Security Agency gives data on Americans to the Israeli government

The National Security Agency (NSA) penned an agreement with Israeli intelligence in 2009 that delivered American data to the foreign country,*according to a new report in*The Guardian*by Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Ewen MacAskill.**The latest revelations, based on*documents leaked*by former NSA employee Edward Snowden, reveal an arrangement where the U.S. hands over raw “signals intelligence” to the Israeli government—meaning that the NSA gives Israel metadata that the intelligence agency has collected. National Security Agency gives data on Americans to the Israeli government | Mondoweiss. So, our government spies on us and now we learn they share our private data with a foreign country. And are we really still maintaining we have the rights set out in that Bill of Rights of ours?
how many deflection posts do you make?

As to the OP, one company shut down rather than cave to the Bush II- era DHS apparatus.
The zioinst regime is the unshakable ally! :lol: Rest assured the zionist regime is the entity that initially requested the "US government" spy on American citizens.
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