National Debt by President


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity

National Debt by President | The Big Picture
As this graph ends only one month into Obama's term (through February 27, 2009) - most of his damage is not included. To call this The Big Picture is nonsense.
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That graph makes it clear how bad Dubya actually was as a president. Reagan doesn't look much better...if any.
And just for the record, all Reagan and BushI did was trade the deficits for 12+% inflation and 20+% interest rates, while Bubba only shrank spending and the overall deficit by emasculating the military.

All of which merely put Band-Aids on the impending demographic bomb about to explode, viz. entitlement spending.
And just for the record, all Reagan and BushI did was trade the deficits for 12+% inflation and 20+% interest rates, while Bubba only shrank spending and the overall deficit by emasculating the military.

All of which merely put Band-Aids on the impending demographic bomb about to explode, viz. entitlement spending.

The article is basically justifying Obama's FDR-level Deficite spending as a % of GDP because the current economy is so bad.
And just for the record, all Reagan and BushI did was trade the deficits for 12+% inflation and 20+% interest rates, while Bubba only shrank spending and the overall deficit by emasculating the military.

All of which merely put Band-Aids on the impending demographic bomb about to explode, viz. entitlement spending.


The doucher who claims to not be a partisan hack offers up this gem of a rationalization! :lol:

Seriously, is there anyone left (that isn't themselves a partisan hack) that hasn't pegged his royal Dudeness for the partisan hack he really is?
As this graph ends only one month into Obama's term (through February 27, 2009) - most of his damage is not included. To call this The Big Picture is nonsense.

You are correct. Bush never included the cost of either war in his budgets. Nor the cost of the Katrina clean up, nor the tax cuts for the rich.
Of course, the drug company money party didn't show up until Obama's administration.
Then of course, Republican policies finally took effect and caused the biggest economic meltdown since the Great Depression, which was handed to Obama on a silver platter.

All of those were included in Obama's first budget.

Republicans can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that you can cut taxes and fund two wars at the same time and not drive up the deficit? No one can be that stupid. They just can't. Can they?

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