Nation Writer Labels the Constitution ‘Trash’

You'll have to ask the irrational human beings who knocked down statues of people who worked to free slaves.
No coward, I'm asking you. What's wrong with removing statues that venerate piece of shit slavers?
No coward, I'm asking you. What's wrong with removing statues that venerate piece of shit slavers?
It is the Progs who venerate because this is beyond social justice and politics that works within the constitution. This is a revolutionary agenda to bring in a new constitution based on globalist desires. You believe them to be benevolent. To many people have died in nasty skirmishes and wars and destruction of economies from their dictums. They are malevolent in many many ways.
Coward? Eat shit.

They're not your statues to remove. Your butthurt isn't a justification, kid.
I'm an American and the ones on public land I have every right to petition and harass until those monuments to slavers are no longer dotting my country's landscape. You're just going to have to bend over and take it little bitch.
It is the Progs who venerate because this is beyond social justice and politics that works within the constitution.
No. Its ignorant white racists who still venerate slavers.
This is a revolutionary agenda to bring in a new constitution based on globalist desires. You believe them to be benevolent.
No, I believe it to be preferable. I don't care if racists find it benevolent.
To many people have died in nasty skirmishes and wars and destruction of economies from their dictums. They are malevolent in many many ways.
No, that would be due to the current Constitution which was written by ignorant racists and slavers that has so inadequate it allowed millions of blacks to be enslaved generation after generation for hundreds of years, sparked numerous rebellions and revolts and a civil war. The track record for our current Constitution is shit.
I'm an American and the ones on public land I have every right to petition and harass until those monuments to slavers are no longer dotting my country's landscape. You're just going to have to bend over and take it little bitch.
What is this leftist fascination with gay sex? Is there perhaps a small indoor storage room you'd like to come out of?

Yes, you may petition to have statues to people you don't like removed. You may do nothing else. No harassment, no vandalism, no destruction.
No. Its ignorant white racists who still venerate slavers.

No, I believe it to be preferable. I don't care if racists find it benevolent.

No, that would be due to the current Constitution which was written by ignorant racists and slavers that has so inadequate it allowed millions of blacks to be enslaved generation after generation for hundreds of years, sparked numerous rebellions and revolts and a civil war. The track record for our current Constitution is shit.
The constitution was just a little over 80 years old when the civil war started dumb ass not hundreds of years at all. As for slavery it is still alive and well in Africa practiced by blacks. Against other blacks.
In memory of those honorable men who gave their lives for a lost cause.

Sorry. There is no click whistle translation.
And replace it with, what? Oh, we know, the real target is as always by these American Marxists the 2nd Amendment.

Why is there a giant mushroom on his head?


Elie Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, labeled the Constitution “trash” in an appearance on ABC’s The View on Friday.
Appearing on the program to promote his new book, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, Mystal was asked by co-host Ana Navarro-Cárdenas if the Constitution “is a living document,” or a “sacred document.” Mystal responded by declaring that “it’s certainly not sacred, all right, let’s start there. The Constitution is kind of trash.”
“It was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody that looked like me what they thought about the Constitution,” continued Mystal, who proceeded to do an impression of a 18th century slave weighing in on the document.
In another interview promoting Allow Me to Retort, Mystal was asked if he thought the Constitution should be “scrapped altogether.”
“Sure, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” replied Mystal, who expressed support for a new, “more inclusive,” structure of government.

Of course....the Constitution and Bill of Rights, simply codify the fact that as a country, we will do our best to limit the concentration of power ....... this is like showing a cross to a vampire for a leftist....they want power.....and will do anything to get it.......the Constitution gives us a map to prevent them from getting that power and so they hate the Constitution....
In memory of those honorable men who gave their lives for a lost cause.

Sorry. There is no click whistle translation.

Sorry, those democrats, whether they personally owned slaves or not, fought to keep black humans as slaves...the democrat party and it's soldiers in the Civil War were fighting for not a "lost cause," but a vile and evil cause.....and to this day, the democrat party is fighting to segregate this country by race.....
Sorry, those democrats, whether they personally owned slaves or not, fought to keep black humans as slaves...the democrat party and it's soldiers in the Civil War were fighting for not a "lost cause," but a vile and evil cause.....and to this day, the democrat party is fighting to segregate this country by race.....
There were black humans at the time. Those black humans were no one's enemy. I am not quite sure that either of those statements is true today. The causes of the Civil War went far beyond slavery. We just neglect teaching that in today's schools.

Here is the black state of confusion. They comprise 12.4% of the population and would like to eliminate and destroy the nation's founding documents. They will replace it with their own. Do they expect some sort of patriotism and loyalty from the remainder of the nation? Would treason not be preferable and admirable?
And replace it with, what? Oh, we know, the real target is as always by these American Marxists the 2nd Amendment.

Why is there a giant mushroom on his head?


Elie Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, labeled the Constitution “trash” in an appearance on ABC’s The View on Friday.
Appearing on the program to promote his new book, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, Mystal was asked by co-host Ana Navarro-Cárdenas if the Constitution “is a living document,” or a “sacred document.” Mystal responded by declaring that “it’s certainly not sacred, all right, let’s start there. The Constitution is kind of trash.”
“It was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody that looked like me what they thought about the Constitution,” continued Mystal, who proceeded to do an impression of a 18th century slave weighing in on the document.
In another interview promoting Allow Me to Retort, Mystal was asked if he thought the Constitution should be “scrapped altogether.”
“Sure, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” replied Mystal, who expressed support for a new, “more inclusive,” structure of government.

That asshole ought to be grateful that those white slave owners wrote the Constitution for improvement in case they got something wrong. The only people practicing slavery today in 2022 throughout the World are non-white.
That asshole ought to be grateful that those white slave owners wrote the Constitution for improvement in case they got something wrong. The only people practicing slavery today in 2022 throughout the World are non-white.


And they act as if America invented slavery, calling it America's original sin. Such BS.
I'm an American and the ones on public land I have every right to petition and harass until those monuments to slavers are no longer dotting my country's landscape. You're just going to have to bend over and take it little bitch.

Bo, you are not an American. You are a Marxist swine.
Bo, you are not an American. You are a Marxist swine.
The law doesn't really care about your cuck boy feelings. According to your wonderful constitution me and every child of every immigrant who's born in this country is a full blooded American citizen. 😄 We're going to use your stupid reverence for that document to change your country demographically and take it from you.
And replace it with, what? Oh, we know, the real target is as always by these American Marxists the 2nd Amendment.

Why is there a giant mushroom on his head?


Elie Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, labeled the Constitution “trash” in an appearance on ABC’s The View on Friday.
Appearing on the program to promote his new book, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, Mystal was asked by co-host Ana Navarro-Cárdenas if the Constitution “is a living document,” or a “sacred document.” Mystal responded by declaring that “it’s certainly not sacred, all right, let’s start there. The Constitution is kind of trash.”
“It was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody that looked like me what they thought about the Constitution,” continued Mystal, who proceeded to do an impression of a 18th century slave weighing in on the document.
In another interview promoting Allow Me to Retort, Mystal was asked if he thought the Constitution should be “scrapped altogether.”
“Sure, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” replied Mystal, who expressed support for a new, “more inclusive,” structure of government.

Most black people and lDems hate the constitution and want it destroyed because they want us all fucked up the ass with no rights.

This is conclusive evidence on why we need to execute anyone pushing Critical Theory or any derivative thereof (CRT).

Get triggered white wing cucks. We're waging war on your deplorable culture. I've been trying to tell racist clowns for years that the days of venerating piece of shit slavers is coming to an end. You're going to be seeing this viewpoint more and more in the mainstream until it becomes the dominate mainstream narrative. And what are you clowns going to say to combat it when every word of it is true?
Babe--don't you know all africans were/are slavers...
I'm an American and the ones on public land I have every right to petition and harass until those monuments to slavers are no longer dotting my country's landscape. You're just going to have to bend over and take it little bitch.
I think we've already established who is bending over and taking it.
Babe--don't you know all africans were/are slavers...
If you weren't an ignorant racist you'd know China and India are the places slavery is most pervasive and you'd know deflection isn't really a refutation that slavers of all stripes are pieces of shit as are the people who venerate them.

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