Nation applauds the NHS staff in moving display of unity.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

I saw this on the net. Which is where it started. The suggestion was that at 8 o clock everybody came out and had a minutes applause for the NHS staff who are working so hard to keep us safe. I was a bit dubious about this but in the end it was quite a moving experience. it certainly gave a lift to those on the frontline.

Last night, slumped on the sofa after a busy day at work, my boyfriend and I heard something outside. We stepped on to our balcony and were hit by a cacophony of noise. Clapping, whooping, banging pots and pans, the sound reverberating off the surrounding buildings. Somehow, I was the only one in my local community to have missed the memo about last night’s clap for carers, a nationwide tribute to the NHS and care workers in these extraordinary times. And, before I knew it, I found that I was crying.

I do hope that this isn't the end of it. Many of the supporters on my street voted tory last time and that is a vote against the NHS. Applause is nice but face masks and testing regimes would be a more concrete display of support. Both are currently in short supply due to the homicidal neglect of Johnson and his merry band.
Until the next time they have to wait 7 hours in an ED waiting room full of crying children.

It was a nice gesture, but would have been unnecessary were it not for the fact that the NHS had suffered decades of underfunding and neglect form successive right-wing governments and the woeful farce of our latest Johnson of a Prime Minister's response to the crisis
Until the next time they have to wait 7 hours in an ED waiting room full of crying children.

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None of those people will be bankrupted by the experience.

No, but they might suffer and die

Like this young man who did not have insurance at the age of 17 ?

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