Natallee Holloway body found?


Shut the $%$ Up!
Jan 15, 2009
A couple from Pennsylvania say they have a photograph taken underwater in Aruba last fall, which looks to be human remains. John and Patti Muldowney believe that the picture could be Natalee Holloway’s corpse.A spokesman for the FBI in Philadelphia, Special Agent Frank Burton Jnr., confirmed that the FBI had received the photograph and says it was passed on to the lead agent in Miami. However the mystery thickens as both the Miami office and the FBI’s legal attaché in Barbados say they have no record of receiving it.
John Muldowney, 78, told a newspaper, “It just seems so strange that the girl never showed up, and here we are right off the shoreline, right where she disappeared, and there’s a body lying there”. For more on this story see


Natalee in what she was wearing on the night last seen below:


To me the body is face down, it looks like at least one arm is behind her back. The shirt on the bones looks to be long sleeves but pattern is close to the inside of Natalee's last know shirt she was wearing. It could be that her body was re-clothed, and or replaced after death.

I created the thread because there was much press over this crime.
if the fbi said they forwarded it on.... then they probably did have experts look at it to see if it was feasible kind of

why pass it along if it really is just coral on the sea floor?

i don't see it either, but maybe the fbi did????
i hope it is she can be laid to rest, and just maybe they can figure out how she died and wh really killed her, if someone truly did.
This is what I am seeing. I could be wrong but it looks like the remains of a human


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i hope it is she can be laid to rest, and just maybe they can figure out how she died and wh really killed her, if someone truly did.

They know who killed her, the whole case is a complete mess.
I watched a show on it, I think from some European country. They have the Van whatever telling another guy about what happened on tape. I believe he said she died from a drug overdose or alcohol poisoning( don't know if I believe that), and he ditched her body in the ocean.
A recent YouTube video is at the center of the latest update about Natalee Holloway, an Alabama student who disappeared almost five years ago. The video, taken by a Pennsylvania man, does show human
remains and has been given to the FBI. Will this latest video finally solve the questions about what happened to Holloway's body? The man who took the photo, John Muldowney, instinctively feels that the body in the photo is Natalee Holloway, but human remains found on the ocean floor could be from the death or drowning of someone else while at sea.

Did Pennsylvania Couple Find Natalee Holloway's Remains? - Associated Content -

[ame=]YouTube - Could Underwater Photo Show Holloway Remains?[/ame]
So, is Greta devoting a week to this?
LOL you bet she will.

I have no idea if that is the shirt or ocean floor debris. It looks like some type of pattern to me so I was going off that.

We will know soon enough I suppose.
A couple from Pennsylvania say they have a photograph taken underwater in Aruba last fall, which looks to be human remains. John and Patti Muldowney believe that the picture could be Natalee Holloway’s corpse.
I wonder why, if you think you have found what you believe is a human corpse, you only take a so-so picture instead of investigating? Then, you sit on the picture for many months?

I mean, who takes a picture unless they know what it it they're shooting? And if you're not sure, don't you try to find out right then and there?

Just seems odd, perhaps I don't have the whole story of why the picture was taken in the first place. Perhaps it was an accidental one, or part of another one, and they didn't notice it until now? Or, they didn't get that roll of film developed until recently?
A couple from Pennsylvania say they have a photograph taken underwater in Aruba last fall, which looks to be human remains. John and Patti Muldowney believe that the picture could be Natalee Holloway’s corpse.
I wonder why, if you think you have found what you believe is a human corpse, you only take a so-so picture instead of investigating? Then, you sit on the picture for many months?

I mean, who takes a picture unless they know what it it they're shooting? And if you're not sure, don't you try to find out right then and there?

Just seems odd, perhaps I don't have the whole story of why the picture was taken in the first place. Perhaps it was an accidental one, or part of another one, and they didn't notice it until now? Or, they didn't get that roll of film developed until recently?
I think it is a little of everything. I mean nowadays people are a little more savvy knowing not to disturb a crime scene, however if that was the case, and while under water then thought it was a body, why in the hell when you got to your hotel didn't you call the FBI or someone in charge right then and there. This leaves me to believe that they saw it, but didn't know what they saw, until the photo's like you said were developed. That is when they called and probably told the FBI, "I'm not sure but we were in Aruba and took some pictures and it looks like a body". That is when the ball started to roll on it.

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