NASCAR joins backlash over Indiana religious freedom law

If the people want to be free of the gay mafia it is going to take more than a law.
Here is a roundup of elected officials, business executives and companies -- from Indianapolis to Silicon Valley -- that have spoken out against such laws:
Starbucks: (SBUX) The coffee chain was the latest big name brand to publicly condemn the law on Monday.
"We join with others opposing any state or federal legislation that permits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and encourage policymakers everywhere to embrace equality," Starbucks said in a statement.
Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy: Malloy took the unusual step Monday of signing an executive order forbidding state-funded travel to Indiana, saying his administration is "sending a message that discrimination won't be tolerated."
Apple (AAPL, Tech30) CEO Tim Cook: In an op-ed published Sunday, Cook said such laws are "very dangerous" and contrary to America's founding principles.
"On behalf of Apple, I'm standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation," wrote Cook, who came out as gay last year.
Angie's List (ANGI) CEO Bill Oesterle: The proposed campus expansion project in Indianapolis is "on hold" following the bill's passage.
Related: Brands that love LGBT the most
PayPal co-founder Max Levchin: Opposing the law is "a basic human decency issue," Levchin told CNN.
"I'm asking my fellow CEOs to look at how they're thinking about their relationship with the state and evaluate it in terms of the legislation that's getting signed into law," he said.
Yelp (YELP) CEO Jeremy Stoppelman: Yelp will "make every effort" to expand its corporate operations in states that do not have such laws on the books. "These laws set a terrible precedent that will likely harm the broader economic health of the states where they have been adopted."
Salesforce (CRM, Tech30) CEO Marc Benioff: The law is an "outrage," he said, and that his company will "dramatically reduce" its investments in Indiana.
Eli Lilly (LLY): "We certainly understand the implications this legislation has on our ability to attract and retain employees. Simply put, we believe discriminatory legislation is bad for Indiana and for business."
Eli Lilly employs more than 11,700 workers in Indiana, mostly in Indianapolis.
NBA, WNBA, Indiana Pacers and Indiana Fever: "The game of basketball is grounded in long established principles of inclusion and mutual respect. We will continue to ensure that all fans, players and employees feel welcome at all NBA and WNBA events in Indiana and elsewhere."
Related: Barilla goes from worst to first on gay rights
NCAA: "We are especially concerned about how this legislation could affect our student-athletes and employees."
Gen Con: The people that run the video game convention said the law would "factor into our decision making on hosting the convention in the state of Indiana in future years."
Gen Con brought 56,000 people to the state last year, according to CEO Adrian Swartout
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"We will not embrace nor participate in exclusion or intolerance," said NASCAR, which is based in Florida and North Carolina. "We are committed to diversity and inclusion within our sport and therefore will continue to welcome all competitors and fans at our events in the state of Indiana and anywhere else we race."
The NFL threw Ray Rice under the bus before they had to go back and reinstate him.
They also passed new provisions regarding player behavior and required suspensions over a circumstance they eventually ending up eating crow over.

I am just looking forward to seeing an extended list of corporations and institution that are willing to allow knee-jerk opinions over misguided decisions to further express their willingness to be subjugated to the whims of division politics.

"This is bad." Isn't very convincing even from Apple.

"We're closing down every Apple Store and manufacturing facility in the state. We will no longer do business with Indiana or anyone or thing from there." Makes people shit their pants.
"This is bad." Isn't very convincing even from Apple.

"We're closing down every Apple Store and manufacturing facility in the state. We will no longer do business with Indiana or anyone or thing from there." Makes people shit their pants.

Unless of course you are a Samsung dealer.

Looks like the bible thumping retards in Indiana have totally marginalized themselves
"This is bad." Isn't very convincing even from Apple.

"We're closing down every Apple Store and manufacturing facility in the state. We will no longer do business with Indiana or anyone or thing from there." Makes people shit their pants.

Unless of course you are a Samsung dealer.

or Emerson....
If the people want to be free of the gay mafia it is going to take more than a law.
It'll probably take all you knuckle heads have, like the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood....
Nah. Let the muslims deal with them. They like doing so. Just don't stop them.
So you are now allies with the Muslims?
"This is bad." Isn't very convincing even from Apple.

"We're closing down every Apple Store and manufacturing facility in the state. We will no longer do business with Indiana or anyone or thing from there." Makes people shit their pants.

Unless of course you are a Samsung dealer.

or Emerson....
If the people want to be free of the gay mafia it is going to take more than a law.
It'll probably take all you knuckle heads have, like the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood....
Nah. Let the muslims deal with them. They like doing so. Just don't stop them.
So you are now allies with the Muslims?
Isn't it liberals who say that when one enemy is fighting another enemy it's best to just let them take care of one another?

Gays are every bit of the enemy of Christians as muslims arem
I think it is interesting that corporations or institutions would use their power of the purse to pursue pointless division politics in order to present the image they care about the irrelevant. It seems to me that it would go further to threaten withdrawal if Indiana does not establish "sexual orientation" as a protected anti-discrimination class ... Than to withdraw as a knee-jerk response to provisions not supplied in the text of the legislation ... In order to run and hide from accountability as far as actually accomplishing anything worthwhile.

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"This is bad." Isn't very convincing even from Apple.

"We're closing down every Apple Store and manufacturing facility in the state. We will no longer do business with Indiana or anyone or thing from there." Makes people shit their pants.

Unless of course you are a Samsung dealer.

or Emerson....
If the people want to be free of the gay mafia it is going to take more than a law.
It'll probably take all you knuckle heads have, like the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood....
Nah. Let the muslims deal with them. They like doing so. Just don't stop them.
So you are now allies with the Muslims?
Isn't it liberals who say that when one enemy is fighting another enemy it's best to just let them take care of one another?

Sun Tzu was a liberal? Huh.
"This is bad." Isn't very convincing even from Apple.

"We're closing down every Apple Store and manufacturing facility in the state. We will no longer do business with Indiana or anyone or thing from there." Makes people shit their pants.

Unless of course you are a Samsung dealer.

or Emerson....
If the people want to be free of the gay mafia it is going to take more than a law.
It'll probably take all you knuckle heads have, like the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood....
Nah. Let the muslims deal with them. They like doing so. Just don't stop them.
So you are now allies with the Muslims?
Isn't it liberals who say that when one enemy is fighting another enemy it's best to just let them take care of one another?

Sun Tzu was a liberal? Huh.
From the obi down....

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