NASA/DHS Withholding Critical Magnetosphere Data


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009

For those that do not know: I finished up the 9/11 Investigation in late 2010 to start again on my Bible work that led to the writing of two books (The Mystery Explained + The 911Truth: Exposing The Cheney/Rumsfeld Black Operation). About then the Elenin Comet was discovered (12/10/2010) and the keyword analysis made a connection between the 9/11 Attacks and what turns out to be "Project Black Star." My Project Black Star investigation is now in the third year. There is definitely a star-like object inbound from the Virgo Constellation and the Govt is doing everything to hide that fact from the People. You can find out more from The Dakota Report and my analysis of that document at Terrals 2012 Research.

The most important event of 2012 took place on March 12-13, when the magnetosphere turned around for the bow shock to face the Leo/Virgo constellations for a duration of about 28 hours.

Click And Watch

Note that the light side of the Earth represented in the center is facing the Sun with the dark side facing the Leo/Virgo Constellations during March. Remember also that March 12 is one year and one day from the Fukushima Earthquake event on March 11, 2011 that is just one event on the 188-day cycle. NASA was caught trying to scrub the above magnetosphere simulation data from the servers, when they were caught red handed and the data was reconstructed. You are looking at just one bit of evidence that a star-like object is inbound from the Virgo Constellation that I have been tracking since January of 2011.

Last year NASA was freezing and deleting and even turning off the magnetosphere simulators for up to three day periods on 10-11 day cycles, during the months of March and April. The reason is that the inbound black star resembles an electromagnetic hurricane with rotating electromagnetic arms. One of those arms passed through Earth magnetosphere on March 12-13, 2012 and the same process is going on right now in the month of March. One of my colleagues in the research petitioned NASA for an explanation for the frozen/missing data to receive this reply:

AdministrativeDept 4 hours ago From NASA

We apologize for the freeze.

Unfortunately there were some unusual coronal video correction anomalies spotted in the stereographic live streams needing attention.

Archived images for dates of; 04/04/13, 03/05/13, 03/06/13, 03/07/13, and 03/08/13, have been omitted from record, pursuant to joint Homeland Security/NASA directive.

Corrected imagery for the anomalous coronal key-frames in question, have not been cleared for public dissemination, and likely to remain unavailable until further notice.

I wrote on this topic as the feature story in Volume 11 of Terral's 2013 Newsletter with these closing comments:

NASA and the DHS are systematically removing and deleting critical magnetosphere data and in some cases provide ‘corrected imagery for the anomalous coronal key-frames in question’ rather than simply allowing the data streams to flow uninterrupted. Rather than removing the data for a day or two, as I suspected, they are omitting the information for 4 and 5 days periods consecutively. Again, I am not surprised that NASA and the DHS are deleted critical magnetosphere data in the months of February, March and April, because this is the same time that the Earth is orbiting between the Sun and the inbound black star now coming from the Virgo Constellation. Magnetosphere flips are impossible when Earth is on the back side of the Sun relative to the Virgo Constellation, because the solar wind and the wind emerging from the black star are moving in the same direction relative to Earth position. I expect that NASA and the DHS will continue deleting magnetosphere information on 10-11-day cycles, because that is the time differential between the impacts of the rotating electromagnetic arms swinging around the black star mini solar system like the arms around a hurricane. This is more evidence that my Black Star Hypothesis is indeed right and that we have an intruder inbound from the Virgo Constellation that will produce the next 188-day cycle ‘event’ on April 2, 2013.​

Terral's 2013 Newsletter Volume 11

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Black Star Update Video March 14, 2013: [ame=]Black Star Update March 14, 2013 - YouTube[/ame]


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