Do you believe the official 911 story?


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
After everyone gets done telling me that I'm a tin hat wearing conspiracy theorist, I'll tell you why I don't.
I dont believe the official story is 100% of the story. But I believe the official story tells a large part of the truth, and probably 10-20% of the truth is being held back.

That said, I dont think Bush and Cheney bombed those buildings. I think pissed off Muslims did.
I want to give everyone a shot at me first, what about you konradv? By the way I didn't say I know who was responsible, just that I don't believe the official story. Only a real investigation by a prosecuted with subpoena power can tell us who.
Well one observation by Bush Bashers supports your belief Bush/Cheney bombed the buildings.
Bush is too dumb! Cheney doesn't have the heart to carry a bomb into a building much less climb all the stairs planting the bombs!

I mean Bush is an "idiot". Too stupid to be President. So how could he have planted the bombs?
After everyone gets done telling me that I'm a tin hat wearing conspiracy theorist, I'll tell you why I don't.

This belongs in conspiracy theories. As for the official story, I believe it is basically correct. 19 hijackers took 4 planes. Flew them into 3 buildings and a crater in Penn State.

Does the Government know more then that? Probably.

But there were no explosives in New York and no drone in Washington DC. In order foir those to be true HUNDREDS of people in all levels of local County and State and federal Government would have to be in on it and no way it stayed silent this long if that many knew something.
I believe that the story is 100 percent true in what occurred that day. What might be being withheld is the intelligence they had prior to the evemt. Not that any of it would have ended what happened but in looking back may look bad. For example, it is said that Bush was warned that something bad was going to happen and something did and he was complicit in not doing anything because he wanted to go to war with Iraq. Of course that is so stupid it is hardly worth comment but the 9/11s say it anyway.
After everyone gets done telling me that I'm a tin hat wearing conspiracy theorist, I'll tell you why I don't.

You mean the story that says Bush continued to sit in that classroom because he didn't want to scare the little kiddies by leaving as if there were actually a real emergency unfolding? NO!

No, the one where he didn't panic because there was really nothing he could do.
After everyone gets done telling me that I'm a tin hat wearing conspiracy theorist, I'll tell you why I don't.

I'll issue you the same challenge I've issued to any and all who do not belive the 9/11 Commission's explanation of events; tell us in your own words what happened; no videos...just your own text. I promise to read every word.

Amazingly, nobody has ever just layed out what they think happened as an alternative (viable or not) to the explanation of the 9/11 Commission.
Who cares about 911 when we have Obamas birth certificate to worry about?
I want to give everyone a shot at me first, what about you konradv? By the way I didn't say I know who was responsible, just that I don't believe the official story. Only a real investigation by a prosecuted with subpoena power can tell us who.

They knew something might happen and let it. That way the country would be on a war footing when the real agenda was made clear, the invasion of Iraq. In order to make it harder to connect the dots Bush had Powell and Rice go out earlier in the year to say that Saddam didn't have any significant WMDs and wasn't a military threat to us or his neighbors. Is that the story you're talking about? It's the only one that makes sense. The "truther" nonsense has been pretty much debunked.
I believe that the story is 100 percent true in what occurred that day. What might be being withheld is the intelligence they had prior to the evemt. Not that any of it would have ended what happened but in looking back may look bad. For example, it is said that Bush was warned that something bad was going to happen and something did and he was complicit in not doing anything because he wanted to go to war with Iraq. Of course that is so stupid it is hardly worth comment but the 9/11s say it anyway.

Boy have you been brainwashed and programmed by the corporate media.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you sound like paid shill candyass.:cuckoo:

these five videos myself and politician posted in our first two posts on this thread show just how badly you have been brainwashed.You of course wont watch them.None of the trolls like agents candyass or rightwinger ever have an answer for these facts in this videos.
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I believe that the story is 100 percent true in what occurred that day. What might be being withheld is the intelligence they had prior to the evemt. Not that any of it would have ended what happened but in looking back may look bad. For example, it is said that Bush was warned that something bad was going to happen and something did and he was complicit in not doing anything because he wanted to go to war with Iraq. Of course that is so stupid it is hardly worth comment but the 9/11s say it anyway.

Boy have you been brainwashed and programmed by the corporate media.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you sound like paid shill candyass.:cuckoo:

these five videos myself and politician posted in our first two posts on this thread show just how badly you have been brainwashed.You of course wont watch them.None of the trolls like agents candyass or rightwinger ever have an answer for these facts in this videos.

You have NEVER told us what YOU believe happened or how it happened. You have parroted convoluted videos that don't even agree with one another.

Go ahead, without someones Utube video tells what YOU claimed happened.
Ok I've waited long enough. Again, I don't know who was involved, the President and VP could have been duped as surely as the rest of America.

I'm just saying there are two pieces of evidence which indisputably show that the official story is a lie. The implications of this are so great that it is unthinkable (literally) for most people. But we must confront it because we have been living a lie for over a decade.

OK, number one. Did you know that a third office tower in New York collapsed entirely into its own footprint on 911? Many hours (I think it was like at five or six o'clock) building 7 a 47story modern steel frame office tower collapsed. It was not hit by a plane and had a moderate office fire of unknown source when it went down. No like structure has ever failed like that as a result of fire though many skyscrapers have had bigger and more sustained fires, in fact none have even partially collapsed due to fire alone. Don't take my word for, type Building Seven into google.

There is an organization called AE911 which has over two thousand Architects and Engineers who state unequivocally that it is impossible for a n office fire to cause the collapse of such a structure. It's interesting to note that the building codes were never changed even though this was an unprecedented event.

Second, the plane which supposedly crashed into the Pentagon. Look at the photos of the Pentagon immediately after the explosion, you can see the hole in the side of the building. You can see the destruction inside the collapsed roof. You can see everything EXCEPT the plane! Where did it go? Missiles completely explode when detonated and are obliterated, that's how they are designed. Planes are not missiles, they are not laden with explosives. The wings are full of fuel so they will explode in a crash but the fuselage? No, it's designed to be very strong, even in the worst of crashes there is plane debris to be recovered, think of the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie Scotland which blew up in mid air because of a bomb planted on board, there was still enough recovered to piece it back together. Not at the Pentagon. Again look for yourself, where is the plane?

Again I don't know who or how, I only know that these two pieces of evidence are indisputable, though I'm sure some will. Check out the AE911 site, if you have the courage of your conviction. Final note, I'm a general building contractor and I've ask the structural engineer who I work with about building seven, could it collapse due to fire, he immediately said no, the steel members are all coated in insulation to prevent structural failure in a fire. When I asked if he ever says that to anyone he says no because he is afraid it would harm his business.
Sure move it to the conspiracy section because this event has had no effect on our politics, oh well, living the lie.
Debris from the twin towers damaged building 7, taking down at least one of its support beams. A fire fed from internal oil and gas supplies burned for 7 or 8 HOURS and it is assumed that it weakened the central support which caused the collapse. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE explosives were used. No evidence that someone was in the building before or during the emergency lacing it with explosives. In fact the fires would have destroyed any control runs to said explosives as well as prevented systematic lacing during the event. THAT is common sense.

As to the plane.... watch a couple videos on what happens to a plane when it flies into a reinforced concrete wall. And there was debris just not a lot survived.

perhaps you can explain how the DNA from the passengers and crew got INSIDE the Pentagon? Or where the plane went if it did not hit the Pentagon? Where the known passengers went if not into the Pentagon?

In order for any explosives to have been used in New York would have required City, County and State, as well as Federal Investigators to have lied about what happened. In order for no plane to have hit the pentagon the actually plane would have had to fly away, no record of that happening. The Plane would have had to land somewhere, no record of that. The Passengers and crew would have to have been removed from the plane, guarded and murdered and with in 40 minutes of the supposed crash body parts and DNA delivered to be dispersed through out the pentagon.

That would have required the cooperation of the Local and federal investigators and the police and military securing the scene.

Literally HUNDREDS of people would have to have known about the set up. Yet after 12 years NOT a single soul as said a thing. Perhaps you can explain what leverage the Government had over all those people to keep them silent this long or to have ever agreed to participate in the cover up?
Debris from the twin towers damaged building 7, taking down at least one of its support beams. A fire fed from internal oil and gas supplies burned for 7 or 8 HOURS and it is assumed that it weakened the central support which caused the collapse. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE explosives were used. No evidence that someone was in the building before or during the emergency lacing it with explosives. In fact the fires would have destroyed any control runs to said explosives as well as prevented systematic lacing during the event. THAT is common sense.

As to the plane.... watch a couple videos on what happens to a plane when it flies into a reinforced concrete wall. And there was debris just not a lot survived.

perhaps you can explain how the DNA from the passengers and crew got INSIDE the Pentagon? Or where the plane went if it did not hit the Pentagon? Where the known passengers went if not into the Pentagon?

In order for any explosives to have been used in New York would have required City, County and State, as well as Federal Investigators to have lied about what happened. In order for no plane to have hit the pentagon the actually plane would have had to fly away, no record of that happening. The Plane would have had to land somewhere, no record of that. The Passengers and crew would have to have been removed from the plane, guarded and murdered and with in 40 minutes of the supposed crash body parts and DNA delivered to be dispersed through out the pentagon.

That would have required the cooperation of the Local and federal investigators and the police and military securing the scene.

Literally HUNDREDS of people would have to have known about the set up. Yet after 12 years NOT a single soul as said a thing. Perhaps you can explain what leverage the Government had over all those people to keep them silent this long or to have ever agreed to participate in the cover up?
Damage from the towers...oils gas?
BS you don't even know the official narrative. Why do you bother to comment if you don't know what the "OCT is?
It would be easier for someone like you to either study some of the thread in this section, look up what the objections are to the OCT, or just leave this topic alone, as it can not be explained in short little bites like the CT that you believe in does...

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