Name a Democrat controlled city/state doing well?

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Well, Philadelphia has certainly developed quite the thriving Zombie tourism industry.

Bernie Sanders has a plan to fix that.

First ya just gotta throw Trump in jail, hijack the voting system, collude with the Chinese to buy off Brandon - and then it all falls into place effortlessly.

Oh wait - Bernie $old out.

I guess Cenk Uygur from Young Turks will have to take up the socialist mantle.

With a side of fries.
New York:



Los Angeles:
Denver. Every single party run city has become a trash hole. More reason to push for a two party system. Democracy is at stake here. End Democrat hegemony.

Trash Hole?

What is this, the G rated version?
In fairness, most large cities around the world have become hellholes. Too many people, many withnpsychological problems, it's expensive, not enough good paying jobs, corrupt police and politiicans, on and on. Now it is worse with inflation through the roof as well.
Ya know what?

You don't like cities?

Get the fuck out of em.

But you won't. Because that's where the jobs are. That's where the culture is.

Ya know what? You don't like cities? Get the fuck out of em.
Kinda like if you didn't like America growing up, you should just GTF out of it?!

But you won't. Because that's where the jobs are.
Only by design by you assholes. Wasn't that way until the "industrial revolution" you thought up to centralize and federalize education.

That's where the culture is.
Maybe YOUR sick culture.

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