Name a Democrat controlled city/state doing well?

Ya know what?

You don't like cities?

Get the fuck out of em.

But you won't. Because that's where the jobs are. That's where the culture is.

Is that “culture“ you speak of what makes them dirty, dangerous, divided and poverty stricken?
I’ll play along…within those red counties….isn’t it blue shithole communities that drive crime rates off the charts?
Not at all. That’s the thing about rates. They prove that Alaska is the most crime ridden state per capita in the union.”
And explain to us: who, how & why.

All of the blue states and cities within them are doing well. They have health care, including reproductive health care, and stability in their governments.

I can't help but notice that the crime and education statistics for the top red states are much worse than the top blue states. And the bottom 10 states are all red states, except New Mexico.

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