Naked and alive or clothed and dead?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know, after all the bullshit that has exploded on the news from this idiot from Nigeria getting a bomb on the plane and ALMOST getting it to go's kicked off quite a shit storm on many different fronts.

The main one that I'm interested in though, is one that has come up before around 2 or 3 years ago.

The body scan device.

Now, a lot of people are protesting this because they think that someone is going to be looking at them through the computer, masturbating and having all sorts of perverted fantasies.

Some are saying that because the MusLAME tradition states that a woman cannot be seen by anyone other than their husband, they should not be allowed as well.

Fine. You don't want to be body scanned? Don't fly in or to the US.

Our traditions don't really have that restriction, and besides, IT'S A COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGE THAT DOESN'T SHOW PRIVATE PARTS IN DETAIL!

And thus, the question that I would pose to USMB.

Would you rather be seen naked as a computer generated image, with a really good chance of arriving at your destination, or, would you rather stay clothed with no computer generated image of you, and a very good possibility of ending up falling out of the sky as pieces?
I think the full body scanners should be used. I know it is a privacy issue, but I think a case can be made for security override on this as it is a choice to fly or not. I would say we already have to accept conditions to fly safely, this is one more.
People caught using the video for porn should be fired and prosecuted under existing laws, we don't need more laws.
Those things need to show full detail and be hooked to a recorder. Sooner or later one of these guys are gonna make a penis bomb, or better yet a suppository, and blow something to kingdom come.
imagine the visual, sorry folks for the more sensitive among you......
false dilemma. the chances of dying during flight are extremely slim
"very good chance" is the perfect example of fear mongering.
You know.........that's one of those things that I kinda don't understand.......this "right to privacy" bullshit.

When I joined the Navy at 17 1/2 (was in boot camp 3 days after my 18th), the company commander told all of us that we'd lost 75 percent of our rights that we HAD as US Citizens.

For 20 years, I had no choice in what I wore (hardest morning of my life was about a week after I'd retired, and I couldn't figure out what to wear, because I was used to the same thing), had no choice where I lived (wherever the Navy needed me), had no right to refuse to do something if it was told to me by someone who outranked me (even if I'd never met them before), and had ZERO privacy.

Seems that the military likes to be able to share information with other units about people.

Also didn't have much right to privacy in my living quarters, as there were routine cleanliness inspections every week, with Health and Comfort (i.e. checking for contraband) inspections whenever the CO decided one was necessary.

Usually a couple of days prior to pulling back into the States after a deployment.

Those things weren't put there to hassle us or make us embarrassed, they were there to keep us safe!

Body scans shouldn't be an issue. Either use 'em and fly, or don't and drive.
I also think this is a false dilemma. I would prefer to see a bit more intense profiling.

This guy fit the profile so closely that he should not have been on the plane, or should have been examined very closely before boarding. He should have got the body scan, but most of the rest of the flight should have been spared it.

I think there are more perverts working for the TSA than there are terrorists. Subjecting everyone to abuse to catch a rare event is not a good plan.
Know what I'm expecting to see on the next terrorist attempt?

And lemmie tell ya, it's fucking scary..............

We've already seen that these radicals are all about killing as many people as possible, and doing so in very showy ways.

But..........remember when that lawyer went overseas to Greece a couple of years ago to get married and he was on the plane with tuberculosis?

Imagine what would happen if you have some idiot on an airplane infected with something like Ebola (which has a window where it's contagious, but you don't show symptoms).

What if some idiot like that went on an airplane?

Shit.........penis bombs and suppositories like Slackjaw suggested ain't even close.......
You know.........that's one of those things that I kinda don't understand.......this "right to privacy" bullshit.

When I joined the Navy at 17 1/2 (was in boot camp 3 days after my 18th), the company commander told all of us that we'd lost 75 percent of our rights that we HAD as US Citizens.

For 20 years, I had no choice in what I wore (hardest morning of my life was about a week after I'd retired, and I couldn't figure out what to wear, because I was used to the same thing), had no choice where I lived (wherever the Navy needed me), had no right to refuse to do something if it was told to me by someone who outranked me (even if I'd never met them before), and had ZERO privacy.

Seems that the military likes to be able to share information with other units about people.

Also didn't have much right to privacy in my living quarters, as there were routine cleanliness inspections every week, with Health and Comfort (i.e. checking for contraband) inspections whenever the CO decided one was necessary.

Usually a couple of days prior to pulling back into the States after a deployment.

Those things weren't put there to hassle us or make us embarrassed, they were there to keep us safe!

Body scans shouldn't be an issue. Either use 'em and fly, or don't and drive.

so you were a sheep and gave up your rights willingly. not all of us fit that mold, we don't trust the government or its privacy/rights stealing henchman (tsa in this case) and enjoy the privacy obtained and government restrictions given by the constitution and bill of rights.
if you want to live in a totalitarian society where the government makes every decision for you then try some 3rd world country.
Know what I'm expecting to see on the next terrorist attempt?

And lemmie tell ya, it's fucking scary..............

We've already seen that these radicals are all about killing as many people as possible, and doing so in very showy ways.

But..........remember when that lawyer went overseas to Greece a couple of years ago to get married and he was on the plane with tuberculosis?

Imagine what would happen if you have some idiot on an airplane infected with something like Ebola (which has a window where it's contagious, but you don't show symptoms).

What if some idiot like that went on an airplane?

Shit.........penis bombs and suppositories like Slackjaw suggested ain't even close.......

I don't see that as far fetched at all, actually surprised we haven't seen it yet, at least where it can be tracked as such.
Trained Dogs could solve this problem in no time.

They could smell ANYTHING they tried to use
Know what I'm expecting to see on the next terrorist attempt?

And lemmie tell ya, it's fucking scary..............

We've already seen that these radicals are all about killing as many people as possible, and doing so in very showy ways.

But..........remember when that lawyer went overseas to Greece a couple of years ago to get married and he was on the plane with tuberculosis?

Imagine what would happen if you have some idiot on an airplane infected with something like Ebola (which has a window where it's contagious, but you don't show symptoms).

What if some idiot like that went on an airplane?

Shit.........penis bombs and suppositories like Slackjaw suggested ain't even close.......

there are many scary situations. should we all live in isolated bunkers or are you going to stop being a pussy and just enjoy life?
Know what I'm expecting to see on the next terrorist attempt?

And lemmie tell ya, it's fucking scary..............

We've already seen that these radicals are all about killing as many people as possible, and doing so in very showy ways.

But..........remember when that lawyer went overseas to Greece a couple of years ago to get married and he was on the plane with tuberculosis?

Imagine what would happen if you have some idiot on an airplane infected with something like Ebola (which has a window where it's contagious, but you don't show symptoms).

What if some idiot like that went on an airplane?

Shit.........penis bombs and suppositories like Slackjaw suggested ain't even close.......

there are many scary situations. should we all live in isolated bunkers or are you going to stop being a pussy and just enjoy life?

Hey you sperm burping colon jousting pansified pussy, I've been in 4 war zones and served 20 years in the military.

I'm not a coward like you.

I'm also not one of those overblown windbags that think they have a right to privacy. Nope, sorry.........not when there is dangerous shit like this going on. Prior to WTC? Sure.

After? No fucking way.
Know what I'm expecting to see on the next terrorist attempt?

And lemmie tell ya, it's fucking scary..............

We've already seen that these radicals are all about killing as many people as possible, and doing so in very showy ways.

But..........remember when that lawyer went overseas to Greece a couple of years ago to get married and he was on the plane with tuberculosis?

Imagine what would happen if you have some idiot on an airplane infected with something like Ebola (which has a window where it's contagious, but you don't show symptoms).

What if some idiot like that went on an airplane?

Shit.........penis bombs and suppositories like Slackjaw suggested ain't even close.......

there are many scary situations. should we all live in isolated bunkers or are you going to stop being a pussy and just enjoy life?

Hey you sperm burping colon jousting pansified pussy, I've been in 4 war zones and served 20 years in the military.

I'm not a coward like you.

I'm also not one of those overblown windbags that think they have a right to privacy. Nope, sorry.........not when there is dangerous shit like this going on. Prior to WTC? Sure.

After? No fucking way.

Really biker? I'm impressed. Thank you very much, thank you for your service.
Joined in July of '82, retired 1 August 2002. 26 different countries, 49 different states (only missing Alaska), as well as many cool qualifications that are fairly marketable.
Know what I'm expecting to see on the next terrorist attempt?

And lemmie tell ya, it's fucking scary..............

We've already seen that these radicals are all about killing as many people as possible, and doing so in very showy ways.

But..........remember when that lawyer went overseas to Greece a couple of years ago to get married and he was on the plane with tuberculosis?

Imagine what would happen if you have some idiot on an airplane infected with something like Ebola (which has a window where it's contagious, but you don't show symptoms).

What if some idiot like that went on an airplane?

Shit.........penis bombs and suppositories like Slackjaw suggested ain't even close.......

there are many scary situations. should we all live in isolated bunkers or are you going to stop being a pussy and just enjoy life?

Hey you sperm burping colon jousting pansified pussy, I've been in 4 war zones and served 20 years in the military.

I'm not a coward like you.

I'm also not one of those overblown windbags that think they have a right to privacy. Nope, sorry.........not when there is dangerous shit like this going on. Prior to WTC? Sure.

After? No fucking way.

so you let the terrorists win? cool
I think its worth pointing out that there is a choice involved with the right to privacy issue, even if it means a choice between flying or not flying.
that doesn't mean the terrorists 'win'. The last week has shown us we haven't won.

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