NAACP leader/liberal judge won't marry gay couple

Most non whites don't like homosexuality. They have been able to escape the pressure because how can you white guilt someone that isn't white.

Interesting, SuperDemocrat
I see both the homosexuality and the process around it
as part of a SPIRITUAL growth process. There are Spiritual reasons
people are born to experience these things, and also a Spiritual process of changing.

If you look at the groups that have counseled people to change their
unwanted homosexual attractions and relationships, the ones I have found
use Christian based spiritual healing to address the GENERATIONAL causes
which Buddhists might call Karma from previous generations carried on in the SPIRIT.

Science shows that orientation is NOT purely genetic; studies on identical twins only
show a 47-53% correlation or matching orientation, so there are other factors involved,
even though there is SOME predilection or tendency.

Most of the Christians who lead in public are white. The Christians I know who do
this level of spiritual healing who are minorities don't go around leading their own
TV shows or large churches with high visibility.

so there could be cultural or socioeconomic factors involved in why they aren't
as visible as the White Christians speaking out on this issue who get all the media focus.

Here is one woman, a Black Christian speaking out on ex-gays excluded from the public arena and dialogue:
President Obama has an ex-gay problem BizPac Review
Janet Boynes
What if this was a White Man speaking out, would that make a difference in public perception?
Does it help that she is a Black woman Christian, does that show it isn't just the White Christians saying this?

Here is a link to a previous post on Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt
[ How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ]
on the VOLUNTARY (ie by free choice, not coercive or it does not work because it relies on the
forgiveness and healing process that only works by free will) natural Christian healing therapy they successfully practice to
help people heal of any number of unnatural conditions blocking their natural healing and restoration
of body mind and spirit (not only unwanted sexual attractions, addictions or abuse, but even
more physical diseases and illnesses ranging from RA to cancer, schizophrenia, etc.)
So...has their god rained down brimstone because of gay marriage yet?

Yes bodecea As you can see, all the people who failed to forgive and love their neighbor
are suffering terrible fear and angst over this. The people who believe without fear in standing for what is right,
are not as shaken. The people who sympathize with both sides, as I do, are still disturbed by the pain and
suffering both sides are causing each other; but I recognize it is part of the spiritual growth process
and there is no skipping the anger, denial and projection phase. Some people are going through hell over
this, so all the karma is coming back.

And same with all the people who railed and ranted about "separation of church and state"
and defending "prohoice" against beliefs in right to life imposed through govt.

the ones who realize they are just as hypocritical and DANGEROUS to impose THEIR beliefs through govt,
are humbled to know they have become the same people they rallied so hard to keep from abusing govt this way.

When they finally step in those shoes, and walk the same walk
as Christians who don't believe they are imposing either when they are merely defending their beliefs from infringement.

Now it's the leftside's turn to act as the authoritarian dictating beliefs through govt.
So who is going to be left to complain with both sides pointing the finger at each other?
Truly this is either a heaven or hell whatever you want to make of this process.

So if you are forgiving it leads to heavenly peace,
if you are unforgiving you are sending yourself and others through hell.

People are getting the justice they give, so that IS God's law coming down and being received.
Justice is being established, and that is the coming of Jesus symbolized in the Bible.

This is the process of justice, so those who are Retributive in their justice get Retribution in return.
those who are Restorative in their justice receive Restoration.

We will get exactly what we give, justice is universal and all people are governed by these laws
of cause and effect or karma. We reap what we sow. So it is coming down and it is a good
thing for those who seek good, and it is a horrifying process for those who still hold grudges and hate the other group!
^ This is fine, Seawytch to have a perfectly SECULAR NEUTRAL partnership. But to use the word MARRIAGE is as volatile as using the word GOD.

So if you really want a civil/secular union, then using neutral terms should work just as well.
If you INSIST on trying to attach social acceptance and other things attached to "marriage" then you are crossing the line into legislating what people should or should not accept and that gets into people's religious beliefs.

If Seawytch or Bodecca were married in a Church (not to each other of course but to their current spouse), and you know many Churches are now marrying same-sex couples, then why do you assume that they want a civil/secular union only?

If they are married in a Church before God, why shouldn't they be able to use the same word as other people married in a Church before God?

On the other hand why not call the joining of ALL couples in a legal next of kin status (currently referred to as Civil Marriage) could be called Civil Unions (for both different- and same-sex couples).

The religious joining of ALL couples (both different- and same-sex) could then be referred to as "marriage".

You would have different- and same-sex couples in Civil Unions.

You would have different- and same-sex couples in Marriages.

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