NAACP leader admits Dems continue to fail black community


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
though she probably didn't mean to.

"You cannot possibly talk about jobs for black people at the level he’s coming from. He’s talking about entrepreneurship, savings accounts — black people can barely find a way to get back and forth from work,” Manning said.

So they know nothing about savings and entrepreneurship but continue to blindly support Dems and blame the Repubs. And she expects Romney to pander to them and treat them like they aren't capable of anything. That's what she wants huh?

Read more: NAACP leader accuses Romney of favoring white people | The Daily Caller
...From A Black Panther leader regarding Democrats?

[Not meant to detract from the OP by any means, but rather another view from the same 'constituiency' ]...

Democrats Using Black People ‘Like Whores & Prostitutes’ — Says Furious Black Panther Chairman

One has to find it curious...and wonder if he includes President Obama since HE is the standards bearer of the DNC...

In a recent interview on Black Panther radio, New Black Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz lashed out at a new target — the Democratic Party.

The shocking rant against the DNC began with Shabazz declaring that “the American economy is in a halt” and even “mainstream whites are talking about” our country’s decline. The Chairman goes on to call America a ”modern Babylon and a modern Rome.”

Shabazz continued by asking his followers “Can the Democratic Party save you?” Here’s more:
“Can the Democratic Party really save us, locally and nationally, or are we just holding on because we ain’t got nothing better? Are we just being fired up for this election, to go out here and give some votes, and all of the core concerns of the black community will be thrown to the side when November gets passed?”

Some real honesty here?
Mitt Romney was born in Detroit......Obama in Honolulu.

Romney's Dad marched in the 60s for civil rights.

Obama's Dad didn't.

Obama was born closer to Samoa than Selma.

What has Obama done to improve civil rights.

What has he done to improve race relations?

Not a damned thing.

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