Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.
I would put a little different spin on it. Trump is a fraud with his loving the bible crap. And his phoniness has been exposed by none other than Frank Amedia, the pastor who served as an unofficial Christian liaison between Donald Trump and the Religious Right . It's a match made in hell! The Evangelicals have made a Faustian bargain with him

Frank Amedia Exposes the Transactional Relationship Between Trump and the Religious Right | Right Wing Watch

Amedia, who now runs POTUS Shield—a “prophetic” network conceived to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump—explained that Trump is a “street-fighter president” who will fight dirty on behalf of the Religious Right because knows that he needs their support, so much so that he will do their bidding without even knowing what he is talking about.

When I met Donald Trump, he wasn’t a man of God,” Amedia said. “God didn’t call a man of God, he called a warrior. He called a street fighter. How many of you have ever been in a street fight? You don’t go into a street fight to fight fair, you go in to come out and win; you come out to hurt the other guy and come out to win. And if they hit you, you hit back. Sometimes you hit first. That’s what we have. We have a street-fighter president.”

The religious right has sold their soul to a snake oil salesman, and as for Trump, he has no soul
Or allow baby killers to dictate to them? Yeah you must have needles in your head
Not supporting Trump does not mean that they have to support the Democrats.

BTW - Do you really believe that Trump has never paid for an abortion? Really????
you truly are a fool. you didn't answer my question, you said they weren't basing it upon religion. sure they are. they won't vote for demofks who kill babies because their religious beliefs don't align with killing babies. If they don't vote for trump, they have instead voted for baby killers. you're not bright at all. and hence the OP!!!!

Saying that not voting for Trump is the same as voting for Democrat is idiotic.

There are times that you're just too stupid to even bother having a discussion.
dude, I asked you, if they don't vote for trump who wins? why is it difficult for you to answer questions, you didn't learn that art in school?

Your lesser of 2 evils philosophy is exactly why we have such a shitty political system. The Evangelicals are a large enough voting block that they could change that system, but instead they're all a bunch of sheep that support who they are told to support.

If the Evangelicals had stood up for their beliefs Trump would never have been the Republican candidate.

I'm going home. Please continue to kiss your own ass if you'd like.

Oh lard!

Trump became the GOP candidate because of Ross Perot helping Clinton in 1992...

Eight years of Clinton, then Eight years of GWB and Eight Years of Hussein and we get Trump!

So I blame Ross Perot and voters like me and you for why America has Trump now!
Dude, they think people are stupid when it really is them
Some people get Thomas Jefferson and God mixed up.
thomas jefferson didn't say it either. you should all learn to read.

Freedom was a concept inspired by the French enlightenment not Jesus.

Alexis de Tocqueville was the famous 19th century French statesman, historian and social philosopher. He traveled to America in the 1830s to discover the reasons for the incredible success of this new nation. He published his observations in his classic two-volume work, Democracy in America. He was especially impressed by America's religious character. Here are some startling excerpts from Tocqueville's great work:

Upon my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things.

In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country.

Religion in America...must be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions of that country; for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it. Indeed, it is in this same point of view that the inhabitants of the United States themselves look upon religious belief.

I do not know whether all Americans have a sincere faith in their religion -- for who can search the human heart? But I am certain that they hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a class of citizens or a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to every rank of society.

In the United States, the sovereign authority is religious...there is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America, and there can be no greater proof of its utility and of its conformity to human nature than that its influence is powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth.

In the United States, the influence of religion is not confined to the manners, but it extends to the intelligence of the people...

Christianity, therefore, reigns without obstacle, by universal consent...

I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors...; in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning. I sought for it in her democratic Congress and in her matchless Constitution.

Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.

America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.

The safeguard of morality is religion, and morality is the best security of law as well as the surest pledge of freedom.

The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other

Christianity is the companion of liberty in all its conflicts -- the cradle of its infancy, and the divine source of its claims.

One Nation Under God: Alexis de Tocqueville

I wonder what he would say today after studying the history of the US
and would he still say christianity is the companion of liberty
Yes, because virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man.

Just because we have lost our virtue doesn't mean the message is flawed. It just means we are.

Some people are flawed but not all
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

I've said it a hundred times.

The choice for Christians, was voting for someone willing to work with you, or voting for an enemy.

Only an asshole would pretend that that is not legit.
Well, the fundies had to choose between two unrepentant adulterers, so I guess no one can blame them for picking the lesser evil. LOL

Trump's personal life is obviously a minus for just about any voter serious about his Christian religion.

BUT, he is not actively hostile to them, like Hillary is.

He is willing to work with them.

I dont' see how anyone could seriously be confused or surprised by their choice in supporting Trump (mostly)

But the question comes in when … what happens when a person who does not condone open adultery or even promiscuity, but who believes people should be able to choose on abortion or IUDs.

Well, as both Trump and Hillary had bad track records on Adultery, and both are pretty light on Abortions and IUDS,

I would think they would have to make their choice on other issues, such as Trade and Immigration.
Hillary Clinton had a bad track record on adultery? Who did she fuck while married? I forget
Here is a perfect example of the religious right wing nuts who support McDonald T-Rump

Trump’s ‘Firefighter Prophet’ Claims ‘Patriots’ Will Assassinate High-Profile Democrats

Taylor, a retired firefighter known as the “firefighter prophet,” is the author of the bestselling book, “The Trump Prophecies: The Astonishing True Story Of The Man Who Saw Tomorrow… And What He Says Is Coming Next,” which has been wildly successful with Trump-loving conservative Christians.

Speaking on the Sheila Zilinsky podcast Taylor explained that God had told him that patriots will assassinate high-profile Democrats if Trump does not begin making arrests of high profile Democrats.

Taylor added:

The people are not asking for justice, they are demanding it, so the government has to act. They need to make probably one or two high-level arrests, high-profile arrests, perp walk them on national television so that people will see that justice is going to be done.

Arrested for what you crazy bastard??!!

Your lib hate of Christians is just the type of thing I was referring to.

Christians could vote for someone like Hillary, who hates Christians like you do,

or they could vote for someone who does not hate them and instead is willing to work with them.

This makes complete sense. YOur hate has blinded you.
A few simple questions... no bullshit\

1. What evidence do you have that I hate Chrstians?

2 What evidence do you have that Hillary Clinton Hates Christians'

3. Do you think that Mark Taylor is a rational person?

4. Do you think that Trumps " willingness to work with Christians" is ok if it isat the expense of Jews, Muslims , Women and gays?

Do bullshit -although I'm sure that there will be much
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.
I would put a little different spin on it. Trump is a fraud with his loving the bible crap. And his phoniness has been exposed by none other than Frank Amedia, the pastor who served as an unofficial Christian liaison between Donald Trump and the Religious Right . It's a match made in hell! The Evangelicals have made a Faustian bargain with him

Frank Amedia Exposes the Transactional Relationship Between Trump and the Religious Right | Right Wing Watch

Amedia, who now runs POTUS Shield—a “prophetic” network conceived to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump—explained that Trump is a “street-fighter president” who will fight dirty on behalf of the Religious Right because knows that he needs their support, so much so that he will do their bidding without even knowing what he is talking about.

When I met Donald Trump, he wasn’t a man of God,” Amedia said. “God didn’t call a man of God, he called a warrior. He called a street fighter. How many of you have ever been in a street fight? You don’t go into a street fight to fight fair, you go in to come out and win; you come out to hurt the other guy and come out to win. And if they hit you, you hit back. Sometimes you hit first. That’s what we have. We have a street-fighter president.”

The religious right has sold their soul to a snake oil salesman, and as for Trump, he has no soul
Or allow baby killers to dictate to them? Yeah you must have needles in your head
I don't know of anyone killing babies since the Kamir Rouge
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump
it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.
Liberals need to actually read the Bible before they can even try to tell us what it means.

Did you libs know that Armegeddon is coming? Your Muslim Democrats and your Jewish Democrats will by side by side in Hell. All you Democrats non believers will be in Hell after Armegeddon.
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.
I would put a little different spin on it. Trump is a fraud with his loving the bible crap. And his phoniness has been exposed by none other than Frank Amedia, the pastor who served as an unofficial Christian liaison between Donald Trump and the Religious Right . It's a match made in hell! The Evangelicals have made a Faustian bargain with him

Frank Amedia Exposes the Transactional Relationship Between Trump and the Religious Right | Right Wing Watch

Amedia, who now runs POTUS Shield—a “prophetic” network conceived to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump—explained that Trump is a “street-fighter president” who will fight dirty on behalf of the Religious Right because knows that he needs their support, so much so that he will do their bidding without even knowing what he is talking about.

When I met Donald Trump, he wasn’t a man of God,” Amedia said. “God didn’t call a man of God, he called a warrior. He called a street fighter. How many of you have ever been in a street fight? You don’t go into a street fight to fight fair, you go in to come out and win; you come out to hurt the other guy and come out to win. And if they hit you, you hit back. Sometimes you hit first. That’s what we have. We have a street-fighter president.”

The religious right has sold their soul to a snake oil salesman, and as for Trump, he has no soul
Or allow baby killers to dictate to them? Yeah you must have needles in your head
I don't know of anyone killing babies since the Kamir Rouge
You’ve never heard of planned parenthood? Strange , king baby killers
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump
it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.
Liberals need to actually read the Bible before they can even try to tell us what it means.

Did you libs know that Armegeddon is coming? Your Muslim Democrats and your Jewish Democrats will by side by side in Hell. All you Democrats non believers will be in Hell after Armegeddon.
This liberal would never try to tell you what the bible means because I don't give a rats hind parts what the bible says . I'm not about to live my life according to the bible any more than I would live based on Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz. I live in the real world

Muslims and Jews in hell? At least you are up from about your bigotry
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.

It's fair to say Donald J. Trump is not an evangelical. He's never been called one and has not called himself one. Technically, he's Presbyterian. As a New York liberal for most of his life, he had no conservative credibility prior to 2016. This conservative evangelical was very skeptical of him, and did not support him in the 2016 primary. I initially thought his candidacy was Seinfeldian — about nothing.

Trump has been strongly pro-life, strongly pro-American, strongly pro-Israel, strongly pro-capitalism, and he has pushed back against the freedom-robbing regulatory state. He cut taxes and he left evangelicals alone. He didn't sue the nuns. He doesn't want our guns.

Voting for Trump is not "trading Christian values for political power." It's voting in self-defense against the radical, evangelical-hating left and hoping for the best - and getting more than expected.
I would put a little different spin on it. Trump is a fraud with his loving the bible crap. And his phoniness has been exposed by none other than Frank Amedia, the pastor who served as an unofficial Christian liaison between Donald Trump and the Religious Right . It's a match made in hell! The Evangelicals have made a Faustian bargain with him

Frank Amedia Exposes the Transactional Relationship Between Trump and the Religious Right | Right Wing Watch

Amedia, who now runs POTUS Shield—a “prophetic” network conceived to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump—explained that Trump is a “street-fighter president” who will fight dirty on behalf of the Religious Right because knows that he needs their support, so much so that he will do their bidding without even knowing what he is talking about.

When I met Donald Trump, he wasn’t a man of God,” Amedia said. “God didn’t call a man of God, he called a warrior. He called a street fighter. How many of you have ever been in a street fight? You don’t go into a street fight to fight fair, you go in to come out and win; you come out to hurt the other guy and come out to win. And if they hit you, you hit back. Sometimes you hit first. That’s what we have. We have a street-fighter president.”

The religious right has sold their soul to a snake oil salesman, and as for Trump, he has no soul
Or allow baby killers to dictate to them? Yeah you must have needles in your head
I don't know of anyone killing babies since the Kamir Rouge
You’ve never heard of planned parenthood? Strange , king baby killers
I have heard of planned parenthood. I have also heard the lies you people tell

Evangelical numbers are dropping. Unaffiliated is increasing.

Maybe they are gradually seeing how hypocritical religious people are. If you think contorting your beliefs to support Donald Trump is going to help you, well good luck with that. Personally, I think he's about as far from Jesus Christ as you can possibly get.
when the demofks don't want your vote. It's truly amazing, they don't want 45 % of voters voting for them.

They own the education system and 95% of the media, yet can never get half of the population to agree with them.
Well when they start saying stuff like " “There has never been anyone who has defended us and who has fought for us, who we have loved more than Donald J. Trump. No one!”

It makes you wonder if there really is a God

Do i expect them to vote demo , nah

The fact does remain the demo get votes from people who go to church

Usually fake churches that are little more than social clubs scamming the tax exempt status.
Sorry, I'm not buying the argument that they just HAD to vote for Trump over Hillary either. That would be true if we were just looking at the general election, but don't forget about the Republican primary election.

Evangelicals make up about a third of the Republican base. Republicans had over a dozen candidates in the last Republican primary. They picked Trump.
So it seems that 'Evangelicals' are guided more by they're political views than by their 'Christian' beliefs.

Some excuse for a religion!

BTW - If they lived in a 'freedom robbing' state they wouldn't be either voting or practicing their 'religion' freely.
so how does not backing a party that kills babies avoiding their religion? explain for us.

Not supporting Trump does not mean that they have to support the Democrats.

BTW - Do you really believe that Trump has never paid for an abortion? Really????

I agree with your post.

But honestly?

I don't think you read the full article.

That isn't what this is about.

This is about a voting block protecting their interests. If they have no representation, no one to protect their interests, they will continually be shafted.

I am sure that is good for YOUR POV, but, is it good for theirs?

I understand why they back Republicans in general, but Trump is beyond the pail morally. Supporting a guy that's so clearly immoral isn't going to lead to good things.

Besides it's pretty obvious that Trump doesn't believe most of the things he promises...he'll say anything to get elected.

Do you really believe that he's anti-abortion or do you think that he's only pretending?

And yet -
He has lived up to all his promises in a spectacular manner.
Sorry, I'm not buying the argument that they just HAD to vote for Trump over Hillary either. That would be true if we were just looking at the general election, but don't forget about the Republican primary election.

Evangelicals make up about a third of the Republican base. Republicans had over a dozen candidates in the last Republican primary. They picked Trump.

Trump spoke about the issues that Republicans cared about.
They don't want to bake cakes for gays

They do not want to bake cakes for Gay Weddings... In my opinion the left went to far on that one and should just let the bakers be...

Go find a gay friendly bakery...

Should business owners be able to pick who they will and will not sell their goods and service to?

If they don't like non-whites or fat people or ugly people they can just refuse to sell to them?

Businesses can now unless it's some shit stain protected class.
So it seems that 'Evangelicals' are guided more by they're political views than by their 'Christian' beliefs.

Some excuse for a religion!

BTW - If they lived in a 'freedom robbing' state they wouldn't be either voting or practicing their 'religion' freely.
Unlike you left tards with Obama, we arent electing a messiah, just a president.
Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump

it all boils down to more voting against people that want you marginalized and criminalized than for someone who doesn't live the way you live.
I would put a little different spin on it. Trump is a fraud with his loving the bible crap. And his phoniness has been exposed by none other than Frank Amedia, the pastor who served as an unofficial Christian liaison between Donald Trump and the Religious Right . It's a match made in hell! The Evangelicals have made a Faustian bargain with him

Frank Amedia Exposes the Transactional Relationship Between Trump and the Religious Right | Right Wing Watch

Amedia, who now runs POTUS Shield—a “prophetic” network conceived to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of Trump—explained that Trump is a “street-fighter president” who will fight dirty on behalf of the Religious Right because knows that he needs their support, so much so that he will do their bidding without even knowing what he is talking about.

When I met Donald Trump, he wasn’t a man of God,” Amedia said. “God didn’t call a man of God, he called a warrior. He called a street fighter. How many of you have ever been in a street fight? You don’t go into a street fight to fight fair, you go in to come out and win; you come out to hurt the other guy and come out to win. And if they hit you, you hit back. Sometimes you hit first. That’s what we have. We have a street-fighter president.”

The religious right has sold their soul to a snake oil salesman, and as for Trump, he has no soul
Or allow baby killers to dictate to them? Yeah you must have needles in your head
I don't know of anyone killing babies since the Kamir Rouge
You’ve never heard of planned parenthood? Strange , king baby killers
I have heard of planned parenthood. I have also heard the lies you people tell
So you know they’re baby killers, why did you say you didn’t know of any?

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