Myorkis reveals DHS has "Disinformation Governance Board" to combat disinformation targeting minority communities.

Who woulda thunk we’d have a Ministry of Truth straight out of Orwell’s 1984?

Biden’s new disinformation head has history of spreading disinformation​

On Wednesday, it was announced that the Department of Homeland Security would be launching a "Disinformation Governance Board," which will be headed by executive director Nina Jankowicz.

In screenshots of old tweets posted to Twitter, she was seen dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian misinformation, slamming free speech, and bashed Twitter’s decision to stop taking action against 2020 election posts.

Jankowicz has on numerous occasions discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story, saying it's a "fairy tale" and disinformation.

Lefties would put a liar in charge of the truth.

Because that's the way lefties roll
How is this Constitutional?

We all know what this is.


What the fuck, people?

How can anyone support a ministry of truth?
The government is not ALLOWED to suppress free speech.

If even ONE person gets banned from social media because of Ms Jankowicz, she's going to have a federal civil rights lawsuit on her hands.

My guess is, the Dems won't be able to resist.
My question is: WTF does this have to do with HOMELAND SECURITY?

This administration is using almost every Government agency at their disposal to combat any information they deem "disinformation". Can anyone explain why DHS is involved in information targeting any community in the US?

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating 'Disinformation Governance Board'

The news comes two days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk secured a $44 billion deal to buy Twitter​

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security is creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to combat misinformation ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Mayorkas appeared before the House Appropriations Subcommittee to discuss the fiscal 2023 budget for the Department of Homeland Security.

Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., cited reports on how minority communities are being targeted in misinformation campaigns and asked Mayorkas what DHS will do to address it.

Mayorkas said a "Disinformation Governance Board" had recently been created and will be led by Undersecretary for Policy Rob Silvers co-chair with principal deputy general counsel Jennifer Gaskill.

"The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat," Mayorkas said, adding that the department is focused on the spread of disinformation in minority communities

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating 'Disinformation Governance Board'
Let me see if I can explain this. The democrats for over a decade now have blamed all of their failures not on they are horrible policy and not working, it was their messaging wasn’t reaching the people. Their messaging was bad, the media wasn’t getting their message out strong enough, the people just don’t understand how great this is because they haven’t been told how good it is.

How do you get that message out? The ministry of truth. Well, not actual truth just the democrat version of what their policies aren’t actually doing to you because they say so. And now a government arm to reinforce that message. It’s not us fucking you over. The government says so.

1984 by George Orwell Book Movie on BBC TV from 1956,

Peter Cushing

Listen to the dialogue and compare it to the rhetoric Joey Xi Bai Dung and his handlers within the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies. .
As identified by Baghdad Bob Mayorkas' statements today before Congress and his announcement of the creation of the Department of Disinformation, aka Ministry of Truth ala Orwell's 1984/
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1984 by George Orwell Book Movie on BBC TV from 1956,

Peter Cushing

Listen to the dialogue and compare it to the rhetoric Joey Xi Bai Dung and his handlers within the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies. .
As identified by Baghdad Bob Mayorkas' statements today before Congress and his announcement of the creation of the Department of Disinformation, aka Ministry of Truth ala Orwell's 1984/

Everyone should go to the 6:00 minute mark of the 1984 video and watch the 2 Minutes Hate segment.

Its amazingly prophetic.

Its the cult npcs.
My question is: WTF does this have to do with HOMELAND SECURITY?

This administration is using almost every Government agency at their disposal to combat any information they deem "disinformation". Can anyone explain why DHS is involved in information targeting any community in the US?

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating 'Disinformation Governance Board'

The news comes two days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk secured a $44 billion deal to buy Twitter​

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security is creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to combat misinformation ahead of the 2022 midterms.


Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., cited reports on how minority communities are being targeted in misinformation campaigns and asked Mayorkas what DHS will do to address it.

Mayorkas said a "Disinformation Governance Board" had recently been created and will be led by Undersecretary for Policy Rob Silvers co-chair with principal deputy general counsel Jennifer Gaskill.

"The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat," Mayorkas said, adding that the department is focused on the spread of disinformation in minority communities

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating 'Disinformation Governance Board'
wanna turn this into a farce, which it is.
Get every single american to say they want to be on her list.
My question is: WTF does this have to do with HOMELAND SECURITY?

This administration is using almost every Government agency at their disposal to combat any information they deem "disinformation". Can anyone explain why DHS is involved in information targeting any community in the US?

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating 'Disinformation Governance Board'

The news comes two days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk secured a $44 billion deal to buy Twitter​

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security is creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to combat misinformation ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Mayorkas appeared before the House Appropriations Subcommittee to discuss the fiscal 2023 budget for the Department of Homeland Security.

Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., cited reports on how minority communities are being targeted in misinformation campaigns and asked Mayorkas what DHS will do to address it.

Mayorkas said a "Disinformation Governance Board" had recently been created and will be led by Undersecretary for Policy Rob Silvers co-chair with principal deputy general counsel Jennifer Gaskill.

"The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat," Mayorkas said, adding that the department is focused on the spread of disinformation in minority communities

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating 'Disinformation Governance Board'
I listened to a good bit of that. Not only is Myorkis an idiot he perjured himself before the committee claiming the border is secure under the legal definition of same.
wanna turn this into a farce, which it is.
Get every single american to say they want to be on her list.
I can think of few things more dangerous than giving the gov't the authority to determine what is or isn't "misinformation".

The bureaucracy itself is supposed to be apolitical but that isn't even possible with the high percentage of leftwing partisan activists serving in gov't.
He should have taken that wrecking ball to his own piehole with his filthy lies that he won the election.
Russian Collusion was the biggest story in the country for 3 years and it was proven to be a lie from the start.

He also proved that indeed the FBI was wiretapping Trump Tower.

This isn't an argument you can win.
Russian Collusion was the biggest story in the country for 3 years and it was proven to be a lie from the start.

He also proved that indeed the FBI was wiretapping Trump Tower.

This isn't an argument you can win.
There is NO argument that lefties can win.

The American left is completely bankrupt, morally, ethically, and in terms of neuron growth
The Department of Homeland Security has created a “disinformation” board led by a woman who has criticized First Amendment rights and dismissed troubling reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop as a “Trumpcampaign” ploy.

Nina Jankowicz has been on the job for a couple of months, but Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas only revealed the disinformation board’s existence this week in testimony to Congress, when prodded about what his department is doing to help minority communities combat election disinformation.

“The goal is to bring the resources of the department together to address this threat,” Mr. Mayorkas told lawmakers.

These people are straight up Communists…I don’t recognize this country under todays democrats.

That is a perfect example of the upside down world you live in. Biden’s hack compiles a communist to attack 1a rights, and you stupidly say it’s the right attacking democracy….No one take you seriously.
The left has been targeted by the DOJ innumerable times for things as innocuous as opposing wars or fighting for civil rights. I'm supposed to think this is something unprecedented?
How do you get that message out? The ministry of truth. Well, not actual truth just the democrat version of what their policies aren’t actually doing to you because they say so. And now a government arm to reinforce that message. It’s not us fucking you over. The government says so.
Yes. This is a horribly stupid idea.

What will come out of it is, people will end up trusting Uncle Sam EVEN LESS than they do now.

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