My Thoughts On Trump's 91 Indictments

I was just thinking today, Trump has been indicted 91 times by Democrats abusing their power for political purposes. Many of those indictments come from Democrats running their campaigns on getting Trump. We have been hearing a lot lately about Democratic attempts to keep Trump off the ballot in a massive vote suppression scheme, which have been rejected not only by fellow Democrats but the courts as well. During all of this abuse of power to get Trump, Trump has been steadily climbing in the polls to the point where now most polls show Trump beating Biden by more than the margin of error. My point is, most of these indictments are nothing more than a pile of feces and Trump will win the vast majority of these cases, at which time the country will see Democrat's massive abuse of power to get Trump, propelling Trump to even higher numbers as these indictments, vote suppression schemes, and other abuses of power fall one by one.




he will be found guilty on all charges because he is.

that is a fact jack. just ask all the flippers...

& the 1st person eye witness'...

oh! & the actual hard copy paper evidence written in real time by his own fellow CONspiratorial capos.
got to have a crime to indict!!! what's the crime? Why can't you fake demofks ever state the crime. CRIMEEEEEEEE for fk sake.

Are you going to watch the trials to see what evidence there is against Trump?

Ummmmmmmmm, the more of this shit you do, the more popular Trump becomes and has been doing better in the polls. That's just a fact. Are you a fact denier?

I predicted Hillary would win in 2016. I predicted Trump would win in 2020. Let’s just say I’m a bad guesser. My guess for 2024 is that Biden is going to get re-elected but I have been wrong twice before. So don’t get too excited.
Just think.....If trump just hadn't.....

1). Stole Classified Documents and refused to give them back, even LYING about giving them ALL back.

2). Hadn't supplied 'Fake Electors' in an attempt to Steal the Election.

3). Asked GA to just 'Find 11,000 votes'

4). Inflated and LIED about real estate holdings for personal favors.

5). Incited a mob to go to the Capitol and make Mike Pence 'do the right thing.'

then we just wouldn't have to all these obvious political witch hunts and indictments.

). Stole Classified Documents and refused to give them back, even LYING about giving them ALL back.

The fbi knew he had the documents, they looked around. They didn’t seem to care about retrieving them, just securing them. What changed between their visit that day, and then coming back to raid? What caused them to go from not being concerned with them, to all of the sudden needing to raid the place?

Hadn't supplied 'Fake Electors' in an attempt to Steal the Election.

He didn’t supply fake electors. The plan was to send the vote back to the states for recounts in hopes they would submit new electors. It’s not like trump was trying to install his own electors, it doesn’t work that way.

Asked GA to just 'Find 11,000 votes'

Yep, he never asked raffensperger to fabricate 11,000 votes, he said to find them, meaning recount, throw out illegal ballots, things like that. He never once asked him to create 11,000 new ballots.

Inflated and LIED about real estate holdings for personal favors.

That’s currently being litigated. It’s also something that many other do, in the real estate world, but never seem to have any issue. Trump is the exception…because he ruffled the feathers of some dems. And then you have the issue with the judge in New York grossly under valuing mar a lago…there’s that..

Incited a mob to go to the Capitol and make Mike Pence 'do the right thing.'

Never once told anyone to riot, it’s not anywhere to be found. The only place you’ll find that is in the narrative of leftists who are on the “get trump “ train, who ALWAYS leave out “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” and “we’re going to cheer on our great senators”. That part always gets left out….
Your blind ignorance won't defend the guilty.
Watch the future trial.
so you have no crime you know of that warranted an indictment, me either. That's the conspiracy and political foul and it should be in itself an indictment against the sitting president. Election Interference
He didn’t supply fake electors. The plan was to send the vote back to the states for recounts in hopes they would submit new electors. It’s not like trump was trying to install his own electors, it doesn’t work that way.
demofk ignorance doesn't man the process isn't the process. Funny shit the demofks haven't a clue on how the fk the electoral college works at fking all!!!! If they did, they wouldn't always say something about the individual vote counts
Yep, he never asked raffensperger to fabricate 11,000 votes, he said to find them, meaning recount, throw out illegal ballots, things like that. He never once asked him to create 11,000 new ballots.
EXACTLY!!!!!! Again, when TDS is in the air one must ignite one's TDS!
got to have a crime to indict!!! what's the crime? Why can't you fake demofks ever state the crime. CRIMEEEEEEEE for fk sake.
LOL In other words, you are clueless about the charges? And, yet you defend him? Yeah, the mark of a true retarded cultist. :laughing0301:
I see innocent until proven, you don't, it's been the contention in here since post #4 dumb fking ass
Yes, under the law, Trump is innocent until proven. But he has also been indicted. Four Times. There is that.

But, since you are such a stickler for finer points of law - you do believe that Biden is innocent, right? Heck, the guy has never been charged or indicted, let alone convicted. But that hasn't stopped you retards to claim high and low that Biden is guilty.

So, you do agree that Biden is innocent of all charges. Yes or No?
no crime mentioned. still waiting, I see you can't even give one to show me.
What the fuck do you think the four indictments are about, you fucking retard? I could spoon-feed you but then you will remain a retard. :itsok:

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