My Thoughts On Trump's 91 Indictments

Crowd mentality and idiots. Same with most protest matches, especially the BLM one that Lefties have amnesia about.
We don't have amnesia about it caveman.... Our party or candidates did not cause those riots nor support those riots. We did support their right to protest, and absolutely not the right to riot. The democratic leaders spoke up and said that, several times over from various leaders, including candidate Biden.....

It's made up fantasy and propaganda to claim otherwise...

Democrats did not call them to protest or riot....this was not a planned party event like the Trump Ellipse rally and March to the Capitol, planned as a party event, and speech after speech after speech filled with inciting rhetoric working the crowd in to a frenzy..... Or weeks in planning the event by a politician.....

Apples vs oranges. 100%
There is ample evidence and testimony to indict and convict Trump

All could have been avoided if he followed the rules
Your Democratic Party began the GET TRUMP campaign the day he took office. They have made a mockery of the Constitution and the Justice System in order to destroy the one thing they fear the most. A billionaire who is not part of the political establishment and who wants to save America when they want to destroy it.
1). You've been told this. This was NEVER in any previous conversations until trump stole documents that were not his. He cannot do whatever he wants.

2). You mean these 'alternate electors' were the exact same ones that were chosen by the (R) party well before the Election.....Interesting.

3). Did tump say 'recount' when he asked him 'to find votes'.

1) WRONG! All the classified doc laws come from presidential executive privilege only. There is not a single classified doc law that applies to presidents, that means ex-presidents as well, since they can give themselves copies of anything they want while still president.
Again, read EO 13526. It is all in black and white.

2) I have not followed the Georgia case very well, but all parties always select alternate electors ahead of time. And since they report to the state legislature, which already knows the election results unofficially, there is absolutely no possible room for fraud. The state legislature than forwards the count to Congress, who also already knows the election results unofficially, so there is absolutely no way I can imagine any possible fraud by a president, who has nothing at all to do with any part of the process.

3) Trump said to "recheck" and specifically mentioned Folton county.
Its right near the beginning, so quick to listen to.
They’re not. Any ambassador, general, etc would return any classified information when they leave their position.

Stop making shit up.

But even if Ambassadors and generals would, clearly allies and labs would not.
The point is presidents can do whatever they want with classified docs, and there is absolutely no one else who get any say over what a president decides to do.
post 187? You most definitely implied such. Explain then what you meant by this statement? Again, your post, I'm quoting your stupid ass with this;

Because I am not a cultist.

Only a clueless cultist looks at all these indictments, looks at Trump's history of lies and cheating and think - my guy is innocent

I know of no other position than guilty.
Retard, one more time… when some one gets indicted, it def means there is something going on. Does that make him guilty? Maybe, maybe not. Only the court verdict will give us that.

And, yes…there is a third position between guilt and innocence and that is indictment. Which your orange douchebag is in…not once, not twice but a fucking four times.

Do you really need this explained to you? Maybe you do. You are a retard, after all. :itsok:
Well, you have to be really honest and admit at least to yourself you badly overplayed your hand. After the fourth indictment from years ago that suddenly indicted as we were going into the election was just butt obvious.

Time to grow up. Mucus
What the fuck are you babbling about? Your guy gets himself indicted and I overplayed my hand? You think somehow I am going to be punished? :auiqs.jpg:

Gad, even on this site filled with retards, you do take the cake. Thanks for the laughs, retard.
BTW, thank you, I missed that post of him declaring trump guilty as well. Magnus, post #4. hahahahahahahahaahahaha dude, fked up hugely you anti american whore.

your quote....
Magnus said:
LOL You see 91 indictments and think…yup, he is innocent. :auiqs.jpg:

No wonder the orange douchebag loves his retards.
Yeah, what about post #4, retard? Same question… you see 4 indictments and you think DEEP STATE?

That is the mark of a true retarded cultists. Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
It is too early to say that. Trump could still lose the primary, die or even drop out.
Ummmmmmmmm, the more of this shit you do, the more popular Trump becomes and has been doing better in the polls. That's just a fact. Are you a fact denier?
Retard, one more time… when some one gets indicted, it def means there is something going on.
got to have a crime to indict!!! what's the crime? Why can't you fake demofks ever state the crime. CRIMEEEEEEEE for fk sake.
It is too early to say that. Trump could still lose the primary, die or even drop out.
no it's not, the polls show he's getting more attention. Not the output of the polls, but the shear number of them pushing his name in the public. You stupid fks still don't get it's free advertisement. You all want him to go away and yet you can't say his name enough in a 24 hour period on every demofk site!!!!! Hilarious.
Nothing at all.

That's why you cannot and will not argue your claim.

All the facts stand against you.

This is what I am telling you.

Repeating your claim is not an argument (you make this mistake a lot). All your work lies ahead of you.

Also, lest you waste your time repeating yourself again:

If you were to successfully argue that this started as political (you cannot), that still would not undermine the merits of the case, as it now stands.

I have argued it…the evidence is clear. The leftists in congress vowed to impeach him before he even started on the campaign trail, Letitia James ran her campaign on “get trump”, people on the left have been after him since day one. These are facts. Also, look at the posts in these forums, if that is any indicator of what the left in the country thinks…it’s political.

Repeating your claim is not an argument

Actually, yes, it is.

The left didn’t care about trumps activities until he was president. They are digging up things he allegedly did many years ago. If those things were so important, why didn’t they investigate him for them…years ago. The answer? Nobody cared until he started ruffling the feathers of the people on the left.

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