Ferguson!!! meanwhile, in other news


Wood Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 17, 2014
in other news,

Are we back in Iraq?
Make no mistake We apos re back in an Iraq war - LA Times

Libya and Egypt have become train wrecks. Even Turkey seems to be unraveling.

Russian intervention in Ukraine continues unabated.

China. That's a powder keg.

Border invasion continues from Central America.

The EU has genuine concerns about deflation.
Why Deflation Is Such A Big Worry For Europe Parallels NPR

and there's this;

I'm not pushing for any specific policy about these international issues. I'm not an advocate of us being Team America World Police. All I'm saying is, maybe some broken windows and burning 7-11 stores in Ferguson might be sort of low on the list of things to worry about right now.

The US is relatively stable. Digital Media is our opiate of the masses. We're relatively fat, happy and subdued. There is no American Spring uprising. Still, sickness in one part of the world can spread to others, especially in this new era of globalism.

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