CDZ My Take on LGBT

Gender identity is not a binary, it is not either mental illness or mental health, it is a range and everyone falls somewhere in that range.
If there are only 2 actual genders, then actual gender itself really is binary. This would mean that if gender identity is more than binary, then some of the people in this range are believing that they are something that they are not. This is what the opening post suggested, so how do you reconcile the range of gender identity vs the actual binary set of genders that are reality? In the case of a mismatch, doesn't the mismatch believe he is something that he is not?
Two genders are the most common but they are not the only ones. Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
Are you attempting to conflate the rare exceptions of actual gender to this range of gender identity? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
Gender identity is not a binary, it is not either mental illness or mental health, it is a range and everyone falls somewhere in that range.
If there are only 2 actual genders, then actual gender itself really is binary. This would mean that if gender identity is more than binary, then some of the people in this range are believing that they are something that they are not. This is what the opening post suggested, so how do you reconcile the range of gender identity vs the actual binary set of genders that are reality? In the case of a mismatch, doesn't the mismatch believe he is something that he is not?
Two genders are the most common but they are not the only ones. Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
Are you attempting to conflate the rare exceptions of actual gender to this range of gender identity? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I'm only saying that it doesn't bother me if someone is gay, bi, trans, or whatever except in those rare exceptions where it affects others. You, only the other hand seem fixated on these people.
Gender identity is not a binary, it is not either mental illness or mental health, it is a range and everyone falls somewhere in that range.
If there are only 2 actual genders, then actual gender itself really is binary. This would mean that if gender identity is more than binary, then some of the people in this range are believing that they are something that they are not. This is what the opening post suggested, so how do you reconcile the range of gender identity vs the actual binary set of genders that are reality? In the case of a mismatch, doesn't the mismatch believe he is something that he is not?
Two genders are the most common but they are not the only ones. Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
Are you attempting to conflate the rare exceptions of actual gender to this range of gender identity? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I'm only saying that it doesn't bother me if someone is gay, bi, trans, or whatever except in those rare exceptions where it affects others. You, only the other hand seem fixated on these people.
Why are you saying this, and what have I posted that suggests I am fixated on these people? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
Gender identity is not a binary, it is not either mental illness or mental health, it is a range and everyone falls somewhere in that range.
If there are only 2 actual genders, then actual gender itself really is binary. This would mean that if gender identity is more than binary, then some of the people in this range are believing that they are something that they are not. This is what the opening post suggested, so how do you reconcile the range of gender identity vs the actual binary set of genders that are reality? In the case of a mismatch, doesn't the mismatch believe he is something that he is not?
Two genders are the most common but they are not the only ones. Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
Are you attempting to conflate the rare exceptions of actual gender to this range of gender identity? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I'm only saying that it doesn't bother me if someone is gay, bi, trans, or whatever except in those rare exceptions where it affects others. You, only the other hand seem fixated on these people.
Why are you saying this, and what have I posted that suggests I am fixated on these people? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I don't have to reconcile it and neither do you. Only they do.
Gender identity is not a binary, it is not either mental illness or mental health, it is a range and everyone falls somewhere in that range.
If there are only 2 actual genders, then actual gender itself really is binary. This would mean that if gender identity is more than binary, then some of the people in this range are believing that they are something that they are not. This is what the opening post suggested, so how do you reconcile the range of gender identity vs the actual binary set of genders that are reality? In the case of a mismatch, doesn't the mismatch believe he is something that he is not?
Two genders are the most common but they are not the only ones. Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
Are you attempting to conflate the rare exceptions of actual gender to this range of gender identity? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I'm only saying that it doesn't bother me if someone is gay, bi, trans, or whatever except in those rare exceptions where it affects others. You, only the other hand seem fixated on these people.
Why are you saying this, and what have I posted that suggests I am fixated on these people? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I don't have to reconcile it and neither do you. Only they do.
It isn't really a matter of having to reconcile this, but rather being able to. It is the thread topic, so if you dispute the opening post, it would be interesting to see why. I don't think you are actually able to reconcile what actual gender people are vs what they think they are, and I don't think you are able to post what it means if somebody identitfies as something that they are not. I haven't even seen you demonstrate that you read and understood the opening post. Declaring that you are not required to do any of this is simply a way to evade the truth.
But it has always existed and here we are today. How do you explain that ?
Homosexuality is seen as an aberrant but recurring human condition in a small fraction of humans. Most humans are naturally heterosexual. Does this really have to be explained to you?
Gender identity is not a binary, it is not either mental illness or mental health, it is a range and everyone falls somewhere in that range.
If there are only 2 actual genders, then actual gender itself really is binary. This would mean that if gender identity is more than binary, then some of the people in this range are believing that they are something that they are not. This is what the opening post suggested, so how do you reconcile the range of gender identity vs the actual binary set of genders that are reality? In the case of a mismatch, doesn't the mismatch believe he is something that he is not?
Two genders are the most common but they are not the only ones. Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
Are you attempting to conflate the rare exceptions of actual gender to this range of gender identity? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I'm only saying that it doesn't bother me if someone is gay, bi, trans, or whatever except in those rare exceptions where it affects others. You, only the other hand seem fixated on these people.
Why are you saying this, and what have I posted that suggests I am fixated on these people? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I don't have to reconcile it and neither do you. Only they do.
It isn't really a matter of having to reconcile this, but rather being able to. It is the thread topic, so if you dispute the opening post, it would be interesting to see why. I don't think you are actually able to reconcile what actual gender people are vs what they think they are, and I don't think you are able to post what it means if somebody identitfies as something that they are not. I haven't even seen you demonstrate that you read and understood the opening post. Declaring that you are not required to do any of this is simply a way to evade the truth.
As I've stated from the beginning (I think), I have no issue accepting if a person with a penis sees themselves as a woman.

There are likely some issues, like which restroom you use or which lacrosse team you get to play for, but those are, IMHO, minor issues that can be addressed locally. I don't need to dictate to an Iowa HS what their policy should be so long as they can justify it.
As I've stated from the beginning (I think), I have no issue accepting if a person with a penis sees themselves as a woman.

There are likely some issues, like which restroom you use or which lacrosse team you get to play for, but those are, IMHO, minor issues that can be addressed locally. I don't need to dictate to an Iowa HS what their policy should be so long as they can justify it.
I have no problem accepting homosexual as an aberrant human condition. I do not accept letting a biological male compete as a woman.
99.9% or more of all people are biologically male or female, at least that is what Google told me. So, this is my opinion of the LBG part of LBGT. You know what type of people you are attracted to. You know who gets you horny. Those people may be the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes or perhaps you are not attracted to anyone at all which would be asexual (Note: We could add an A to LBG for Asexual). So, I have no issue with the sanity of people that Identify as LBG or A.

Unless you are a hermaphrodite, your chromosomes and what’s between your legs determine your sex, male (XY) or female (XX). If you are biologically female, you have no frame of reference to think that you are a man born in a woman’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you are biologically male, you also have no frame of reference to think that you are a woman born in a man’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you think you are something that you are clearly not, that is evidence of being mentally ill. Being Transgender is a totally different category than Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual.

A Girly Man is still a man. A Manly Woman is still a woman. Thinking that you are a man if you are a woman or thinking that you are a woman when you are a man is a mental illness. Being a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual is not a mental illness.
There is a difference between sex and gender. Your sex is what you are born as and gender is much more fluid. It just is.

We have always had trans in our society. The Strange Tale of Frances Anderson: Champion Pool Player - Harvey County Historical Society

They have always been there.
We always had serial killers also, so what's your point?
That the primary issue has nothing to do with these people except for some of the demands. Well, that and the idiocy of the adults that think it's a wise idea to give children under the age of 18 hormone shots, etc.
Gender identity is not a binary, it is not either mental illness or mental health, it is a range and everyone falls somewhere in that range.
If there are only 2 actual genders, then actual gender itself really is binary. This would mean that if gender identity is more than binary, then some of the people in this range are believing that they are something that they are not. This is what the opening post suggested, so how do you reconcile the range of gender identity vs the actual binary set of genders that are reality? In the case of a mismatch, doesn't the mismatch believe he is something that he is not?
Two genders are the most common but they are not the only ones. Intersex is an umbrella term that describes bodies that fall outside the strict male/female binary. There are lots of ways someone can be intersex.
Are you attempting to conflate the rare exceptions of actual gender to this range of gender identity? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I'm only saying that it doesn't bother me if someone is gay, bi, trans, or whatever except in those rare exceptions where it affects others. You, only the other hand seem fixated on these people.
Why are you saying this, and what have I posted that suggests I am fixated on these people? Are you evading reconciling what actual gender they really are vs what gender they think they are?
I don't have to reconcile it and neither do you. Only they do.
It isn't really a matter of having to reconcile this, but rather being able to. It is the thread topic, so if you dispute the opening post, it would be interesting to see why. I don't think you are actually able to reconcile what actual gender people are vs what they think they are, and I don't think you are able to post what it means if somebody identitfies as something that they are not. I haven't even seen you demonstrate that you read and understood the opening post. Declaring that you are not required to do any of this is simply a way to evade the truth.
As I've stated from the beginning (I think), I have no issue accepting if a person with a penis sees themselves as a woman.

There are likely some issues, like which restroom you use or which lacrosse team you get to play for, but those are, IMHO, minor issues that can be addressed locally. I don't need to dictate to an Iowa HS what their policy should be so long as they can justify it.
This thread is not about if you have an issue with queers or not, this is evasion. Can you demonstrate that you read and understood the opening post?
What the virtue signalers want to FORCE you to pretend -
A biological male in a dress is a transgender. And should be treated as a woman.

When in fact the vast majority of males in dresses are NOT Transgender at all. A very - very small percentage of them are actually suffering from gender dysphoria. The vast-vast majority are one of three OTHER conditions...

1) An effeminate gay man who likes they way he looks dressed as a female. - This is not gender dysphoria. He doesn't want to be a woman. He likes his dick, and wants to keep it.
2) A cross dresser - This is not gender dysphoria. This is a fetish. He has absolutely ZERO desire to be a woman. His only reasoning for dressing as a woman is he receives sexual gratification from it. And the left expect you to pretend along with that fetish or you are a bad person.
3) A young boy caught up in the confusion and grandiose of being "special" by being transgender. This is the most tragic of them all. Some, if encouraged and praised enough, go through child abuse by receiving hormone treatments and even surgery. And then once they begin to mentally mature and the fascination of their fantasy fades... they deeply regret their parents and doctors who allowed them to go through with it despite being under the age of consent.

And this is my problem with today's virtue signaling/science ignoring progressive agenda concerning sexuality and gender.
Until recent decades "sex" and "gender" were fairly interchangeable terms for the physical sexual organs and related mating orientations. Bare with if I mangle such regards how they sit in one's brain-pan.

As a general rule and process, Nature's basic pattern for species reproduction is to make the female sex/gender version when it comes to sexual organs/plumbing and role (motherhood=produce offspring). Males have tended to be the variant~mutant of the female pattern, meant to provide the DNA variations needed for selective diversity; also the "males" tend to be the more expendable half since they don't carry, produce, and nuture the offspring meant to perpetuate the species.

Most of us learned this in basic schooling where taught the female egg contains the "X" chromosome for the basic female version and the male sperm provides either another "X" chromosome to confirm for "female" model, or it has an "Y" chromosome to program for the alternate/mutant "male" model for the offspring.

One lessor known and taught part of the sex/gender outcome is the role of related hormones to work in conjunction with the sex determining chromosome. Seems that essential amounts of either are needed, both around time of conception and early fetal development and later during adolescence in order for either sexual/gender pattern to develop and take hold to full effect.

In the case of mammal homo sapiens, fetal importance results in initial sexual organ formation (inny or outy) and also brain structure; and later in life the proper hormone dosages needed for maturity into the sex/gender biology initially set during the fetal stage. One important portion here is proper adjustment of the hypothalamus which directs sexual orientation. Recall the basic pattern in Nature is "female" and during puberty of the "male" is when the hypothalamus will flip, if properly dosed with testosterone, from attraction to "males" into "attraction to "females". If the testosterone reaching the hypothalamus is not sufficient and properly timed, the "flip" won't happen and one can result with a biological "male" whom retains the default attraction to "males" that was the basic/foundation pattern of the "female" natural blueprint prior to the adjustments of "Y" gene and testosterone hormone.

Hopefully I haven't muddled that too greatly. One can get further and more extensive details via a useful book published about 30 years ago which presented nearly a century of research into genetics and hormones and sex/gender impacts;

Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women​


Anne Moir,​

David Jessel

"The opening sentence says it all "To maintain that men and women are the same in aptitude, skill or behavior, is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie."

This very provocative book written in the atmosphere of late 70's & 80's radical feminism, puts forward a strong and forceful argument that sex differences do not arise from social conditioning or even 'nurture' or trauma but from the physical and chemical differences in the Male and Female brain." (From a review)


Brain Sex


This shows how both men and women are strong and weak in certain areas because of how their brains are structured and how to take advantage of those differences. Why it would be better for females to have a more varied testing schedule in schools. Why men and women think differently and how to accept those differences and work with them. Why we area all dumb in certain areas and smart in others.

Men and women are sensitive in different areas. Relationships would be better if both men and women understood these differences and honored them. Men cannot be women as women cannot be men. The differences started when the sex was created in the womb. The differences show up in the first hour after birth and not because of how society molds us.


Amazon product ASIN 0385311834

(Excuse the extra "bold", can't seem to turn it off with edit)​

I believe in freedom and liberty so I have zero problem with gays, gay marriage etc. They have zero influence on my traditional marriage. It's simply nothing to get excited about at all for my family. Do whatever you wish with your own body. My Christianity tells me not to judge others.

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