CDZ My Take on LGBT


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
99.9% or more of all people are biologically male or female, at least that is what Google told me. So, this is my opinion of the LBG part of LBGT. You know what type of people you are attracted to. You know who gets you horny. Those people may be the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes or perhaps you are not attracted to anyone at all which would be asexual (Note: We could add an A to LBG for Asexual). So, I have no issue with the sanity of people that Identify as LBG or A.

Unless you are a hermaphrodite, your chromosomes and what’s between your legs determine your sex, male (XY) or female (XX). If you are biologically female, you have no frame of reference to think that you are a man born in a woman’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you are biologically male, you also have no frame of reference to think that you are a woman born in a man’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you think you are something that you are clearly not, that is evidence of being mentally ill. Being Transgender is a totally different category than Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual.

A Girly Man is still a man. A Manly Woman is still a woman. Thinking that you are a man if you are a woman or thinking that you are a woman when you are a man is a mental illness. Being a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual is not a mental illness.
99.9% or more of all people are biologically male or female, at least that is what Google told me. So, this is my opinion of the LBG part of LBGT. You know what type of people you are attracted to. You know who gets you horny. Those people may be the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes or perhaps you are not attracted to anyone at all which would be asexual (Note: We could add an A to LBG for Asexual). So, I have no issue with the sanity of people that Identify as LBG or A.

Unless you are a hermaphrodite, your chromosomes and what’s between your legs determine your sex, male (XY) or female (XX). If you are biologically female, you have no frame of reference to think that you are a man born in a woman’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you are biologically male, you also have no frame of reference to think that you are a woman born in a man’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you think you are something that you are clearly not, that is evidence of being mentally ill. Being Transgender is a totally different category than Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual.

A Girly Man is still a man. A Manly Woman is still a woman. Thinking that you are a man if you are a woman or thinking that you are a woman when you are a man is a mental illness. Being a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual is not a mental illness.
I might completely agree with you. . . except for one caveat.

I think there is a possibility. . . and this is an "out there," hypothesis, that there is an 'other' explanation.

This is all dependent on your beliefs in the nature of consciousness, how it works, and your spiritual beliefs. Most aren't open minded to consider that possibility of past lives.

. . . however, with that said, there are some that believe, they have lived on this planet before as a previous incarnation of another human life.

And, in that set of humans, some believe that they had been the opposite gender. . . they believe so strongly, this is where their preferences still lay.

Now, most folks that come back, are oriented the same way. But? For some reason or other, some folks get born into a body that is of a different gender.

Others? Think it is all hogwash.

Here's a short snip from a very, very long article.

The Reincarnated​

A young woman is embraced by her remote village as the reincarnated spirit of a soldier killed in war — until a professor obsessed with proving life after death shows up from America to test her claim. The unlikely pair put their futures on the line to push the boundaries of identity.

Truly*Adventurous/The Reincarnated

". . . Even as Stevenson searched for evidence of Ma Tin’s spiritual claims, he began to suspect that her real secret was her sexual and gender identity. He considered whether, in fact, her reincarnation story was a manifestation of being transvestite or transsexual — two primary categories of the era through which to consider gender presentation. (Stevenson seemed unaware of the more recently coined term “transgender,” the meaning of which was to evolve for decades to come.) He approached the possibility thoughtfully. But to Stevenson, transvestism seemed too limited a category, as he was convinced Ma Tin’s identification as a man ran far deeper than clothing and outward presentation. Transsexuality, the desire to be physically altered through surgery, also didn’t apply. Through these lenses he possessed, he was left with questions rather than answers.

For Stevenson, the way to respect this young woman the most was to take her claims seriously. He urged her to give him a name. If Ma Tin could tell him the name of the Japanese soldier from whom she claimed to be reincarnated, Stevenson could scour the world for records to verify his death and its circumstances. Stevenson often combed through such records, bribing bureaucrats when necessary by handing out sought-after American-made shirts. Ma Tin also could almost make out the plane that mowed down the soldier, but couldn’t tell if the plane was British or American. If Ma Tin managed to visualize its markings, Stevenson would be armed with more data to compare with the historical record.

What turned out to be surprisingly more specific was a series of dreams. These dreams belonged to Ma Tin’s mother, Daw Aye Tin. She experienced them 23 years earlier when she was pregnant with Ma Tin. Once a week, the expectant mother had a recurring dream about a Japanese soldier. The stocky Japanese man was shirtless, with short pants, and reminded her of an army cook that she’d met during Japan’s occupation of the region. In the dreams, the soldier said he would stay with them, but she ran from him. Stevenson previously had traced a belief existing in Eastern cultures that reincarnation was prefigured by “dreams in which a deceased person appears to the dreamer and announces his intention to be reborn as a child of the dreamer’s family. . ”


Ma Tin Aung Myo (center) with her brother and sister
99.9% or more of all people are biologically male or female, at least that is what Google told me. So, this is my opinion of the LBG part of LBGT. You know what type of people you are attracted to. You know who gets you horny. Those people may be the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes or perhaps you are not attracted to anyone at all which would be asexual (Note: We could add an A to LBG for Asexual). So, I have no issue with the sanity of people that Identify as LBG or A.

Unless you are a hermaphrodite, your chromosomes and what’s between your legs determine your sex, male (XY) or female (XX). If you are biologically female, you have no frame of reference to think that you are a man born in a woman’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you are biologically male, you also have no frame of reference to think that you are a woman born in a man’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you think you are something that you are clearly not, that is evidence of being mentally ill. Being Transgender is a totally different category than Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual.

A Girly Man is still a man. A Manly Woman is still a woman. Thinking that you are a man if you are a woman or thinking that you are a woman when you are a man is a mental illness. Being a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual is not a mental illness.
I am sorry to say this, but a man looking at another man's behind, and drooling over it, just isnt normal. Having lust for that sphincter which has so many diseases in it, and some guy wants to poke it? Totally insane. Back in 1973 it was mental illness to be gay, but after pressure from Hollyweird and Barney Frankfurter eater, some doctors voted that it was no longer a mental illness...

If a bunch of doctors were pressured by Insurance Companies to take Cancer off the disease charts, just so the insurance companies could save more money, would the people go along with that decision?
This is all dependent on your beliefs in the nature of consciousness, how it works, and your spiritual beliefs. Most aren't open minded to consider that possibility of past lives.

. . . however, with that said, there are some that believe, they have lived on this planet before as a previous incarnation of another human life.
Wow! That is a whole another can of worms. Does a spirit once the body is dead still have a defined sex/gender? If it can be in the bodies of different sexes across time I would think not; however, I can see how that could lead to confusion for someone that remembers being the opposite sex.
I read about a black transgender midget with Tourette's syndrome. She said that she "was having a god damn fucking shit storm of a time getting some fucking shitheads to help her with her fucked up god damn situation". Made me sad.
99.9% or more of all people are biologically male or female, at least that is what Google told me. So, this is my opinion of the LBG part of LBGT. You know what type of people you are attracted to. You know who gets you horny. Those people may be the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes or perhaps you are not attracted to anyone at all which would be asexual (Note: We could add an A to LBG for Asexual). So, I have no issue with the sanity of people that Identify as LBG or A.

Unless you are a hermaphrodite, your chromosomes and what’s between your legs determine your sex, male (XY) or female (XX). If you are biologically female, you have no frame of reference to think that you are a man born in a woman’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you are biologically male, you also have no frame of reference to think that you are a woman born in a man’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you think you are something that you are clearly not, that is evidence of being mentally ill. Being Transgender is a totally different category than Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual.

A Girly Man is still a man. A Manly Woman is still a woman. Thinking that you are a man if you are a woman or thinking that you are a woman when you are a man is a mental illness. Being a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual is not a mental illness.
I'm OK with most of what you post but I think your image of yourself come from your brain, not your genitals. Like everything else about the brain there is rarely a yes or no, it is usually a continuous spectrum. We're not smart or dumb but are somewhere in a huge range. Why should your image of yourself be any different? People on the end of the range may feel very different. I suspect there are very few in that extreme so we should be able to accommodate them, even if they don't get to play women's sports.
I'm OK with most of what you post but I think your image of yourself come from your brain, not your genitals. Like everything else about the brain there is rarely a yes or no, it is usually a continuous spectrum.
One's image of one's self may or may not represent reality. If an adult wants to have dress as the opposite sex or even have "sex change" surgery, more power to him/her. On the other hand, the rest of society should not be expected to accommodate or participate in that delusion. In other words, there is such a thing as objective reality which should not be thrown out the window because other people have difficulty accepting what is reality.
society should not be expected to accommodate or participate in that delusion.
Neither should society go out of its way to discriminate against the 'delusion' if no one else is being harmed. Live and let live
live and let live goes both ways,, unless you disagree with the dem agenda,,
You're unclear. What do you mean? Got some examples?
baker and photographer,,,
99.9% or more of all people are biologically male or female, at least that is what Google told me. So, this is my opinion of the LBG part of LBGT. You know what type of people you are attracted to. You know who gets you horny. Those people may be the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes or perhaps you are not attracted to anyone at all which would be asexual (Note: We could add an A to LBG for Asexual). So, I have no issue with the sanity of people that Identify as LBG or A.

Unless you are a hermaphrodite, your chromosomes and what’s between your legs determine your sex, male (XY) or female (XX). If you are biologically female, you have no frame of reference to think that you are a man born in a woman’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you are biologically male, you also have no frame of reference to think that you are a woman born in a man’s body because you have always been the biological sex that you are. If you think you are something that you are clearly not, that is evidence of being mentally ill. Being Transgender is a totally different category than Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual.

A Girly Man is still a man. A Manly Woman is still a woman. Thinking that you are a man if you are a woman or thinking that you are a woman when you are a man is a mental illness. Being a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, or Asexual is not a mental illness.
You claimed your opinion to be about

But then spend all your time talking about T...Transsexuals' and Transvestites.

Maybe you're just sexually confused?
society should not be expected to accommodate or participate in that delusion.
Neither should society go out of its way to discriminate against the 'delusion' if no one else is being harmed. Live and let live
live and let live goes both ways,, unless you disagree with the dem agenda,,
You're unclear. What do you mean? Got some examples?
baker and photographer,,,
I don't care about bakers or photographers, they can do as they please. Doctors on the other hand have an obligation that overrides their religion.
society should not be expected to accommodate or participate in that delusion.
Neither should society go out of its way to discriminate against the 'delusion' if no one else is being harmed. Live and let live
live and let live goes both ways,, unless you disagree with the dem agenda,,
You're unclear. What do you mean? Got some examples?
baker and photographer,,,
I don't care about bakers or photographers, they can do as they please. Doctors on the other hand have an obligation that overrides their religion.
nice deflection,,,
Liberals like to claim they are all about science.
But yet they believe that if a biological man puts on women's clothes.
He is magically transformed into female. ... :cuckoo:
Now that's just stupid.
Why would you or anyone think that because someone puts on a set of clothing they change gender?

You didn't get caught up with some Tranny Hookers did you?

Now let me give you for your enjoyment the correct response...

Unless you're wearing those clothes, why do you give a fuck?

Let's list the possible reasons....

You think that some guy is dressing in ladies clothes so he can get a view of a ladies hooter. Been on the interwebs lately? Tata and hooters are everywhere.
You think some guy is gonna dress like a woman and sneak into the ladies room to grab a kid. Why? They're much easier to grab outside the ladies room. You guys, as Epstien fans, are already aware of this.
AND, of course, the big one...
You are deathly afraid of that reach around where you get a hand full of HIM. AND LIKING IT.

Scientifically speaking the only one that makes sense is the last one.


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