My sister in law has never voted Pub for POTUS, says she will vote Trump in 2020.

2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.
She must like pussygrabbers I guess.
2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.
She must like pussygrabbers I guess.

Sounds more like she opposes murder.
I have nothing but contempt for the non-voter and the single issue voter.
---------------------------------------------- my post number 3 was not aimed at you Occupied . It was aimed at a different poster that musta deleted his post or something . Posted simply as info as i wasn't calling YOU a pwick Occupied .
There are alot of people thinking the same way. That Virginia govenor saying the nurses would keep the baby comfortable. While the doctor goes in to discuss with the mother about what to do with the baby. That is sick.

Also what about doctors and other healthcare workers who would not want to be an active participant to killing a living baby, and are insurance companies and hospitals going to be force to provide services involving killing a live baby?

I hope people pay attention because the intention of pushing for killing a live baby is to make people more comfortable with the idea of late term abortion after 24 months. A lot of people who are pro-choice claim they only support abortion up to 24 months, now the push will be for people to accept abortion past 24 months with the disclaimer of not supporting live birth abortion.
I know a few on here are already saying killing a new born baby won't get killed because the mother doesn't like the way it looks.

I could very easily see older women who have multiple children be pressured to consent to a live birth abortion of a baby born with a handicap out of fear.

I would be curious how people who work in delivery babies would feel if such a law past? Would they be able to participate in killing a live baby, or even work for a hospital that had such a practice? Will nurses be expect to console mothers and tell them they made the right choice?
Didn't the womens march leaders say if your pro life you're not welcome at the march? Seems it's already starting.
2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.

Tell her that trump won't be there in 2020 it will be a democrat.
2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.

Tell her that trump won't be there in 2020 it will be a democrat.

Still butt-hurt over Hillary losing, eh?
You loser.
And why, exactly, should anyone give two fucks about your dumbass sister and her voting habits?

Sister in law. You’re the dumbass. Dumbass.

Thanks for the post, dumbass. Go murder a baby and blow a polar bear.

Same shit. Some bitch no one knows or cares about.

80% of independents approved of Trumps SOTU.....
DEMS are fucked!!!
Right...because the 2019 SOTU carries over to voting in 2020....:71:
Telling people that they are paying more taxes because their tax refunds are lower is fundamentally dishonest. The left, once again, is lying to you.

Saying that cutting taxes for the wealthy will pay for itself, is lying to you and fundamentally dishonest. Republicans, once again, are lying to you.

Here's what you assclowns fail to comprehend. When people didn't see a big change in their pay packets after Trump's tax cuts, Republicans told them that this was because the deductions would kick in when they filed their taxes and they got a big refund. Now that they're filing their taxes, and instead of the big refunds Republicans promised, they're getting half of the amount they got back last year, and NONE of the increase they were promised.

How Trump's Tax Reform Plan Affects You

Tax Cuts...Noot what you thought...

+ 15% and 25% rates drops 3%
+28% tax rate drops 4%
+ 33% tax rate increases to 35%
+ 39.6 drops 2%

All over effect: In 2018 4.8% of househods will pay more (95.2 will pay less)
In 2025, 8.9% will pay more and 91.1 % will pay less.

That is not reflected in your post.
Have you seen what the "tax reform" has done to the national debt. Our children will pay for the current benefits.
That is not a conservative value. That is a selfish Trump minion value.
The government is raking in more in taxes after the tax cuts.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April
not enough added tax revenue to cover increased expenses. Typical Trump minion that cannot see the forest for the trees. Trump's con jobs counts on dumb people who cannot see the full picture and take his bull shit as fact. You are an embarrassing idiot.
2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.

Tell her that trump won't be there in 2020 it will be a democrat.

Still butt-hurt over Hillary losing, eh?
You loser.
No it is about how Trump governs you worthless Trump minion.
2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.

Tell her that trump won't be there in 2020 it will be a democrat.

Still butt-hurt over Hillary losing, eh?
You loser.
No it is about how Trump governs you worthless Trump minion.

Another loser heard from....:badgrin:
2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.

Tell her that trump won't be there in 2020 it will be a democrat.

Still butt-hurt over Hillary losing, eh?
You loser.
No it is about how Trump governs you worthless Trump minion.

Another loser heard from....:badgrin:
That is a retort with a lot of substance
2 things:

1) The abortion up to and after birth was finally too much for her. She has seen the light!

2) The new green deal. She has been a global warming alarmist as long as I have known her, but she was laughing at this stupid shit.

Dimms,stick to lying about your true intentions, the truth will destroy you sick fucks.

Tell her that trump won't be there in 2020 it will be a democrat.

Still butt-hurt over Hillary losing, eh?
You loser.

Exactly Russia rigged the election big dummy.
Democrats had one of the worst weeks ever. Trump crushes the SOTU with great approval. Dems caught dressing in black face proving they are the real racists. Dems celebrate killing babies. Then the gift that keeps giving, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveils her Green New Deal to laughter even from Democrats. Trump at 50% on Rasmussen (Trump won in 2016 with approval in the 30's). Damn what a good week for Trump. LOL

Trump blew the State of the Union address. He talked the talk, which is worthless. He's done NOTHING to back up anything he said about bipartisanship and co-operation. And his speech about the Holocaust Survivor reminded me that when Jewish refugees were fleeing Hitler's Europe, none of the Western nations would let them in. The USA included. After the war, Jews were welcomes, because the rest of the world's nations were ashamed that they had refused to save Jewish lives by taking in refugees fleeing the concentration camps. Much like you won't save Central American lives by taking those people in now. That's the ONLY relevance to the story of those two men to today's SOTU.
Democrats had one of the worst weeks ever. Trump crushes the SOTU with great approval. Dems caught dressing in black face proving they are the real racists. Dems celebrate killing babies. Then the gift that keeps giving, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveils her Green New Deal to laughter even from Democrats. Trump at 50% on Rasmussen (Trump won in 2016 with approval in the 30's). Damn what a good week for Trump. LOL

Trump blew the State of the Union address. He talked the talk, which is worthless. He's done NOTHING to back up anything he said about bipartisanship and co-operation. And his speech about the Holocaust Survivor reminded me that when Jewish refugees were fleeing Hitler's Europe, none of the Western nations would let them in. The USA included. After the war, Jews were welcomes, because the rest of the world's nations were ashamed that they had refused to save Jewish lives by taking in refugees fleeing the concentration camps. Much like you won't save Central American lives by taking those people in now. That's the ONLY relevance to the story of those two men to today's SOTU.

You're a partisan hack Liberal so no doubt you hated the speech before President Trump even gave it. The CBS (who no one ever accused of being far Right) poll proves you wrong. The real measure is Independents who overwhelmingly approved of the speech at 82%.

What I find ironic is how much you want to save Central American lives but you're willing to kill babies right before they are born. Yes, the two are totally linked. You can't call yourself compassionate and support murder disguised as "choice" at the same time.

Go educate yourself on the border and you'll understand why every one you follow from Obama to Schumer to Clinton have all favored border security - until Trump wanted it. The sex trafficking, rape, kidnapping, drugs and gang members is a very real issue which is why security and an organized path to citizenship is needed. As a half Latino myself, if LEGAL citizenship was good enough for my family, then it's good enough for everyone else.

Dimms, keep running on abortion 30seconds before birth and murdering a baby on the table after birth.

Run on it hard. Also, no air travel.
Trump is at a 52% approval rating.

Keep your head in the sand Dimms and keep running on abortion up until birth and keep running on no air travel.

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