My run-in with a race baiter over Memorial Day Weekend. True story.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
And now for something a little different. I can't wait to see IM2, Paul and Newsvine leaping to the defense of the race baiter in my story. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's the story as it happened a couple days ago:

My wife and I are driving to our rental which we are getting ready to sell. I have my hand up in the window to block the sun. We pull over and park and I see this Native American guy with a grin on his face walking up to our car taking a video with his phone. I told my wife to stay in the car and I said to him "Can I help you?" He says cheerily "Oh I'm just getting my evidence for the police report I'm filing!" So I step out of the car and he backs up starts sounding panicky. He says "You don't need to be harassing me!! You flashed a gun sign at me in the car and now you are threatening me!!!" "I told him as calmly as I could "I had my arm up to block the sun I did not flash a gun sign at you SIR. I made a point to call him sir say since he was filming me. He then said "You flashed a gun sign and then you pull over so you can get out of your car and harass me!! I said "this is my house we have work to do here". Then he says "Oh great we have RACISTS in my neighborhood!! I'm filing a police report!!" He turned and walked off and I said to him "You know that's what's wrong with this country". He stopped and didn't say anything at first. Then he said "people like you think you can just harass us!!" I said your making it all up but do whatever you have to do. Surprisingly, the police haven't contacted me yet. I just hope him and his buddies don't graffiti my fence.
I'd find out where he lives and start sending him letters. Nothing threatening, of course, but just enough to reinforce the fact that you know where he and his family live...
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And now for something a little different. I can't wait to see IM2, Paul and Newsvine leaping to the defense of the race baiter in my story. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's the story as it happened a couple days ago:

My wife and I are driving to our rental which we are getting ready to sell. I have my hand up in the window to block the sun. We pull over and park and I see this Native American guy with a grin on his face walking up to our car taking a video with his phone. I told my wife to stay in the car and I said to him "Can I help you?" He says cheerily "Oh I'm just getting my evidence for the police report I'm filing!" So I step out of the car and he backs up starts sounding panicky. He says "You don't need to be harassing me!! You flashed a gun sign at me in the car and now you are threatening me!!!" "I told him as calmly as I could "I had my arm up to block the sun I did not flash a gun sign at you SIR. I made a point to call him sir say since he was filming me. He then said "You flashed a gun sign and then you pull over so you can get out of your car and harass me!! I said "this is my house we have work to do here". Then he says "Oh great we have RACISTS in my neighborhood!! I'm filing a police report!!" He turned and walked off and I said to him "You know that's what's wrong with this country". He stopped and didn't say anything at first. Then he said "people like you think you can just harass us!!" I said your making it all up but do whatever you have to do. Surprisingly, the police haven't contacted me yet. I just hope him and his buddies don't graffiti my fence.
The toxic garbage from CNN has poised anything left of his mind
My incident was in the Pavilions store in Beverly Hills. Several customers and myself were at the seafood counter waiting for an attendant. No one came. A young black girl who worked there came strutting by. A man asked her if she could get the manager to send someone over. The girl starts yelling that it's not her job and we can't tell her what to do. She stomped of. I said, loudly "you are an exemplary employee any store is lucky to have you," That stopped her in mid stomp. She comes back and demands to know what I said. No problem repeating it. By now our little group of people waiting was growing. The black girl swears she will get me thrown out for my racist slur. She leaves. When she comes back she has a manager with her. "I called her a racist slur. I repeated my statement. "You are an exemplary employee. Any store would be lucky to have you." With little suppressed giggles from the crowd. Many witnesses confirmed. The manager said he knew what I meant, but there was nothing racist in what I said.

Meanwhile a clerk came by to take care of the fish counter.
My incident was in the Pavilions store in Beverly Hills. Several customers and myself were at the seafood counter waiting for an attendant. No one came. A young black girl who worked there came strutting by. A man asked her if she could get the manager to send someone over. The girl starts yelling that it's not her job and we can't tell her what to do. She stomped of. I said, loudly "you are an exemplary employee any store is lucky to have you," That stopped her in mid stomp. She comes back and demands to know what I said. No problem repeating it. By now our little group of people waiting was growing. The black girl swears she will get me thrown out for my racist slur. She leaves. When she comes back she has a manager with her. "I called her a racist slur. I repeated my statement. "You are an exemplary employee. Any store would be lucky to have you." With little suppressed giggles from the crowd. Many witnesses confirmed. The manager said he knew what I meant, but there was nothing racist in what I said.

Meanwhile a clerk came by to take care of the fish counter.
They probably smelled your breath.
And now for something a little different. I can't wait to see IM2, Paul and Newsvine leaping to the defense of the race baiter in my story. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's the story as it happened a couple days ago:

My wife and I are driving to our rental which we are getting ready to sell. I have my hand up in the window to block the sun. We pull over and park and I see this Native American guy with a grin on his face walking up to our car taking a video with his phone. I told my wife to stay in the car and I said to him "Can I help you?" He says cheerily "Oh I'm just getting my evidence for the police report I'm filing!" So I step out of the car and he backs up starts sounding panicky. He says "You don't need to be harassing me!! You flashed a gun sign at me in the car and now you are threatening me!!!" "I told him as calmly as I could "I had my arm up to block the sun I did not flash a gun sign at you SIR. I made a point to call him sir say since he was filming me. He then said "You flashed a gun sign and then you pull over so you can get out of your car and harass me!! I said "this is my house we have work to do here". Then he says "Oh great we have RACISTS in my neighborhood!! I'm filing a police report!!" He turned and walked off and I said to him "You know that's what's wrong with this country". He stopped and didn't say anything at first. Then he said "people like you think you can just harass us!!" I said your making it all up but do whatever you have to do. Surprisingly, the police haven't contacted me yet. I just hope him and his buddies don't graffiti my fence.
Never happened to me. "True story"
Oh well I don't care about your opinion. You are a democrat, unfit for anything living.
"unfit for anything living"? Millions of Democrats you don't know and never will is pathological. Get some help from a good therapist, you are a sick puppy.
Oh well I don't care about your opinion. You are a democrat, unfit for anything living.

Ignore the rabble. They are getting testy and cranky like babies now because not only has Joe Biden blown up in their own faces worse than anything they could have ever imagined, but the midterms are coming soon too and it looks worse by the day that they are about to get the shit stomped out of them there as well, then there is the SCOTUS which is about to pull the plug on their abortions plus if anything, the Left only succeeds in selling more and more guns!

It is nothing but total shit from where the Left sits! :happy-1:
"unfit for anything living"? Millions of Democrats you don't know and never will is pathological.

You must mean just like the democrats who have been calling for the criminalization if not extermination of all republicans and Trump supporters for years! Funny how you assholes are all FOR something until it get turned around against themselves! :auiqs.jpg:
"unfit for anything living"? Millions of Democrats you don't know and never will is pathological. Get some help from a good therapist, you are a sick puppy.
A democrat is a democrat whether I know them or not. The only good democrat is a dead democrat. Though they would poison the ground they were buried in.
You must mean just like the democrats who have been calling for the criminalization if not extermination of all republicans and Trump supporters for years! Funny how you assholes are all FOR something until it get turned around against themselves! :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats are recycled Marxists. Marxists are so reprehensible even the Nazis threw them out of Germany.

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