My Prediction on first Bloomy debate


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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Hope they have enough phone books for Bloomy to stand on. It's kinda hard to understand what he's saying when the podium's covering his face.

Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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Et tu brute? Yeah, it could turn into a wild stab fest. Lib feelings and emotions will be on display, screaching, yelling, crying, stabbing etc.
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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Et tu brute? Yeah, it could turn into a wild stab fest. Lib feelings and emotions will be on display, screaching, yelling, crying, stabbing etc.
The MSM is going to do everything they can to make Little Mike appear presidential, while trying to make Bernie look nuts.

I expect propaganda on display, but many won’t recognize it and will get duped again.
With Mini Mike's money, he hired writers to create the questions and the answers and has passed them along to the DNC along with a big fat check. The DNC will make him look good
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With Mini Mike's money, he hired writers to create the questions and the answers and has passed them along to the DNC along with a big fat check. The DNC will make him look good
Ala Hillary last time. It wouldn’t surprise me if Bloomy is given the questions beforehand.
Expect a full court press to make bloomie look presidential, polished, and charismatic.

None of which apply to him.

He is a good gnome. Sitting in the cramped room, figuring out how to make money. That he is real good at.

The rest not so much.
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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Et tu brute? Yeah, it could turn into a wild stab fest. Lib feelings and emotions will be on display, screaching, yelling, crying, stabbing etc.

There's no reason to be nice to him. Look at the base of each of the Socialists who are still in the race: they HATE white people, they HATE rich white people. They will each look to score "I turned the knife on Bloomy" points with their psychotic base
MB puts 10M in BS’s French bank account and supports MB.

Yeah, it's possible that MB bought BS off

The last thing anyone heard out of Bernie was "This is what I think, you know, Mike Bloomberg and anybody else has every right in the world to run for president of the United States. But I got a real problem with multibillionaires literally buying elections..."

That was minutes before Bernie was seen running out the back door of the studio, with a shopping bag full of hundred dollar bills.

Fake Socialists are what fake socialists do. :21:
MB puts 10M in BS’s French bank account and supports MB.

Yeah, it's possible that MB bought BS off

The last thing anyone heard out of Bernie was "This is what I think, you know, Mike Bloomberg and anybody else has every right in the world to run for president of the United States. But I got a real problem with multibillionaires literally buying elections..."

That was minutes before Bernie was seen running out the back door of the studio, with a shopping bag full of hundred dollar bills.

Fake Socialists are what fake socialists do. :21:

Bernie was overheard saying, "a friend of mine was offered a stash of Bitcoin if he drops out of a race he entered. What's a Bitcoin and can my friend sell them for cash?"
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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I agree with you but just remember one thing. In 2016 Commie Bernie never had the courage to go after Crooked Hillary. Will he have courage tonight?

Hopefully him and the other Moon Bats will have the courage to go after that Bloomberg idiot.
MB puts 10M in BS’s French bank account and supports MB.

Yeah, it's possible that MB bought BS off

The last thing anyone heard out of Bernie was "This is what I think, you know, Mike Bloomberg and anybody else has every right in the world to run for president of the United States. But I got a real problem with multibillionaires literally buying elections..."

That was minutes before Bernie was seen running out the back door of the studio, with a shopping bag full of hundred dollar bills.

Fake Socialists are what fake socialists do. :21:

Bernie was overheard saying, "a friend of mine was offered a stash of Bitcoin if he drops out of a race he entered. What's a Bitcoin and can my friend sell them for cash?"

Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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I agree with you but just remember one thing. In 2016 Commie Bernie never had the courage to go after Crooked Hillary. Will he have courage tonight?

Hopefully him and the other Moon Bats will have the courage to go after that Bloomberg idiot.

My friends, if BERNARD is the only one that goes hard at DOOMBERG on that stage tonight, it is more than obvious that the rest of the field has been PURCHASED by the DNC, for the supposed good of the party.

If that happens, EVERY conservative should be on this board tomorrow, creating 65 threads pointing this out.

It would be anti-American to allow the DNC to FUNNEL the nomination, even if the people they are FUNNELING are Democrats. Educate them!
MB puts 10M in BS’s French bank account and supports MB.

Yeah, it's possible that MB bought BS off

The last thing anyone heard out of Bernie was "This is what I think, you know, Mike Bloomberg and anybody else has every right in the world to run for president of the United States. But I got a real problem with multibillionaires literally buying elections..."

That was minutes before Bernie was seen running out the back door of the studio, with a shopping bag full of hundred dollar bills.

Fake Socialists are what fake socialists do. :21:

Bernie was overheard saying, "a friend of mine was offered a stash of Bitcoin if he drops out of a race he entered. What's a Bitcoin and can my friend sell them for cash?"

Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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I agree with you but just remember one thing. In 2016 Commie Bernie never had the courage to go after Crooked Hillary. Will he have courage tonight?

Hopefully him and the other Moon Bats will have the courage to go after that Bloomberg idiot.

My friends, if BERNARD is the only one that goes hard at DOOMBERG on that stage tonight, it is more than obvious that the rest of the field has been PURCHASED by the DNC, for the supposed good of the party.

If that happens, EVERY conservative should be on this board tomorrow, creating 65 threads pointing this out.

It would be anti-American to allow the DNC to FUNNEL the nomination, even if the people they are FUNNELING are Democrats. Educate them!

The filthy DNC did that with Crooked Hillary in 2016.

By the way, none of these stupid Moon Bats gives a shit about the corruption of the Democrat Party. You could point that out until the cows come home but that won't change anything. They will still vote for the "D" candidate in the election. That is just the kind of immoral dumbass turds they are.
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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he will give it back. I can't wait to watch. I intend to. He's like trump. those other pukes are bait to the real fish.
Expect a full court press to make bloomie look presidential, polished, and charismatic.

None of which apply to him.

He is a good gnome. Sitting in the cramped room, figuring out how to make money. That he is real good at.

The rest not so much.
but he has the real power. he will pounce on this bait.

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