My Prediction on first Bloomy debate

Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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I agree with you but just remember one thing. In 2016 Commie Bernie never had the courage to go after Crooked Hillary. Will he have courage tonight?

Hopefully him and the other Moon Bats will have the courage to go after that Bloomberg idiot.

Who can tell, so many possibilities. We'll see
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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I agree with you but just remember one thing. In 2016 Commie Bernie never had the courage to go after Crooked Hillary. Will he have courage tonight?

Hopefully him and the other Moon Bats will have the courage to go after that Bloomberg idiot.

Who can tell, so many possibilities. We'll see
I know when elected they will veer left. But who of the other candidates is/are the closest to Bloomberg in ideas up to now? If any, how do they respond?
There's no reason to be nice to him. Look at the base of each of the Socialists who are still in the race: they HATE white people, they HATE rich white people. They will each look to score "I turned the knife on Bloomy" points with their psychotic base

But, but --- they all ARE rich white people!!!

Oh, never mind, I know it's not supposed to make sense.
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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Little Mike is not there to win the nomination, rather, he is there to try and get some ratings for these horrendous debates and help solidify the Brown shirt base and to throw money at defeating Trump he would not ordinarily be able to spend had he not been running.
How can any of them call Mikey a "globalist" and a shill for China, when they all are "globalists" and shills for China.
Hopefully somebody on stage will offer Racist Mikey a ..... LARGE SODA CUP!!!!
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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or something like this:

I didn't watch it, just read the news feeds.

Bloomy schruted it. Instead of being defensive and attacking hypocrite Sanders, he should have said that he wanted every American to have a chance to earn their own fortune and carry out whatever role they the Good Lord needed them to accomplish.

The democrat Party is anti American, anti G-d, and anti human.
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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Well Crusader called it, they absolutely skewered Mini Mike last night.
Well he got hammered. He was also the most
Logical one on the stage. Well him and Pete.
Despite that, the whole field is nothing but authoritarians.
I wonder if Mike will take the hint and drop out?
Super-Tuesday should make it perfectly clear, that even with the DNCs super-delegates, Mike can't get the nomination.
Here's my prediction on the first debate where Bloomy appears with the remaining democrats: it's going to be worse than Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. They will each absolutely tear into him for being a racist, homophobic, misogynist overall rich douchebag. Some will say that he's in the wrong Party. They will all unite against him and it might well be his last debate. Bernie will soar.

I expect Sander to go all class warfare red in the face vitriol about the evil of accumulated wealth (er, except when held by Party leaders) and Bernie's Brown Shirts will go apoplectic!

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he should have said that he wanted every American to have a chance to earn their own fortune and carry out whatever role they the Good Lord needed them to accomplish.

The democrat Party is anti American, anti G-d, and anti human.

Well, Bloomberg is Jewish, so he is hardly likely to say that.
he should have said that he wanted every American to have a chance to earn their own fortune and carry out whatever role they the Good Lord needed them to accomplish.

The democrat Party is anti American, anti G-d, and anti human.

Well, Bloomberg is Jewish, so he is hardly likely to say that.

Funny how no one talks about that. A Jew isn’t likely to win. Even though they are all pretty much atheists, they need to at least pretend to be Christian to win a national election.

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