CDZ my opinion on what fate should await ex-president Trump

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Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
ex-president Trump has :
- betrayed the American people with his pathological lying and attempt at insurrection (together with his pals)

- betrayed the farmers and factory workers of the USA, along with plenty of other folks, by spinning them repeated convincing-sounding lies over and over again ("the big lie" as CNN has labelled it, which is a huge understatement)

- betrayed the soldiers and bureaucrats and police forces of the USA while pretending to honor their sacrifices

- betrayed God and The Church by holding up that bible and using riot police to clear an area for yet another photo-opportunity.

- betrayed humanity by starting a (cold-)war with China

- betrayed peace by tightening the Iran deal to the point of starving ordinary Iranians.

he truly deserves to go to the very worst regions of Hell, or rather : a high-security prison of the actual Heaven, where he is to undergo the equivalent of Haldol psychiatric treatment for his meglanomania and pathological lying and thieving habits.
ex-president Trump has :
- betrayed the American people with his pathological lying and attempt at insurrection (together with his pals)

- betrayed the farmers and factory workers of the USA, along with plenty of other folks, by spinning them repeated convincing-sounding lies over and over again ("the big lie" as CNN has labelled it, which is a huge understatement)

- betrayed the soldiers and bureaucrats and police forces of the USA while pretending to honor their sacrifices

- betrayed God and The Church by holding up that bible and using riot police to clear an area for yet another photo-opportunity.

- betrayed humanity by starting a (cold-)war with China

- betrayed peace by tightening the Iran deal to the point of starving ordinary Iranians.

he truly deserves to go to the very worst regions of Hell, or rather : a high-security prison of the actual Heaven, where he is to undergo the equivalent of Haldol psychiatric treatment for his meglanomania and pathological lying and thieving habits.
Who gives a rats arse what you fudging think. President Trump before the Biden Admin working with China to release the Kung Flu upon US and the world, had done so much for the citizens of the US, closing the southern border, making NATO pay more for their own protection, bringing jobs back to the US, and making China come to the table for fair trade, and you dumbarses just allowed your Communist government to actually steal the election for a dipshiza racist like Joe Biden, who called blacks "predators" and chummed up to KKK leader Robert Byrd. You should be ashamed of yourselves, but you are too stupid to know better...

ex-president Trump has :
- betrayed the American people with his pathological lying and attempt at insurrection (together with his pals)

- betrayed the farmers and factory workers of the USA, along with plenty of other folks, by spinning them repeated convincing-sounding lies over and over again ("the big lie" as CNN has labelled it, which is a huge understatement)

- betrayed the soldiers and bureaucrats and police forces of the USA while pretending to honor their sacrifices

- betrayed God and The Church by holding up that bible and using riot police to clear an area for yet another photo-opportunity.

- betrayed humanity by starting a (cold-)war with China

- betrayed peace by tightening the Iran deal to the point of starving ordinary Iranians.

he truly deserves to go to the very worst regions of Hell, or rather : a high-security prison of the actual Heaven, where he is to undergo the equivalent of Haldol psychiatric treatment for his meglanomania and pathological lying and thieving habits.
lots of presidents have fucked people over with their policies....
Threads that start out inflammatory do not create a civil discussion. CDZ is not meant to be a personal soapbox but rather a place to discuss issues within a civil construct, that means the OP starts the process. Thread closed, but you can repost it elsewhere.
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