My hypothesis on 9/11

Remember the war for independence ?
You lost.
You lost WW2 to the Nazi's as well.

>Mayer Rothschild had established banks in England, France, and Germany. His sons, who were made Barons of the Austrian Empire, were set up to continue and expand his banking empire. Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1855, who in 1838 said: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.") was in charge of the bank in Frankfurt, Germany, which was known as M. A. Rothschild and Sons (which closed in 1901, after the deaths of Mayer Karl and his brother, Wilhelm Karl- the sons of Karl Mayer Rothschild). Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1855) was the head of the bank in Vienna, Austria, known as S. M. Rothschild and Sons (which was closed during World War II after the Nazi occupation).

Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836, who once said: "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.") was the head of the bank in London, England, which was known as N. M. Rothschild and Sons (and has occupied the same premises since 1809, at 2 New Court, St. Swithin's Lane in London, near the Bank of England and Stock Exchange). Karl Mayer Rothschild (1788-1868 ) was the head of the bank in Naples, Italy (closed in 1861). James Mayer Rothschild (1792-1868) was in charge of the bank in Paris, France, which was known as Messieurs de Rothschild Freres (whose name was changed to La Banque Rothschild in 1967). "

Now you have a new King and his army is still Nazi's, which are fixin to slaughter the sheep.Every middle class person becomes a pauper.
OH. You don't like that ?

We have these glassy eyed brainwashed motherfuckers to protect and serve.THEM

Heres the link to the page that excerpt came from.Only those few who can think for themselves need click it.


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Remember the war for independence ?
You lost.
You lost WW2 to the Nazi's as well.

>Mayer Rothschild had established banks in England, France, and Germany. His sons, who were made Barons of the Austrian Empire, were set up to continue and expand his banking empire. Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1855, who in 1838 said: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.") was in charge of the bank in Frankfurt, Germany, which was known as M. A. Rothschild and Sons (which closed in 1901, after the deaths of Mayer Karl and his brother, Wilhelm Karl- the sons of Karl Mayer Rothschild). Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1855) was the head of the bank in Vienna, Austria, known as S. M. Rothschild and Sons (which was closed during World War II after the Nazi occupation).

Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836, who once said: "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.") was the head of the bank in London, England, which was known as N. M. Rothschild and Sons (and has occupied the same premises since 1809, at 2 New Court, St. Swithin's Lane in London, near the Bank of England and Stock Exchange). Karl Mayer Rothschild (1788-1868 ) was the head of the bank in Naples, Italy (closed in 1861). James Mayer Rothschild (1792-1868) was in charge of the bank in Paris, France, which was known as Messieurs de Rothschild Freres (whose name was changed to La Banque Rothschild in 1967). "

Now you have a new King and his army is still Nazi's, which are fixin to slaughter the sheep.Every middle class person becomes a pauper.
OH. You don't like that ?

We have these glassy eyed brainwashed motherfuckers to protect and serve.THEM

Heres the link to the page that excerpt came from.Only those few who can think for themselves need click it.
The Truth Seeker - The House of Rothschild

That is very possible and it could have been a situation where an undercover agent was with one or more of the groups and the attack was unknown to them. It doesn't make sense box cutters were sufficient weapons....on a few levels. We know the technology existed to take over the planes from the ground including the com links. Air traffic controllers would not know for sure who they were talking to. If a false flag op was planned you can be damned sure com links would have been a key piece.

There are many disturbing things being said from leaders of many countries now who believe exactly this.
Here, let me slow it down for you. Listen and learn....

My hypothesis on 9/11

Yes there are many terrorists in the world. I believe that the only way to deal with them is treat them like a human virus and exterminate them.

I believe the terrorists were more than willing to get on the planes and harm us American's and are guilty as charged.

i completely agree with you. :clap2:

What I question is if the CIA had lured the terrorists onto the planes and remote operation controlled their hitting precise targets?

Because of the fact that terrorists do exist, this could have made the perfect scapegoat to frame for 9/11 to gain world support for ulterior motives?

What say you?

my view is it is extremely doubtful. its extremely complex operation and much more complex than it would need to be. it would be easier to plant explosives under 100 city buses (or, god forbid, school buses) and have them all blow up at the same time. then you simply blame anyone you wish. you need only a handful of guys to pull of the operation.

now contrast that with a 9/11 CIA scenario. for an operation like you are saying to somehow get muslims to fly planes into buildings, then have the buildings demolished with explosives would literally have hundreds or even thousands of people involved in the operation. that is thousands of possible leaks of the plan to the public and thousands of chances for something to go wrong.

if you look at the as a "we get sympathy from the world" point of view it was successful but only to a certain extent. countries that generally agree with our policies and those on the fence were sympathetic. those that didnt like us still didnt like us. by the time we invaded iraq all sympathy was gone. so the sympathy card worked for afghanistan only at best and i dont believe it was really needed to begin with in that case.

We can start with material witnesses in the form of the very people involved in the 9/11 Commission Report.

They were saying that charges should be brought against top CIA for the intentional lies and deceptions.

9/11 Commissioners have said they were stonewalled by the Administration from investigating top CIA

The Director of the CIA who was appointed by Bush formerly was manager of the firm where the rare and odd PUT Option stocks were purchased that would have indicated insider trade information on 9/11 and hence direct knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

The entity who purchased the PUT Option stocks just before 9/11 and who was the only entity who directly profited from 9/11 in the Billions of Dollars was NEVER disclosed and to this day is "classified" and was NOT allowed to be investigated by the 9/11 Commission.

This is just a start.

My father once told me that when a huge historical event takes place pay especially close attention to the early details because soon many of those initial reports will cease to be an issue without any retraction or explanation. His example were the major assassinations of the 1960's.

My own experience with this phenomena was 9/11. I remember financial analysts reporting on unusual high volume of risky trading across the globe that benefited greatly from the attacks. The reports assured that the FBI and SEC were tracking the rare investments which like all high risk transactions required detailed information on the speculative investor. Soon though, the smoking gun turned into a hot potato the story was dropped without any explanation. The put options, short selling and some "naked call" selling, focusing greatly on airline companies and re-insurance companies, was soon forgotten with vast and constant flow of information.

As I understand there was several million dollars still unclaimed at the Chicago Board of Options. I also remember the claim that the investors were identified and there was supposedly no prior knowledge of the attacks.

So why were the names not disclosed in this issue of National Security? After all, the embarrassing details of Richard Jewell's life were disclosed when he was a suspect in the Olympic Park bombing. Jewell's Playboy collection was stolen by Willie Jeff Clinton and his Feds and in the end he was proven completely innocent. So why should the remarkable inverstors be coddled?

I also wonder why the former US Solicitor General, Ted Olsen never sought discloser on the identities of those very well positioned investors since he lost his famous wife Babara Olsen in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Maybe he was given the details by his connections in the GWB Administration, but doesn't every other family who lost loved ones deserve the same?
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i completely agree with you. :clap2:

my view is it is extremely doubtful. its extremely complex operation and much more complex than it would need to be. it would be easier to plant explosives under 100 city buses (or, god forbid, school buses) and have them all blow up at the same time. then you simply blame anyone you wish. you need only a handful of guys to pull of the operation.

now contrast that with a 9/11 CIA scenario. for an operation like you are saying to somehow get muslims to fly planes into buildings, then have the buildings demolished with explosives would literally have hundreds or even thousands of people involved in the operation. that is thousands of possible leaks of the plan to the public and thousands of chances for something to go wrong.

if you look at the as a "we get sympathy from the world" point of view it was successful but only to a certain extent. countries that generally agree with our policies and those on the fence were sympathetic. those that didnt like us still didnt like us. by the time we invaded iraq all sympathy was gone. so the sympathy card worked for afghanistan only at best and i dont believe it was really needed to begin with in that case.

We can start with material witnesses in the form of the very people involved in the 9/11 Commission Report.

They were saying that charges should be brought against top CIA for the intentional lies and deceptions.

9/11 Commissioners have said they were stonewalled by the Administration from investigating top CIA

The Director of the CIA who was appointed by Bush formerly was manager of the firm where the rare and odd PUT Option stocks were purchased that would have indicated insider trade information on 9/11 and hence direct knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

The entity who purchased the PUT Option stocks just before 9/11 and who was the only entity who directly profited from 9/11 in the Billions of Dollars was NEVER disclosed and to this day is "classified" and was NOT allowed to be investigated by the 9/11 Commission.

This is just a start.

My father once told me that when a huge historical event takes place pay especially close attention to the early details because soon many of those initial reports will cease to be an issue without any retraction or explanation. His example were the major assassinations of the 1960's.

My own experience with this phenomena was 9/11. I remember financial analysts reporting on unusual high volume of risky trading across the globe that benefited greatly from the attacks. The reports assured that the FBI and SEC were tracking the rare investments which like all high risk transactions required detailed information on the speculative investor. Soon though, the smoking gun turned into a hot potato the story was dropped without any explanation. The put options, short selling and some "naked call" selling, focusing greatly on airline companies and re-insurance companies, was soon forgotten with vast and constant flow of information.

As I understand there was several million dollars still unclaimed at the Chicago Board of Options. I also remember the claim that the investors were identified and there was supposedly no prior knowledge of the attacks.

So why were the names not disclosed in this issue of National Security? After all, the embarrassing details of Richard Jewell's life were disclosed when he was a suspect in the Olympic Park bombing. Jewell's Playboy collection was stolen by Willie Jeff Clinton and his Feds and in the end he was proven completely innocent. So why should the remarkable inverstors be coddled?

I also wonder why the former US Solicitor General, Ted Olsen never sought discloser on the identities of those very well positioned investors since he lost his famous wife Babara Olsen in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Maybe he was given the details by his connections in the GWB Administration, but doesn't every other family who lost loved ones deserve the same?

This is disturbing along with MANY other aspects surrounding 9/11.
We can start with material witnesses in the form of the very people involved in the 9/11 Commission Report.

They were saying that charges should be brought against top CIA for the intentional lies and deceptions.

9/11 Commissioners have said they were stonewalled by the Administration from investigating top CIA

The Director of the CIA who was appointed by Bush formerly was manager of the firm where the rare and odd PUT Option stocks were purchased that would have indicated insider trade information on 9/11 and hence direct knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

The entity who purchased the PUT Option stocks just before 9/11 and who was the only entity who directly profited from 9/11 in the Billions of Dollars was NEVER disclosed and to this day is "classified" and was NOT allowed to be investigated by the 9/11 Commission.

This is just a start.

My father once told me that when a huge historical event takes place pay especially close attention to the early details because soon many of those initial reports will cease to be an issue without any retraction or explanation. His example were the major assassinations of the 1960's.

My own experience with this phenomena was 9/11. I remember financial analysts reporting on unusual high volume of risky trading across the globe that benefited greatly from the attacks. The reports assured that the FBI and SEC were tracking the rare investments which like all high risk transactions required detailed information on the speculative investor. Soon though, the smoking gun turned into a hot potato the story was dropped without any explanation. The put options, short selling and some "naked call" selling, focusing greatly on airline companies and re-insurance companies, was soon forgotten with vast and constant flow of information.

As I understand there was several million dollars still unclaimed at the Chicago Board of Options. I also remember the claim that the investors were identified and there was supposedly no prior knowledge of the attacks.

So why were the names not disclosed in this issue of National Security? After all, the embarrassing details of Richard Jewell's life were disclosed when he was a suspect in the Olympic Park bombing. Jewell's Playboy collection was stolen by Willie Jeff Clinton and his Feds and in the end he was proven completely innocent. So why should the remarkable inverstors be coddled?

I also wonder why the former US Solicitor General, Ted Olsen never sought discloser on the identities of those very well positioned investors since he lost his famous wife Babara Olsen in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Maybe he was given the details by his connections in the GWB Administration, but doesn't every other family who lost loved ones deserve the same?

This is disturbing along with MANY other aspects surrounding 9/11.

except george tenannt and richard clarke were appointed by clinotn and no less than 6 aq attacks on us assest occured under their reign and then low an behold 9/11.....
My father once told me that when a huge historical event takes place pay especially close attention to the early details because soon many of those initial reports will cease to be an issue without any retraction or explanation. His example were the major assassinations of the 1960's.

My own experience with this phenomena was 9/11. I remember financial analysts reporting on unusual high volume of risky trading across the globe that benefited greatly from the attacks. The reports assured that the FBI and SEC were tracking the rare investments which like all high risk transactions required detailed information on the speculative investor. Soon though, the smoking gun turned into a hot potato the story was dropped without any explanation. The put options, short selling and some "naked call" selling, focusing greatly on airline companies and re-insurance companies, was soon forgotten with vast and constant flow of information.

As I understand there was several million dollars still unclaimed at the Chicago Board of Options. I also remember the claim that the investors were identified and there was supposedly no prior knowledge of the attacks.

So why were the names not disclosed in this issue of National Security? After all, the embarrassing details of Richard Jewell's life were disclosed when he was a suspect in the Olympic Park bombing. Jewell's Playboy collection was stolen by Willie Jeff Clinton and his Feds and in the end he was proven completely innocent. So why should the remarkable inverstors be coddled?

I also wonder why the former US Solicitor General, Ted Olsen never sought discloser on the identities of those very well positioned investors since he lost his famous wife Babara Olsen in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. Maybe he was given the details by his connections in the GWB Administration, but doesn't every other family who lost loved ones deserve the same?

This is disturbing along with MANY other aspects surrounding 9/11.

except george tenannt and richard clarke were appointed by clinotn and no less than 6 aq attacks on us assest occured under their reign and then low an behold 9/11..... for thought......

No matter WHO orchestrated 9/11 it likely was years in the planning and likely planned across a couple of Administrations.

Meet the new President......same as the old President.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL presidents WITHIN the two main political parties.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL nominees WITHIN the two main political parties.

The American political system is a joke and sold out.

The American political system is set up so all the Pesidents come from one group and all the Presidential elections do is decide who stands at the podium to represent them.
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This is disturbing along with MANY other aspects surrounding 9/11.

except george tenannt and richard clarke were appointed by clinotn and no less than 6 aq attacks on us assest occured under their reign and then low an behold 9/11..... for thought......

No matter WHO orchestrated 9/11 it likely was years in the planning and likely planned across a couple of Administrations.

Meet the new President......same as the old President.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL presidents WITHIN the two main political partys.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL nominees WITHIN the two main political partys.

The American political system is a joke and sold out.

the american political system is a product of the people that continue to vote the same people into power year in and year out......

as for the war against western interests .... it escalated in the 70's and has been increasing in ferocity since then ..... it is simply a matter of time until they can set off a nuke in some city ...... if the us truely fears these people we should seal the borders and man them with every troop we have....and allow no one in....and deport any muslim that is on us soil....

absent that....good luck....
except george tenannt and richard clarke were appointed by clinotn and no less than 6 aq attacks on us assest occured under their reign and then low an behold 9/11..... for thought......

No matter WHO orchestrated 9/11 it likely was years in the planning and likely planned across a couple of Administrations.

Meet the new President......same as the old President.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL presidents WITHIN the two main political partys.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL nominees WITHIN the two main political partys.

The American political system is a joke and sold out.

the american political system is a product of the people that continue to vote the same people into power year in and year out......


Look at the corporate monopoly the two main political parties have on the media.

Now several so called News channels are nothing but a propaganda beakon for the two main political parties.

Never will an outsider ever gain any popularity in an election campaign because of the corrupt media propaganda that sways the opinions of the masses.

Anyone outside the two main political parties would be crushed in a Media blitz. for thought......

No matter WHO orchestrated 9/11 it likely was years in the planning and likely planned across a couple of Administrations.

Meet the new President......same as the old President.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL presidents WITHIN the two main political partys.

There is a monopoly in the American political system that keeps ALL nominees WITHIN the two main political partys.

The American political system is a joke and sold out.

the american political system is a product of the people that continue to vote the same people into power year in and year out......


Look at the corporate monopoly the two main political parties have on the media.

Now several so called News channels are nothing but a propaganda beakon for the two main political parties.

Never will an outsider ever gain any popularity in an election campaign because of the corrupt media propaganda that sways the opinions of the masses.

Anyone outside the two main political parties would be crushed in a Media blitz.

it is not the media's fault a majority of people believe what they say.....they people are to blame for the system they live under.....

maybe we will get lucky and people will finally figure it out ....
as for the war against western interests .... it escalated in the 70's and has been increasing in ferocity since then ..... it is simply a matter of time until they can set off a nuke in some city ...... if the us truely fears these people we should seal the borders and man them with every troop we have....and allow no one in....and deport any muslim that is on us soil....

absent that....good luck....

This I do agree with and feel we need to keep rogue nations in check.

I personally predict a covert alliance of a couple of other super-powers and speculate are aligning a geographically strategic coop to do a massive pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., before that happens.

I can get into the pattern of events that brings me to believe this, but perhaps another time.
as for the war against western interests .... it escalated in the 70's and has been increasing in ferocity since then ..... it is simply a matter of time until they can set off a nuke in some city ...... if the us truely fears these people we should seal the borders and man them with every troop we have....and allow no one in....and deport any muslim that is on us soil....

absent that....good luck....

This I do agree with and feel we need to keep rogue nations in check.

I personally predict a covert alliance of a couple of other super-powers and speculate are aligning a geographically strategic coop to do a massive pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., before that happens.

I can get into the pattern of events that brings me to believe this, but perhaps another time.

there is no real advantage to launch an atomic strike on the us....(and yes i saw your other thread) ...... their current financial strategy will achive the same result and keep our resources and work force in play......

as for keeping rouge nations in check.....i would leave that to their neighbors.....i see no reason to have us miltiary forces anywhere other than on us soil unless we are war ... and i also don't see any reason to spend us tax dollars on anything other than us citizens and on us soil....
as for the war against western interests .... it escalated in the 70's and has been increasing in ferocity since then ..... it is simply a matter of time until they can set off a nuke in some city ...... if the us truely fears these people we should seal the borders and man them with every troop we have....and allow no one in....and deport any muslim that is on us soil....

absent that....good luck....

This I do agree with and feel we need to keep rogue nations in check.

I personally predict a covert alliance of a couple of other super-powers and speculate are aligning a geographically strategic coop to do a massive pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., before that happens.

I can get into the pattern of events that brings me to believe this, but perhaps another time.

there is no real advantage to launch an atomic strike on the us....(and yes i saw your other thread) ...... their current financial strategy will achive the same result and keep our resources and work force in play......

as for keeping rouge nations in check.....i would leave that to their neighbors.....i see no reason to have us miltiary forces anywhere other than on us soil unless we are war ... and i also don't see any reason to spend us tax dollars on anything other than us citizens and on us soil....

Currently both of my brothers are in the military and one is overseas.

He wanted to go and feels strongly about keeping rogue nations in check.

If I could turn back time I would join. I hate to admit it but sometimes I am jealous of my brothers...LOL

I can see your point about the financial part of it.

So if the U.S. was far better off economically would this change your view about U.S. troops on other soil?
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This I do agree with and feel we need to keep rogue nations in check.

I personally predict a covert alliance of a couple of other super-powers and speculate are aligning a geographically strategic coop to do a massive pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., before that happens.

I can get into the pattern of events that brings me to believe this, but perhaps another time.

there is no real advantage to launch an atomic strike on the us....(and yes i saw your other thread) ...... their current financial strategy will achive the same result and keep our resources and work force in play......

as for keeping rouge nations in check.....i would leave that to their neighbors.....i see no reason to have us miltiary forces anywhere other than on us soil unless we are war ... and i also don't see any reason to spend us tax dollars on anything other than us citizens and on us soil....

Currently both of my brothers are in the military and one is overseas.

He wanted to go and feels strongly about being pro-active about rogue nations.

If I could turn back time I would join. I hate to admit it but sometimes I am jealous of my brothers...LOL

I can see your point about the financial part of it.

So if the U.S. was far better off economically would this change your view about U.S. troops on other soil?

the us military has bases around the world because at one time it was necessary for deployment purposes.....

i see no point in costs us a fortune and really only benifts the city it is in....just look at what closing domestic bases has done to damge local economies.....if germany or diego garcia wants us there ...they can pay us for it....

as for invading afganistan or iraq.....not necessary.....send a couple of jets and a few predators and whack obl and move on.....

as for your brothers service....thank him for is an honourable and great sacrifcie....
[the us military has bases around the world because at one time it was necessary for deployment purposes.....

i see no point in costs us a fortune and really only benifts the city it is in....just look at what closing domestic bases has done to damge local economies.....if germany or diego garcia wants us there ...they can pay us for it....

as for invading afganistan or iraq.....not necessary.....send a couple of jets and a few predators and whack obl and move on.........

Some very good points. But do you ever speculate Iraq was to secure oil and a strategic square on the world's chessboard?

as for your brothers service....thank him for is an honourable and great sacrifcie....

They are both diehard's and lifers in the military. One I would almost bet anything will be General eventually.
[the us military has bases around the world because at one time it was necessary for deployment purposes.....

i see no point in costs us a fortune and really only benifts the city it is in....just look at what closing domestic bases has done to damge local economies.....if germany or diego garcia wants us there ...they can pay us for it....

as for invading afganistan or iraq.....not necessary.....send a couple of jets and a few predators and whack obl and move on.........

Some very good points. But do you ever speculate Iraq was to secure oil and a strategic square on the world's chessboard?

as for your brothers service....thank him for is an honourable and great sacrifcie....

They are both diehard's and lifers in the military. One I would almost bet anything will be General eventually.

we could have simply lifted the embargo and bought the oil....hell for what we spent we could have bought the any event we already have bases and oil in several other countries adjacent and were already in we didn't need to invade or pick up another square on the wolrds risk board....

ya my family all served.....i broke the cycle under advice of my father....i don't take orders well....
This I do agree with and feel we need to keep rogue nations in check.

I personally predict a covert alliance of a couple of other super-powers and speculate are aligning a geographically strategic coop to do a massive pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S., before that happens.

I can get into the pattern of events that brings me to believe this, but perhaps another time.

there is no real advantage to launch an atomic strike on the us....(and yes i saw your other thread) ...... their current financial strategy will achive the same result and keep our resources and work force in play......

as for keeping rouge nations in check.....i would leave that to their neighbors.....i see no reason to have us miltiary forces anywhere other than on us soil unless we are war ... and i also don't see any reason to spend us tax dollars on anything other than us citizens and on us soil....

Currently both of my brothers are in the military and one is overseas.

He wanted to go and feels strongly about keeping rogue nations in check.

If I could turn back time I would join. I hate to admit it but sometimes I am jealous of my brothers...LOL

I can see your point about the financial part of it.

So if the U.S. was far better off economically would this change your view about U.S. troops on other soil?

They are ashamed of you.
I'm ashamed to be in the
same species as you.
I'm ashamed to be in the
same species as you.

Same species?

My genes have evolved well past the single celled organism fact within the top 99.998% on the intelligence curve for humans.
Your genes cannot have gotten much past the amoeba stage.
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