My ex-business partner was a Baptist.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Since my parents were devout Christians I thought this guy would be trustworthy and have a core of Christian integrity and ethics. WRONG! What I found out was that he used his Faith as a sort of sin car wash where he could be the most unethical, lying, stealing asshole all week long, go to church on Sunday with his white shirt and blue tie and come out fresh as a daisy. Long story short, I left the partnership, 4 years later the business went bankrupt and the IRS came down on Brother Baptist like a Biblical plague.

I know that not all Christians are like him, that is not my point. My point is religion is not bad in and of itself. But people will always twist religion into what they want it to be and therein lies the danger.
Glad you got out in time. I see lots of business advertise Christian owner, I rather stay away from them as I wonder why they feel the need to advertise as a Christian business owner, its a red flag, like I'm Christian so I'm honest,

people use religion, and many make big bucks off of it.

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