Under Judgment - Washington Warned

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In 2013 Jonathan Cahn gave this warning at the Inaugural Prayer Breakfast. Obama was not in attendance but he should have been. God sent Jonathan Cahn to Washington to deliver the message that America is under the judgment of God. Jonathan Cahn is a Jew who has received Jesus Christ as His Messiah and is called of God to warn America. This is one message you do not want to miss. Listen to this:

Did you hear what he said? The city on the hill has grown darkened, its lamp has grown dim, its glory is fading for God is not mocked.
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Here is another video by Jonathan Cahn on the subject of America under judgment.
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America is under the judgment of God. God has sent His messengers to warn of the coming judgment. Men such as Dimitru Duduman, Michael Boldea Jr, Jonathan Cahn........to warn the people of America that judgment is coming.

Israel is the template for all other nations concerning the judgment of God. All we have to do is look at how God dealt with Israel, the history of Israel to see the signs unfolding here in America. The Bible is very clear about how God sends His warnings of judgment.

It is written:

2 Chronicles 36 16 But they mocked God s messengers despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against his people and there was no remedy.

and again it is written:

2 Chronicles 36 17 He brought up against them the king of the Babylonians who killed their young men with the sword in the sanctuary and did not spare young men or young women the elderly or the infirm. God gave them all into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar.
History is about to repeat itself. Here with America. The signs are all around us. Who is going to heed the warning and turn to the LORD?
America was consecrated to God at Ground Zero - and that is where the judgment fell on 9/11 - it was the very place George Washington dedicated America to God and gave the warning that if the people ever turned away from God the judgment of God would fall. Now we are facing an even greater judgment because the people did not repent but rather they accelerated in their wickedness and today America is far more wicked than she was on 9/11. The judgment coming will make 9/11 pale in comparison.

The exact same thing happened to Israel - the very location where Israel was consecrated to God is the very place that fell under destruction first.
America was consecrated to God at Ground Zero - and that is where the judgment fell on 9/11 - it was the very place George Washington dedicated America to God and gave the warning that if the people ever turned away from God the judgment of God would fall. Now we are facing an even greater judgment because the people did not repent but rather they accelerated in their wickedness and today America is far more wicked than she was on 9/11. The judgment coming will make 9/11 pale in comparison.

The exact same thing happened to Israel - the very location where Israel was consecrated to God is the very place that fell under destruction first.

So God told a bunch of crazed Muslims to crash planes into the world trade centre and made them instruments of his judgement.? Do you share the Muslim view that the hijackers went to heaven for sacrificing themselves?
If God is wrathful he needs to take a tranquilizer.

God is God Almighty and does not need tranquilizers. You need to repent while there is still breath in you to do it. That is what you need to do. Otherwise you will come under judgment and be destroyed with the wicked. You'll spend all eternity suffering the torments of hell. Is that what you want? No. REPENT.
America was consecrated to God at Ground Zero - and that is where the judgment fell on 9/11 - it was the very place George Washington dedicated America to God and gave the warning that if the people ever turned away from God the judgment of God would fall. Now we are facing an even greater judgment because the people did not repent but rather they accelerated in their wickedness and today America is far more wicked than she was on 9/11. The judgment coming will make 9/11 pale in comparison.

The exact same thing happened to Israel - the very location where Israel was consecrated to God is the very place that fell under destruction first.

So God told a bunch of crazed Muslims to crash planes into the world trade centre and made them instruments of his judgement.? Do you share the Muslim view that the hijackers went to heaven for sacrificing themselves?

God lifted the hedge of protection over America and allowed us to be attacked by Baal god worshipers. ( baal Allah) Because America has sinned against God and turned her back on God. That is why 9/11 happened. Do not expect the protection of God while you live in open rebellion against Him and His Word. Are the 9/11 Baal worshipers that attacked us in hell today?

You know the scriptures........

But, the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. - Revelation 21:8

No follower of Islam can go to heaven. Terrorist or not. Anyone who rejects Jesus Christ as the only way to enter into heaven is damned. Anyone who denies Jesus Christ is God is damned. Anyone who refuses to obey the Word of God and repent is going to spend all eternity in hell. REPENT.
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If God is wrathful he needs to take a tranquilizer.

God is God Almighty and does not need tranquilizers. You need to repent while there is still breath in you to do it. That is what you need to do. Otherwise you will come under judgment and be destroyed with the wicked. You'll spend all eternity suffering the torments of hell. Is that what you want? No. REPENT.

I walked out of a bible class when I was sixteen because they went on about hellfire, and my heart told me a loving God would not do that to anyone. I then spent the following fifty years searching through cults and religions looking for the truth. As far as I am concerned I have a picture of what is probably true, and that includes reincarnation over many lives, even on different planets. That is until we reach a state of grace after which we inhabit higher planes of experience. I have got this from several different sources over the years, and I think it is probably true. But all you have is bible doctrine.
America was consecrated to God at Ground Zero - and that is where the judgment fell on 9/11 - it was the very place George Washington dedicated America to God and gave the warning that if the people ever turned away from God the judgment of God would fall. Now we are facing an even greater judgment because the people did not repent but rather they accelerated in their wickedness and today America is far more wicked than she was on 9/11. The judgment coming will make 9/11 pale in comparison.

The exact same thing happened to Israel - the very location where Israel was consecrated to God is the very place that fell under destruction first.

So God told a bunch of crazed Muslims to crash planes into the world trade centre and made them instruments of his judgement.? Do you share the Muslim view that the hijackers went to heaven for sacrificing themselves?

You know the scriptures........

But, the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. - Revelation 21:8

No follower of Islam can go to heaven. Terrorist or not. Anyone who rejects Jesus Christ as the only way to enter into heaven is damned. Anyone who denies Jesus Christ is God is damned. Anyone who refuses to obey the Word of God and repent is going to spend all eternity in hell. REPENT.

So God used Muslims to destroy the world trade centre but he did not save them from hell?
God did not use Muslims for anything. They devised their own evil plans because the fruit of Islam is murder, genocide, rape, etc. This is what God did - He lifted the hedge of protection over America. The rest happened because God has given all mankind a free will. You have a free will and you are using it to accuse God and mock Him. You need to repent.
If God is wrathful he needs to take a tranquilizer.

God is God Almighty and does not need tranquilizers. You need to repent while there is still breath in you to do it. That is what you need to do. Otherwise you will come under judgment and be destroyed with the wicked. You'll spend all eternity suffering the torments of hell. Is that what you want? No. REPENT.

I walked out of a bible class when I was sixteen because they went on about hellfire, and my heart told me a loving God would not do that to anyone. I then spent the following fifty years searching through cults and religions looking for the truth. As far as I am concerned I have a picture of what is probably true, and that includes reincarnation over many lives, even on different planets. That is until we reach a state of grace after which we inhabit higher planes of experience. I have got this from several different sources over the years, and I think it is probably true. But all you have is bible doctrine.

The Word of God is all that I need. You're deceived. You walked out of the bible class because God gave you a free will to choose to obey Him or not obey Him. You chose to walk away and find an alternative truth that made allowances for your rebellion. That is what you did. The bottom line is that there are consequences for disobedience. It is called hell. If you were obeying God you wouldn't have a problem with hell but would rather agree that God is righteous and just.
No follower of Islam can go to heaven. Terrorist or not. Anyone who rejects Jesus Christ as the only way to enter into heaven is damned. Anyone who denies Jesus Christ is God is damned. Anyone who refuses to obey the Word of God and repent is going to spend all eternity in hell. REPENT.

Damned, damned, damned, according to your doctrine almost everyone is damned. Does that include all the Buddhists,? because they follow a high moral teaching.
God did not use Muslims for anything. They devised their own evil plans because the fruit of Islam is murder, genocide, rape, etc. This is what God did - He lifted the hedge of protection over America. The rest happened because God has given all mankind a free will. You have a free will and you are using it to accuse God and mock Him. You need to repent.

So God could have protected America, but he did not bother?
No follower of Islam can go to heaven. Terrorist or not. Anyone who rejects Jesus Christ as the only way to enter into heaven is damned. Anyone who denies Jesus Christ is God is damned. Anyone who refuses to obey the Word of God and repent is going to spend all eternity in hell. REPENT.

Damned, damned, damned, according to your doctrine almost everyone is damned. Does that include all the Buddhists,? because they follow a high moral teaching.

No Buddhist can enter the kingdom of heaven. They must be born again. The bible is clear. Jesus told Nicodemus - Ye must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. You attended bible class and should know this. It is the very doctrine of Christ. You must be born again. If you are follower of Jesus Christ you shall enter the kingdom of heaven. If you are an idolater and a follower of Allah, Buddah, Satan, a goddess, whatever...you'll be in hell. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Not whosoever shall call upon the name of Buddah shall be saved. It's the Word of God you have a problem with. You need to accept that God's Word is true. You are not more compassionate than God, Dajjaal. Not even close. Not even in the same hemisphere. So drop it.
If God is wrathful he needs to take a tranquilizer.

God is God Almighty and does not need tranquilizers. You need to repent while there is still breath in you to do it. That is what you need to do. Otherwise you will come under judgment and be destroyed with the wicked. You'll spend all eternity suffering the torments of hell. Is that what you want? No. REPENT.

I walked out of a bible class when I was sixteen because they went on about hellfire, and my heart told me a loving God would not do that to anyone. I then spent the following fifty years searching through cults and religions looking for the truth. As far as I am concerned I have a picture of what is probably true, and that includes reincarnation over many lives, even on different planets. That is until we reach a state of grace after which we inhabit higher planes of experience. I have got this from several different sources over the years, and I think it is probably true. But all you have is bible doctrine.

The Word of God is all that I need. You're deceived. You walked out of the bible class because God gave you a free will to choose to obey Him or not obey Him. You chose to walk away and find an alternative truth that made allowances for your rebellion. That is what you did. The bottom line is that there are consequences for disobedience. It is called hell. If you were obeying God you wouldn't have a problem with hell but would rather agree that God is righteous and just.

No! I walked out of a bible class because I could feel in my heart that God would not condemn anyone to eternal hellfire. Did you know that the lake of fire is an ancient Egyptian invention from the book of the dead?
God did not use Muslims for anything. They devised their own evil plans because the fruit of Islam is murder, genocide, rape, etc. This is what God did - He lifted the hedge of protection over America. The rest happened because God has given all mankind a free will. You have a free will and you are using it to accuse God and mock Him. You need to repent.

So God could have protected America, but he did not bother?

The people turned their backs on God and God lifted the hedge of protection. Instead of America repenting she has accelerated in her wickedness. Now America faces a greater judgment than 9/11. You need to repent.
If God is wrathful he needs to take a tranquilizer.

God is God Almighty and does not need tranquilizers. You need to repent while there is still breath in you to do it. That is what you need to do. Otherwise you will come under judgment and be destroyed with the wicked. You'll spend all eternity suffering the torments of hell. Is that what you want? No. REPENT.

I walked out of a bible class when I was sixteen because they went on about hellfire, and my heart told me a loving God would not do that to anyone. I then spent the following fifty years searching through cults and religions looking for the truth. As far as I am concerned I have a picture of what is probably true, and that includes reincarnation over many lives, even on different planets. That is until we reach a state of grace after which we inhabit higher planes of experience. I have got this from several different sources over the years, and I think it is probably true. But all you have is bible doctrine.

The Word of God is all that I need. You're deceived. You walked out of the bible class because God gave you a free will to choose to obey Him or not obey Him. You chose to walk away and find an alternative truth that made allowances for your rebellion. That is what you did. The bottom line is that there are consequences for disobedience. It is called hell. If you were obeying God you wouldn't have a problem with hell but would rather agree that God is righteous and just.

No! I walked out of a bible class because I could feel in my heart that God would not condemn anyone to eternal hellfire. Did you know that the lake of fire is an ancient Egyptian invention from the book of the dead?

Those who reject Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior have chosen to be condemned - to remain condemned in their sins. Do you not know this?

It is written:
"For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

John 3:17,18,19

You have admitted numerous times that you are involved in the occult. You've chosen evil over good, Satan over God and you have the audacity to judge God? You need to realize you've been deceived by Satan and have believed his lies over God's truth. Repent. You need to repent.
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God did not use Muslims for anything. They devised their own evil plans because the fruit of Islam is murder, genocide, rape, etc. This is what God did - He lifted the hedge of protection over America. The rest happened because God has given all mankind a free will. You have a free will and you are using it to accuse God and mock Him. You need to repent.

So God could have protected America, but he did not bother?

The people turned their backs on God and God lifted the hedge of protection. Instead of America repenting she has accelerated in her wickedness. Now America faces a greater judgment than 9/11. You need to repent.

The spirit guides I have listened to over the years say that we are our own judges. God does not judge us, we evolve spiritually and remember what we have done and regret it. Our punishment is we have to face karma over many lifetimes to account for bad actions.

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