
Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Okay righties, first my epiphany: The PC Police has finally convinced me - as a result of their civil & thoughtful mix of personal insults, name-calling, deflection, distortion, cattiness, snark and general nastiness - that the poor race relations in this country are all your fault. I've always thought that this was an issue that both sides need to address, but evidently not.

Okay, let's proceed from that assumption. Here's my challenge to you: Let's take an honest and serious look at what conservatives can do to begin to mend fences and improve race relations in this country.

No finger-pointing, only mirror-gazing.

I'd start with the political class, which has to grow the balls to acknowledge that racism still exists (for whatever reason) and that expressions of racism should not be tolerated lightly. No, not to take the PC Police approach of trying to destroy anyone who says anything you don't like, but to be willing to say something and engage people like that in constructive conversation.

Next is the chattering class, the conservative media that stokes flames by refusing to challenge their listeners and readers to look in the mirror rather than point the finger. There has to be an admission that this type of behavior provides a net disservice to the conversation. And the political class almost certainly has to lead here, even at the risk of losing their cushy gubmit jobs.

Then, next is the echo chamber. Conservatives have to be willing to challenge themselves to step outside the standard rhetoric and admit it when they see or hear attitudes and behaviors that are destructive. Again, not to take the PC Police approach of attacks, intimidation and control, but to engage people in honest conversation, to be leaders, and not followers.

Okay, that's a start. The Left has convinced me, they are blameless and pristine. What do you think conservatives can do to improve race relations from their side only?

Okay righties, first my epiphany: The PC Police has finally convinced me - as a result of their civil & thoughtful mix of personal insults, name-calling, deflection, distortion, cattiness, snark and general nastiness - that the poor race relations in this country are all your fault. I've always thought that this was an issue that both sides need to address, but evidently not.

Okay, let's proceed from that assumption. Here's my challenge to you: Let's take an honest and serious look at what conservatives can do to begin to mend fences and improve race relations in this country.

No finger-pointing, only mirror-gazing.

I'd start with the political class, which has to grow the balls to acknowledge that racism still exists (for whatever reason) and that expressions of racism should not be tolerated lightly. No, not to take the PC Police approach of trying to destroy anyone who says anything you don't like, but to be willing to say something and engage people like that in constructive conversation.

Next is the chattering class, the conservative media that stokes flames by refusing to challenge their listeners and readers to look in the mirror rather than point the finger. There has to be an admission that this type of behavior provides a net disservice to the conversation. And the political class almost certainly has to lead here, even at the risk of losing their cushy gubmit jobs.

Then, next is the echo chamber. Conservatives have to be willing to challenge themselves to step outside the standard rhetoric and admit it when they see or hear attitudes and behaviors that are destructive. Again, not to take the PC Police approach of attacks, intimidation and control, but to engage people in honest conversation, to be leaders, and not followers.

Okay, that's a start. The Left has convinced me, they are blameless and pristine. What do you think conservatives can do to improve race relations from their side only?

Most conservatives treat people of other races than themselves without prejudice. They treat people by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Treating people of other races as "special" ... yeah that's what most democrats and racists do.
No thanks. I"ll just hold that mirror up and let eveyone gaze into it until they learn the definitions of racist, racism, prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, tolerance, and ack ack......
Okay righties, first my epiphany: The PC Police has finally convinced me - as a result of their civil & thoughtful mix of personal insults, name-calling, deflection, distortion, cattiness, snark and general nastiness - that the poor race relations in this country are all your fault. I've always thought that this was an issue that both sides need to address, but evidently not.

Okay, let's proceed from that assumption. Here's my challenge to you: Let's take an honest and serious look at what conservatives can do to begin to mend fences and improve race relations in this country.

No finger-pointing, only mirror-gazing.

I'd start with the political class, which has to grow the balls to acknowledge that racism still exists (for whatever reason) and that expressions of racism should not be tolerated lightly. No, not to take the PC Police approach of trying to destroy anyone who says anything you don't like, but to be willing to say something and engage people like that in constructive conversation.

Next is the chattering class, the conservative media that stokes flames by refusing to challenge their listeners and readers to look in the mirror rather than point the finger. There has to be an admission that this type of behavior provides a net disservice to the conversation. And the political class almost certainly has to lead here, even at the risk of losing their cushy gubmit jobs.

Then, next is the echo chamber. Conservatives have to be willing to challenge themselves to step outside the standard rhetoric and admit it when they see or hear attitudes and behaviors that are destructive. Again, not to take the PC Police approach of attacks, intimidation and control, but to engage people in honest conversation, to be leaders, and not followers.

Okay, that's a start. The Left has convinced me, they are blameless and pristine. What do you think conservatives can do to improve race relations from their side only?


Racial problems aren't any political parties' fault. If you look at history, racism's always been a thing. Dr. Seuss nailed it with the story about the things with stars on their bellies, and those without. Obvious differences in appearence as with ethnicity will always be a bone of contention. Even in all-monoethnic populations, people still find something to be bigoted about as seen recently in SE Asia with refugees seeking entry into a country they'd blend perfectly in as far as skin color and general appearence goes being refused. In that case it was religious discrimination, but it proves the point, even when you look the same, you still (as I said in that thread) find something to be a dick about. :)
Does p.c. exist coming from the right as well, or does it not?

Only honesty can set you free mac, and despite deflecting from that question - not recognizing that it occurs independent of party affiliation? Youre part of the problem.

Do conservatives want gays to have the right to marry? P.c.
Remember that time when black folks did unspeakable things to white people and caused them hardships and stuff? No?

Are you sure? Because Mac seems to think that black people (the minority) has some sort of equal stake in the state of race relations as if they had a hand in creating racist attitudes that existed for hundreds of years.

Maybe Mac believes that the usual suspects were around 2 -300 years ago. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Remember when white people loved MLK because he would sit at a counter and pour the white people food on himself? No? Well, you dont remember that because....its MLK's fault
Okay righties, first my epiphany: The PC Police has finally convinced me - as a result of their civil & thoughtful mix of personal insults, name-calling, deflection, distortion, cattiness, snark and general nastiness - that the poor race relations in this country are all your fault. I've always thought that this was an issue that both sides need to address, but evidently not.

Okay, let's proceed from that assumption. Here's my challenge to you: Let's take an honest and serious look at what conservatives can do to begin to mend fences and improve race relations in this country.

No finger-pointing, only mirror-gazing.

I'd start with the political class, which has to grow the balls to acknowledge that racism still exists (for whatever reason) and that expressions of racism should not be tolerated lightly. No, not to take the PC Police approach of trying to destroy anyone who says anything you don't like, but to be willing to say something and engage people like that in constructive conversation.

Next is the chattering class, the conservative media that stokes flames by refusing to challenge their listeners and readers to look in the mirror rather than point the finger. There has to be an admission that this type of behavior provides a net disservice to the conversation. And the political class almost certainly has to lead here, even at the risk of losing their cushy gubmit jobs.

Then, next is the echo chamber. Conservatives have to be willing to challenge themselves to step outside the standard rhetoric and admit it when they see or hear attitudes and behaviors that are destructive. Again, not to take the PC Police approach of attacks, intimidation and control, but to engage people in honest conversation, to be leaders, and not followers.

Okay, that's a start. The Left has convinced me, they are blameless and pristine. What do you think conservatives can do to improve race relations from their side only?


Conservatives should keep doing what they're doing. Treating individuals as people and not dependents. Blacks have been coddled by the Democrats for so long it seems they've forgotten how to rely on themselves.

Dems solution is to throw many at you to hush you up and get your vote and you clowns fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Remember that time when black folks did unspeakable things to white people and caused them hardships and stuff? No?

Are you sure? Because Mac seems to think that black people (the minority) has some sort of equal stake in the state of race relations as if they had a hand in creating racist attitudes that existed for hundreds of years.

Maybe Mac believes that the usual suspects were around 2 -300 years ago. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Remember when white people loved MLK because he would sit at a counter and pour the white people food on himself? No? Well, you dont remember that because....its MLK's fault
Oh yeah, I forgot how the PC Police also use straw men, thanks for the reminder.

Not very helpful to the thread, of course, but I know that's not a priority.

Remember that time when black folks did unspeakable things to white people and caused them hardships and stuff? No?

Are you sure? Because Mac seems to think that black people (the minority) has some sort of equal stake in the state of race relations as if they had a hand in creating racist attitudes that existed for hundreds of years.

Maybe Mac believes that the usual suspects were around 2 -300 years ago. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Remember when white people loved MLK because he would sit at a counter and pour the white people food on himself? No? Well, you dont remember that because....its MLK's fault
Oh yeah, I forgot how the PC Police also use straw men, thanks for the reminder.


Aww you just say that whenever you cant address a point :itsok:

Go on and tell us how blacks are equally responsible for racism in the US.

One day, Harriet Tubman saw a white man and called him cracka, and that was the day racism started...
Remember that time when black folks did unspeakable things to white people and caused them hardships and stuff? No?

Are you sure? Because Mac seems to think that black people (the minority) has some sort of equal stake in the state of race relations as if they had a hand in creating racist attitudes that existed for hundreds of years.

Maybe Mac believes that the usual suspects were around 2 -300 years ago. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Remember when white people loved MLK because he would sit at a counter and pour the white people food on himself? No? Well, you dont remember that because....its MLK's fault
This is an actual counter point, and he will deflect. The girl is a coward.
Remember that time when black folks did unspeakable things to white people and caused them hardships and stuff? No?

Are you sure? Because Mac seems to think that black people (the minority) has some sort of equal stake in the state of race relations as if they had a hand in creating racist attitudes that existed for hundreds of years.

Maybe Mac believes that the usual suspects were around 2 -300 years ago. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Remember when white people loved MLK because he would sit at a counter and pour the white people food on himself? No? Well, you dont remember that because....its MLK's fault
Oh yeah, I forgot how the PC Police also use straw men, thanks for the reminder.


Aww you just say that whenever you cant address a point :itsok:

Go on and tell us how blacks are equally responsible for racism in the US.

One day, Harriet Tubman saw a white man and called him cracka, and that was the day racism started...
I realize honesty isn't a big deal for you, but perhaps you can show me where I came within 300 miles of saying that "blacks are equally responsible for racism in the US".

Please stop lying about me. This has become tedious.

If you can't be honest, go away.


This is the same bullshit they say about Obama. Awww Race Relations were great...UNTIL OBAMA RUINED IT!

Now heres Mac has to acknowledge racism exists but she's using the "everyone does it" excuse.

Except one racism was sanctioned and enforced by the Government and the other is people having bad tastes in their mouths for being oppressed.

Remember that time when black folks did unspeakable things to white people and caused them hardships and stuff? No?

Are you sure? Because Mac seems to think that black people (the minority) has some sort of equal stake in the state of race relations as if they had a hand in creating racist attitudes that existed for hundreds of years.

Maybe Mac believes that the usual suspects were around 2 -300 years ago. Like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Remember when white people loved MLK because he would sit at a counter and pour the white people food on himself? No? Well, you dont remember that because....its MLK's fault
Oh yeah, I forgot how the PC Police also use straw men, thanks for the reminder.


Aww you just say that whenever you cant address a point :itsok:

Go on and tell us how blacks are equally responsible for racism in the US.

One day, Harriet Tubman saw a white man and called him cracka, and that was the day racism started...
I realize honesty isn't a big deal for you, but perhaps you can show me where I came within 300 miles of saying that "blacks are equally responsible for racism in the US".

The PC Police has finally convinced me - as a result of their civil & thoughtful mix of personal insults, name-calling, deflection, distortion, cattiness, snark and general nastiness - that the poor race relations in this country are all your fault. I've always thought that this was an issue that both sides need to address, but evidently not.

Please stop lying about me. This has become tedious.

If you can't be honest, go away.



You hate when I expose your bullshit for bullshit and I love it
Does p.c. exist coming from the right as well, or does it not?

Only honesty can set you free mac, and despite deflecting from that question - not recognizing that it occurs independent of party affiliation? Youre part of the problem.

Do conservatives want gays to have the right to marry? P.c.
The problem with racists is that they can't see past their generalizations. Yes, many conservatives want gays to have the right to marry.
Okay righties, first my epiphany: The PC Police has finally convinced me - as a result of their civil & thoughtful mix of personal insults, name-calling, deflection, distortion, cattiness, snark and general nastiness - that the poor race relations in this country are all your fault. I've always thought that this was an issue that both sides need to address, but evidently not.

Okay, let's proceed from that assumption. Here's my challenge to you: Let's take an honest and serious look at what conservatives can do to begin to mend fences and improve race relations in this country.

No finger-pointing, only mirror-gazing.

I'd start with the political class, which has to grow the balls to acknowledge that racism still exists (for whatever reason) and that expressions of racism should not be tolerated lightly. No, not to take the PC Police approach of trying to destroy anyone who says anything you don't like, but to be willing to say something and engage people like that in constructive conversation.

Next is the chattering class, the conservative media that stokes flames by refusing to challenge their listeners and readers to look in the mirror rather than point the finger. There has to be an admission that this type of behavior provides a net disservice to the conversation. And the political class almost certainly has to lead here, even at the risk of losing their cushy gubmit jobs.

Then, next is the echo chamber. Conservatives have to be willing to challenge themselves to step outside the standard rhetoric and admit it when they see or hear attitudes and behaviors that are destructive. Again, not to take the PC Police approach of attacks, intimidation and control, but to engage people in honest conversation, to be leaders, and not followers.

Okay, that's a start. The Left has convinced me, they are blameless and pristine. What do you think conservatives can do to improve race relations from their side only?

There is no "PC police," the notion is unfounded nonsense.

Otherwise, your post is childish and ridiculous.
Does p.c. exist coming from the right as well, or does it not?

Only honesty can set you free mac, and despite deflecting from that question - not recognizing that it occurs independent of party affiliation? Youre part of the problem.

Do conservatives want gays to have the right to marry? P.c.
The problem with racists is that they can't see past their generalizations. Yes, many conservatives want gays to have the right to marry.
Seeing past generalizations is the exact point.

"Pc" police isnt a partisan issue. "Pc" comes from both sides, and its retarded to claim otherwise.
Does p.c. exist coming from the right as well, or does it not?

Only honesty can set you free mac, and despite deflecting from that question - not recognizing that it occurs independent of party affiliation? Youre part of the problem.

Do conservatives want gays to have the right to marry? P.c.
The problem with racists is that they can't see past their generalizations. Yes, many conservatives want gays to have the right to marry.
That's where the echo chamber kicks in. I think many conservatives are more open-minded than they allow themselves to appear.

Same with liberals. But they're all so stuck in their patterns.

Does p.c. exist coming from the right as well, or does it not?

Only honesty can set you free mac, and despite deflecting from that question - not recognizing that it occurs independent of party affiliation? Youre part of the problem.

Do conservatives want gays to have the right to marry? P.c.
The problem with racists is that they can't see past their generalizations. Yes, many conservatives want gays to have the right to marry.
Seeing past generalizations is the exact point.

"Pc" police isnt a partisan issue. "Pc" comes from both sides, and its retarded to claim otherwise.
Said another way, PC policing is a partisan tool used by both sides, and it's retarded to claim otherwise.
Does p.c. exist coming from the right as well, or does it not?

Only honesty can set you free mac, and despite deflecting from that question - not recognizing that it occurs independent of party affiliation? Youre part of the problem.

Do conservatives want gays to have the right to marry? P.c.
The problem with racists is that they can't see past their generalizations. Yes, many conservatives want gays to have the right to marry.

Many more do not...hell, if the positions of most of your Presidential canidates dont count then nothing does

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