Muslims in America and the Jewish Solution


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
In order to stem the tide of mounting xenophobia, racism and misplaced nationalism (as this country starts to mimic Germany in the early 30's), are Jews the only ones who can save Muslims in America?

For they might be the only ones who can see what is coming?

In order to stem the tide of mounting xenophobia, racism and misplaced nationalism (as this country starts to mimic Germany in the early 30's), are Jews the only ones who can save Muslims in America?

For they might be the only ones who can see what is coming?

How is this country starting to mimic 1930s Germany? Are you talking about the control of the press by Jews then and now? Yes, very similar.
In order to stem the tide of mounting xenophobia, racism and misplaced nationalism (as this country starts to mimic Germany in the early 30's), are Jews the only ones who can save Muslims in America?

For they might be the only ones who can see what is coming?

You mean like Jews are saving Muslims in France? Probably. And it's easy to see what's coming. Just look at France. After decades of playing a crucial role in flooding France with Muslims and using political correctness to render the French nearly defenseless, the Jews of France are fleeing en masse to Israel leaving France in ruins.

Will likely happen here, too.

I'd be willing to be anything the vipers with the placards in the pic above never advocate for opening the borders of Israel to Muslims, thus proving themselves out-and-out enemies of the American people.
How is this country starting to mimic 1930s Germany? Are you talking about the control of the press by Jews then and now? Yes, very similar.
Well, for starters...
  • we elected a racist demagogue as our leader
  • he called the press, "the enemy"
  • his base is an extreme radical right wing fringe of hate
  • he's scapegoating an entire race of people
  • he's demanding that we buy in to his absurd statements
  • he's isolating us from the rest of the world
  • he's fomenting a misplaced nationalism
  • he doesn't respect our laws
And that's just the short list. Almost 90 years ago, a leader on the other side of the planet got his people to believe the emperor has new clothes. And we got one right now, who is trying to get us to believe the same thing. If that doesn't work, this is what he's going to do...

...create a national crisis out of thin air; proclaim the country is being threatened by radical Islam and undocumented immigrants; declare martial law; scrap the Constitution; install a totalitarian capitalist regime; and fill up all those detention centers Halliburton built across the country.
You mean like Jews are saving Muslims in France? Probably. And it's easy to see what's coming. Just look at France. After decades of playing a crucial role in flooding France with Muslims and using political correctness to render the French nearly defenseless, the Jews of France are fleeing en masse to Israel leaving France in ruins.

Will likely happen here, too.

I'd be willing to be anything the vipers with the placards in the pic above never advocate for opening the borders of Israel to Muslims, thus proving themselves out-and-out enemies of the American people.
There are more Jews leaving Israel than are coming in, because the government won't reduce the price of "milky".
How is this country starting to mimic 1930s Germany? Are you talking about the control of the press by Jews then and now? Yes, very similar.
Well, for starters...
  • we elected a racist demagogue as our leader
  • he called the press, "the enemy"
  • his base is an extreme radical right wing fringe of hate
  • he's scapegoating an entire race of people
  • he's demanding that we buy in to his absurd statements
  • he's isolating us from the rest of the world
  • he's fomenting a misplaced nationalism
  • he doesn't respect our laws
And that's just the short list. Almost 90 years ago, a leader on the other side of the planet got his people to believe the emperor has new clothes. And we got one right now, who is trying to get us to believe the same thing. If that doesn't work, this is what he's going to do...

...create a national crisis out of thin air; proclaim the country is being threatened by radical Islam and undocumented immigrants; declare martial law; scrap the Constitution; install a totalitarian capitalist regime; and fill up all those detention centers Halliburton built across the country.

1. The fact that you race baiting demagogues call him a racist, does not make it so. YOu are the problem, not us.

2. The Press's actions have made them the enemy. Their is nothing wrong with telling the Truth. If you think there is, that shows that you are in the wrong.

3. Your refusal to see that your enemies have valid interests and grievances, is just you being an ass.

4. He is not "Scapegoating" an entire race of people. Try to be less dishonest.

5. The rest of the world is fucked up. Trump is the answer to our shared problems.

6. Their is nothing wrong with Americans being proud of being Americans, and/or wanting American policies to serve American interests. You having a problem with this is you being an Anti-American.

7. You don't respect our laws. Or our nation.

8. Your demagogic panic mongering is noted and dismissed. You are the bad guy here.
  • we elected a racist demagogue as our leader
Right here, you already lost me because all this statement tells me is that either you don't have the brains to see through the media bullshit propaganda or your motives aren't honorable.
  • he called the press, "the enemy"
It is.
  • his base is an extreme radical right wing fringe of hate
How could the base of a popularly elected president be an extreme fringe. And you use of "hate" shows me that you are just a gullible sheep not to be taken seriously.
  • he's scapegoating an entire race of people
Who? and How?
1. The fact that you race baiting demagogues call him a racist, does not make it so. YOu are the problem, not us.

2. The Press's actions have made them the enemy. Their is nothing wrong with telling the Truth. If you think there is, that shows that you are in the wrong.

3. Your refusal to see that your enemies have valid interests and grievances, is just you being an ass.

4. He is not "Scapegoating" an entire race of people. Try to be less dishonest.

5. The rest of the world is fucked up. Trump is the answer to our shared problems.

6. Their is nothing wrong with Americans being proud of being Americans, and/or wanting American policies to serve American interests. You having a problem with this is you being an Anti-American.

7. You don't respect our laws. Or our nation.

8. Your demagogic panic mongering is noted and dismissed. You are the bad guy here.
Thank you. There is no better proof of what I am saying, than your post.
1. The fact that you race baiting demagogues call him a racist, does not make it so. YOu are the problem, not us.

2. The Press's actions have made them the enemy. Their is nothing wrong with telling the Truth. If you think there is, that shows that you are in the wrong.

3. Your refusal to see that your enemies have valid interests and grievances, is just you being an ass.

4. He is not "Scapegoating" an entire race of people. Try to be less dishonest.

5. The rest of the world is fucked up. Trump is the answer to our shared problems.

6. Their is nothing wrong with Americans being proud of being Americans, and/or wanting American policies to serve American interests. You having a problem with this is you being an Anti-American.

7. You don't respect our laws. Or our nation.

8. Your demagogic panic mongering is noted and dismissed. You are the bad guy here.
Thank you. There is no better proof of what I am saying, than your post.

Your pretense that I did not demolish your rant is noted as evidence of your complete dishonesty.

It is also obvious that you cannot defend your hysterical claims and/or delusions.
  • we elected a racist demagogue as our leader
Right here, you already lost me because all this statement tells me is that either you don't have the brains to see through the media bullshit propaganda or your motives aren't honorable.
  • he called the press, "the enemy"
It is.
  • his base is an extreme radical right wing fringe of hate
How could the base of a popularly elected president be an extreme fringe. And you use of "hate" shows me that you are just a gullible sheep not to be taken seriously.
  • he's scapegoating an entire race of people
Who? and How?
You're logic is as off target as those bullets.
Your pretense that I did not demolish your rant is noted as evidence of your complete dishonesty.

It is also obvious that you cannot defend your hysterical claims and/or delusions.
I not only defended them, I explained them in detail. All you did, was pontificate out a bunch of baseless accusations that you CAN'T explain in more detail.
Your pretense that I did not demolish your rant is noted as evidence of your complete dishonesty.

It is also obvious that you cannot defend your hysterical claims and/or delusions.
I not only defended them, I explained them in detail. All you did, was pontificate out a bunch of baseless accusations that you CAN'T explain in more detail.

Your "detail" consisted solely of repeating baseless accusations.

There is not more detail for me to add to that. I just fully discussed all there was to say about your delusional partisan rants.
Your "detail" consisted solely of repeating baseless accusations.
As you just repeated what I said.

There is not more detail for me to add to that.
Except "detail".

I just fully discussed all there was to say about your delusional partisan rants.
You watch too much TV.

Alright junior, pencils down and eyes to the front of the class, you're about to be schooled (not home school)...

I'm going to show you the "detail" you claimed you included. Why? Because you're a dumbass! My comments will be in red.

1. The fact that you...(you mean, "your")... race baiting demagogues...(do you know what a demagogue is? It is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument. Are you calling me a political leader?) him a racist, does not make it so. ...(no it doesn't, but his actions in office do. Like nominating a AG who thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is their members smoking pot.)... YOu are the problem, not us. ...(that is one of the staple signitures of Germany in the 30's, "us against them")...

2. The Press's actions have made them the enemy. ...(an enemy, is someone you would kill. Do you want to kill journalists?)...Their ...(you mean "there")... is nothing wrong with telling the Truth. ...(Agreed. But you haven't told any.)... If you think there is, that shows that you are in the wrong. ...(Now you're jumping to conclusions.)...

3. Your refusal to see that your enemies have valid interests and grievances, is just you being an ass. ...(that's the 2nd time you brought up "enemy", but this time, it was as if they were your friends)...

4. He is not "Scapegoating" an entire race of people. Try to be less dishonest. ...(is there a travel ban against the Dutch? Or Australians? the Irish? No, there isn't. And we both know who the travel ban is banning.)...

5. The rest of the world is fucked up. Trump is the answer to our shared problems. ...(too general)...

6. Their is nothing wrong with Americans being proud of being Americans, and/or wanting American policies to serve American interests. You having a problem with this is you being an Anti-American. ...(I have a problem with you thinking you're an American as you demonstrate the actions and ideology of what occurred in Wiemar, Germany)...

7. You don't respect our laws. Or our nation. ...(as you attack me for using my 1st amendment rights. In this country, a person is innocent until proven guilty. In your posts, that is one American value that seems to be missing)...

8. Your demagogic ...(that's not even a word!)... panic mongering is noted and dismissed. ...(strawman)...You are the bad guy here. ...(well, at least your grammar was correct)...
You're welcome!
Your "detail" consisted solely of repeating baseless accusations.
As you just repeated what I said.

There is not more detail for me to add to that.
Except "detail".

I just fully discussed all there was to say about your delusional partisan rants.
You watch too much TV.

Alright junior, pencils down and eyes to the front of the class, you're about to be schooled (not home school)...

I'm going to show you the "detail" you claimed you included. Why? Because you're a dumbass! My comments will be in red.

1. The fact that you...(you mean, "your")... race baiting demagogues...(do you know what a demagogue is? It is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument. Are you calling me a political leader?) him a racist, does not make it so. ...(no it doesn't, but his actions in office do. Like nominating a AG who thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is their members smoking pot.)... YOu are the problem, not us. ...(that is one of the staple signitures of Germany in the 30's, "us against them")...

2. The Press's actions have made them the enemy. ...(an enemy, is someone you would kill. Do you want to kill journalists?)...Their ...(you mean "there")... is nothing wrong with telling the Truth. ...(Agreed. But you haven't told any.)... If you think there is, that shows that you are in the wrong. ...(Now you're jumping to conclusions.)...

3. Your refusal to see that your enemies have valid interests and grievances, is just you being an ass. ...(that's the 2nd time you brought up "enemy", but this time, it was as if they were your friends)...

4. He is not "Scapegoating" an entire race of people. Try to be less dishonest. ...(is there a travel ban against the Dutch? Or Australians? the Irish? No, there isn't. And we both know who the travel ban is banning.)...

5. The rest of the world is fucked up. Trump is the answer to our shared problems. ...(too general)...

6. Their is nothing wrong with Americans being proud of being Americans, and/or wanting American policies to serve American interests. You having a problem with this is you being an Anti-American. ...(I have a problem with you thinking you're an American as you demonstrate the actions and ideology of what occurred in Wiemar, Germany)...

7. You don't respect our laws. Or our nation. ...(as you attack me for using my 1st amendment rights. In this country, a person is innocent until proven guilty. In your posts, that is one American value that seems to be missing)...

8. Your demagogic ...(that's not even a word!)... panic mongering is noted and dismissed. ...(strawman)...You are the bad guy here. ...(well, at least your grammar was correct)...
You're welcome!
Unless you are 14 years old or younger, you are embarrassingly stupid.
  • we elected a racist demagogue as our leader
Right here, you already lost me because all this statement tells me is that either you don't have the brains to see through the media bullshit propaganda or your motives aren't honorable.
  • he called the press, "the enemy"
It is.
  • his base is an extreme radical right wing fringe of hate
How could the base of a popularly elected president be an extreme fringe. And you use of "hate" shows me that you are just a gullible sheep not to be taken seriously.
  • he's scapegoating an entire race of people
Who? and How?
He was NOT popularly elected, many millions marched in opposition to him the day after his inauguration, and he now has the lowest approval rating of any President at this stage (60 days in!) of his presidency.

Trump voters are retreating from supporting him in droves. Only the most rabid, largely racist and very low information types, are refusing to acknowledge his many failings at stepping up to fill the role for which he was NOT popularly elected.
He was NOT popularly elected, many millions marched in opposition to him the day after his inauguration, and he now has the lowest approval rating of any President at this stage (60 days in!) of his presidency.

Trump voters are retreating from supporting him in droves. Only the most rabid, largely racist and very low information types, are refusing to acknowledge his many failings at stepping up to fill the role for which he was NOT popularly elected.
I think saying they're "low information types", is being very, very, generous.

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